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  • program to solve a finite difference discretization of Helmholtz equation : (

    program to solve a finite difference discretization of Helmholtz equation : (d2/dx2)u + (d2/dy2)u - alpha u = f using Jacobi iterative method. COMMENTS: OpenMP version 3: 1 PR outside the iteration loop, 4 Barriers Directives are used in this code to achieve paralleism. All do loops are parallized with default static scheduling.

    标签: discretization difference Helmholtz equation

    上传时间: 2014-01-11


  • 线性方程组求根实验


    标签: 线性 方程 实验

    上传时间: 2017-09-13


  • 线性方程组求根实验


    标签: 线性 方程 实验

    上传时间: 2013-12-14


  • 原创的线性方程组求解程序


    标签: 线性 方程 程序

    上传时间: 2014-01-03


  • 计算本征值程序

    Computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix a, ! which is of size n by n, stored in a physical np by np array. ! On output, elements of a above the diagonal are destroyed. ! d returns the eigenvalues of a in its first n elements. ! v is a matrix with the same logical and physical dimensions as a, ! whose columns contain, on output, the normalized eigenvectors of a. ! nrot returns the number of Jacobi rotations that were required. ! Please notice that the eigenvalues are not ordered on output. ! If the sorting is desired, the addintioal routine "eigsrt" ! can be invoked to reorder the output of Jacobi.

    标签: 计算 程序

    上传时间: 2016-06-04


  • 仿人机器人[梶田秀司]

    本书是国际上部系统介绍仿人机器人的专著。内容包括仿人机器人学的运动学、ZMP和动力学、双足步态规划、全身运动模式的生成和动力学仿真等,是对10多年来仿人机器人的研究成果的总结。本书图文并茂,深入浅出,内容丰富,对广大读者了解和掌握当今世界在仿人机器人上的发展和水平具有重要参考价值。ZMP Jacobi 推倒部分写的不错。

    标签: 机器人

    上传时间: 2021-12-26
