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  • The many variants of the Unix operating system require use of a mode of thought that s significantly

    The many variants of the Unix operating system require use of a mode of thought that s significantly different from the one that s required by simpler operating systems. Think Unix introduces readers to important fundamental and intermediate Unix commands and, in the process, inculcates them in the Unix way of thinking. It s a worthy goal in a world with more Linux users than ever, and author Jon Lasser accomplishes it. He s both a capable writer and a knowledgeable user of Unix shell commands. Lasser uses bash under Red Hat Linux in most examples--which usually apply equally well to other Unix variants--and makes asides about other shells and environments, as needed.

    标签: significantly operating variants of

    上传时间: 2017-09-04


  • The running time of quicksort can be improved in practice by taking advantage of the fast running t

    The running time of quicksort can be improved in practice by taking advantage of the fast running time of insertion sort when its input is “nearly” sorted. When quicksort is called on a subarray with fewer than k elements, let it simply return without sorting the subarray. After the top-level call to quicksort returns, run insertion sort on the entire array to finish the sorting process.

    标签: running advantage quicksort improved

    上传时间: 2013-12-01


  • for entropy H = entropy(S) this command will evaluate the entropy of S, S should be row matrix

    for entropy H = entropy(S) this command will evaluate the entropy of S, S should be row matrix H = entropy([X Y Z]) this command will find the joint entropy for the 3 variables H = entropy([X,Y],[Z,W]) this will find H(X,Y/Z,W).. you can use it for any combination of joint entropies Please validate this function before using it

    标签: entropy evaluate command matrix

    上传时间: 2017-09-10


  • Here an embedded System-on-Chip is build, in an Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA with Microblaze as the process

    Here an embedded System-on-Chip is build, in an Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA with Microblaze as the processor.A PLB core System is made with the VGA IP core attached to it. The software written for the MicroBlaze processor specifies the object, the color and the movement of the display. The functionality of the module is verified by implementation on Spartan 3.

    标签: System-on-Chip Microblaze embedded Spartan

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • to become acquainted with a concept « cursor» language of SQL, by the types of cursors, to

    to become acquainted with a concept « cursor» language of SQL, by the types of cursors, to study the process of creation and application of cursors. To consider the examples of the use of cursors at creation of SQL of queries.

    标签: acquainted language concept cursors

    上传时间: 2013-12-24


  • A large body of computer-aided techniques has been developed in recent years to assist in the proce

    A large body of computer-aided techniques has been developed in recent years to assist in the process of modeling, analyzing, and designing communication systems . These computer-aided techniques fall into two categories: formula-based approaches, where the computer is used to evaluate complex formulas, and simulation-based approaches, where the computer is used to simulate the waveforms or signals that flow through the system. The second approach, which involves “waveform”-level simulation (and often incorporates analytical techniques), is the subject of this book. Since performance evaluation and trade off studies are the central issues in the analysis and design of communication systems, we will focus on the use of simulation for evaluating the performance of analog and digital communication systems with the emphasis on digitalcommunication systems.

    标签: computer-aided techniques developed assist

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • three proceses , one proces read some mesages entered from the keyboard until read s EXIT, the the s

    three proceses , one proces read some mesages entered from the keyboard until read s EXIT, the the second process kill his son, than kill himself.

    标签: the read proceses keyboard

    上传时间: 2014-01-17


  • 关于JTAG的介绍

    百度关于JTAG接口的介绍。JTAG是英文“Joint Test Action Group的词头字母的简写,该组织成立于1985 年,是由几家主要的电子制造商发起制订的PCB 和IC 测试标准。JTAG 建议于1990 年被IEEE 批准为IEEE1149.1-1990 测试访问端口和边界扫描结构标准。该标准规定了进行边界扫描所需要的硬件和软件。自从1990 年批准后,IEEE 分别于1993 年和1995 年对该标准作了补充,形成了现在使用的IEEE1149.1a-1993 和IEEE1149.1b-1994。JTAG 主要应用于:电路的边界扫描测试和可编程芯片的在系统编程。

    标签: 单片机扩展 编程

    上传时间: 2015-05-11


  • Writing Analytically ( 6th Edition )

    《分析性写作》,介绍言简意赅: The popular, brief rhetoric that treats writing as thinking, WRITING ANALYTICALLY, Sixth Edition, offers a series of prompts that lead you through the process of analysis and synthesis and help you to generate original and well-developed ideas. The book's overall point is that learning to write well means learning to use writing as a way of thinking well. To that end, the strategies of this book describe thinking skills that employ writing. As you will see, this book treats writing as a tool of thought--a means of undertaking sustained acts of inquiry and reflection.

    标签: Writing Analyticall

    上传时间: 2015-08-22


  • dsp教学认识AD采样部分

    DSP的全称为Digital Signal Process,即数字信号处理技术,DSP芯片即指能够实现数字信号处理技术的芯片。近年来,数字信号处理器(DSP)芯片已经广泛用于自动控制、图像处理、通信技术、网络设备、仪器仪表和家电等领域;DSP为数字信号处理提供了高效而可靠的硬件基础。DSP芯片的内部采用程序和数据分开的哈佛结构,具有专门的硬件乘法器,广泛采用流水线操作,提供特殊的DSP指令。

    标签: 关于学习dsp的教程

    上传时间: 2015-10-26
