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  • The i-mode service by NTT DoCoMo is a mobile phone service in Japan that provides its customers wit

    The i-mode service by NTT DoCoMo is a mobile phone service in Japan that provides its customers with both voice and comprehensive data services. With an i-mode phone, users can exchange i-mode e-mail and obtain information from i-mode menu sites and i-mode compatible Internet sites. The i-mode phone contains a browser that displays i-mode compatible HTML web pages. Beginning with the 505i phones, you can view Macromedia Flash Lite movies from the i-mode browser. You can also use the phones’ My Picture and Standby Screen applications to view Flash Lite movies. Although a number of manufacturers produce 505i phones, all of them support the same Flash Lite functionality.

    标签: service customers provides DoCoMo

    上传时间: 2014-10-25


  • The Java(tm) Telnet Applet is a fully featured telnet/SSH program that allows users to connect and l

    The Java(tm) Telnet Applet is a fully featured telnet/SSH program that allows users to connect and login to remote hosts via the Internet or an Intranet using only their WWW Browser. It includes not only telnet-compliant connection services.

    标签: featured connect program Applet

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • 本系统主要功能 1

    本系统主要功能 1,会员管理 实现会员添加、修改、删除、查询功能,可对会员进行充值、添加消费记录、积分交换操作,其中每笔消费都会按照会员所属等级自动计算积分, 会员可使用所得积分换取礼品或消费卷。 2,卡类管理 实现会员等级添加、修改、删除功能。会员在消费时,系统根据会员所属卡类型的积分率自动计算本次消费所得积分,并累加到总积分中。 3,礼品管理 实现礼品的添加、修改、删除功能。会员可根据自己消费所得积分换取不同礼品。 4,充值报表、消费报表、交换报表 管理层可查看所有会员充值、消费、礼品交换历史记录,了解店里运营情况,及时做出英明营业计划。 本系统还根据不用客户制定基于Reporting Services的各种报表。 5,管理员管理 实现管理员的添加、删除功能。管理员管理记录管理员登录系统次数和上次登录时间 本系统开发结构介绍 本系统是利用目前最流行的开发架构--工厂模式三层架构实现,基于VS2005,使用C#语言开发,数据库基于SQL SERVER2005,并使用Reporting Services为客户制定各种不同形式的营业报表。 此外,在会员充值、消费、礼品换取时,系统都将自动给会员发送邮件提醒


    上传时间: 2017-07-17


  • exosip协议栈及其在软件电话中的应用


    标签: exosip 协议栈 中的应用 软件

    上传时间: 2017-07-19


  • Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting) is an open source VoIP and video conferencing application for

    Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting) is an open source VoIP and video conferencing application for GNOME. Ekiga uses both the H.323 and SIP protocols. It supports many audio and video codecs, and is interoperable with other SIP compliant software and also with Microsoft NetMeeting

    标签: GnomeMeeting conferencing application formely

    上传时间: 2014-10-11


  • A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) binds cryptographic public keys to physical entities through digi

    A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) binds cryptographic public keys to physical entities through digital certificates. A PKI includes components that issue digital certificates and distribute certificate status information. PKI users select one or more certificate issuers as trust anchors, and establish security services based on certificates that may be validated using one of their trust anchors.

    标签: Infrastructure cryptographic entities physical

    上传时间: 2017-07-31


  • A software input panel, a virtual keyboard for windows mobile/PocketPC. It is a undochable floating

    A software input panel, a virtual keyboard for windows mobile/PocketPC. It is a undochable floating SIP with only numeric input for calculators etc.. Uses bitmap buttons.

    标签: undochable software PocketPC floating

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • This is a simulator written in Tcl to simulate a network node carrying GSM and GPRS traffics with Qo

    This is a simulator written in Tcl to simulate a network node carrying GSM and GPRS traffics with QoS mechanisms. The payload type including circuit-switched voice, VoIP and web traffic, and the performance including packet drop, delay can be analyzed. The implemented QoS mechanism is DiffServ, with 4 RED queues for different services with different priorities.

    标签: simulator carrying simulate traffics

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • 第18章 WCF开发基础 WCF(Windows Communication Foundation)是.NET Framework的扩展

    第18章 WCF开发基础 WCF(Windows Communication Foundation)是.NET Framework的扩展,WCF 提供了创建安全的、可靠的、事务服务的统一框架,WCF 整合和扩展了现有分布式系统的开发技术,如Microsoft .NET Remoting、Web Services、Web Services Enhancements (WSE)等等,来开发统一的可靠的应用程序系统。

    标签: Communication Foundation WCF Framework

    上传时间: 2017-08-25


  • 本书图文并茂

    本书图文并茂,以丰富的实例为引导,全面介绍了主流的 Java Web 开发技术—— JSP 2.0,重点介绍Java在展示层的两项重要技术:Java Servlet与JavaServer Pages。 它们是最重要的Java 核心技术。对这两项技术的深入了解,将有助于您未来对于 JavaServer Faces(JSF)技术以及Java Web Services技术的学习。


    上传时间: 2017-09-06
