今晚在线(天津)工作室开发的 GVclub论坛系统.采用hibernate 3.0作为数据持久化解决方案,可移植性大大增强。兼容MS SQL SERVER 2000, Oracle, my SQL 等主流数据库,以JSTL作为JSP界面显示标签,尽可能的简化JSP页面的JAVA代码行。更加完美的滤错机制,增加了程序的健壮性。增加了帖子审核机制,完成了上一版本中没有的密码找回功能。部分页面采用系统自动生成的静态文件,减少了数据库查询次数。完善社区短消息,在线发送邮件,订阅主题等辅助功能。还有很多,大家慢慢体会吧
上传时间: 2016-01-13
This a large book, and your class will probably cover only a portion of its material. We have tried, however, to make this a book that will be useful to you now as a course textbook and also later in your career as a mathematical desk reference or an engineering handbook
标签: probably material portion large
上传时间: 2016-01-14
The Tremor Vorbis I stream and file decoder provides an embeddable, integer-only library [libvorbisidec] intended for decoding all current and future Vorbis I compliant streams. The Tremor libvorbisidec library exposes an API intended to be as similar as possible to the familiar vorbisfile library included with the open source Vorbis reference libraries distributed for free by Xiph.org. Tremor can be used along with any ANSI compliant stdio implementation for file/stream access, or use custom stream i/o routines provided by the embedded environment. Both uses are described in detail in this documentation.
标签: integer-only embeddable libvorbisi provides
上传时间: 2013-12-25
The Tremor Vorbis I stream and file decoder provides an embeddable, integer-only library [libvorbisidec] intended for decoding all current and future Vorbis I compliant streams. The Tremor libvorbisidec library exposes an API intended to be as similar as possible to the familiar vorbisfile library included with the open source Vorbis reference libraries distributed for free by Xiph.org. ogg vorbis decoder, evc project Tremor can be used along with any ANSI compliant stdio implementation for file/stream access, or use custom stream i/o routines provided by the embedded environment. Both uses are described in detail in this documentation.
标签: integer-only embeddable libvorbisi provides
上传时间: 2016-01-21
Written by the inventors of the technology, The Java™ Language Specification, Third Edition, is the definitive technical reference for the Java™ programming language. If you want to know the precise meaning of the language s constructs, this is the source for you. The book provides complete, accurate, and detailed coverage of the Java programming language. It provides full coverage of all new features added since the previous edition, including generics, annotations, asserts, autoboxing, enums, for-each loops, variable arity methods, and static import clauses.
标签: Specification technology the inventors
上传时间: 2016-01-26
《C语言大全(第四版)》,源译于国际著名C语言专家赫伯特·希尔特(Herbert Schildt)的作品《C:The Complete Reference,Fourth Edition》,详细实用教程,值得学习。
标签: C语言
上传时间: 2013-12-12
ASP开发指南,里面的西很不错的哟.This book is for anyone who wants to learn about using .NET for web interface design. Beginner or hobbyist .NET developers can certainly get a good foundation of .NET web interface design by going through this book from cover to cover. However, more seasoned .NET professionals, especially if they tend to steer away from the GUI of their projects, can also pick up a thing or two by focusing on certain chapters that appeal to them. This book is meant to take a reader from the beginning of a project to the completion of the interface design. Along the way, concepts are illustrated to show how the different pieces play together. So, anyone who really wants to understand the concepts presented in this book will be able to do so by reading the entire thing. However, this book should also serve as a good reference after you have read it or, in some cases, in place of reading it.
标签: for interface anyone about
上传时间: 2016-02-16
RSA加密算法在VB中的实现 rsa加密解密算法在vb中的实现 仅供参考-RSA encryption algorithm in the VB achieve rsa encryption and decryption algorithm in the vb achieve is for reference only
标签: encryption RSA rsa algorithm
上传时间: 2014-01-21
Determining embedding dimension for phase-space reconstruction using a geometrical construction. It is very important reference for time forecast in chaos sequence.
标签: reconstruction construction Determining phase-space
上传时间: 2013-12-23
This program simulates plant identification using frequency block least mean square (FBLMS) alogrithm reference: 《LMS算法的频域快速实现》 LMS is modified by XXX in XXX place, see details in XXX relevant document
标签: identification frequency simulates alogrith
上传时间: 2016-02-29