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  • 基于2ED300C17-S的IGBT驱动电路研究

    在大功率弧焊电源设计中,IGBT 已成为主流的可控功率开关器件。IGBT 驱动电路作为功率电路和控制电路之间的接口,应具备驱动延迟小、安全隔离、IGBT 过电流/过电压保护准确等功能。针对新型高压大功率IGBT 驱动模块2ED300C17-S 的过电流检测及保护功能进行了研究,提出了与过电流保护功能相关的参数选择原则,并进行了实验验证。

    标签: IGBT 300 ED 17

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • 基于ARM926EJ-S内核的低功耗ARM

    TI半导体针对工业应用推出了基于ARM926EJ-S内核的低功耗ARM9处理器AM17xx和AM18xx。其中,AM17xx 和OMAPL137在软件和引脚上兼容;AM18xx 和OMAPL138在软件和引脚上兼容。基于本系列处理器,用户可快速开发出具有强壮可靠操作系统、丰富用户接口、高性能的处理能力的设备。

    标签: ARM EJ-S 926 内核

    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • S波段矢量阵列天线单元的设计

    设计了一个工作在S波段矢量阵列的天线单元,利用HFSS软件进行优化和仿真。实测结果表明,该天线在E面和H面的交叉极化电平分别小于-26 dB和-23 dB,两个端口之间的隔离度大于32 dB。该数据满足组成矢量阵列的要求。

    标签: S波段 矢量阵列天线

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • 基于T-S模糊模型的电液比例位置控制系统研究


    标签: T-S 模糊模型 位置控制 电液比例

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • 中文版《天线理论与设计》R.S.Elliott 著 王茂光等译

    中文版《天线理论与设计》R.S.Elliott 著 王茂光等译

    标签: Elliott 天线

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 差分電路中單端及混合模式S-參數的使用

    Single-Ended and Differential S-Parameters Differential circuits have been important incommunication systems for many years. In the past,differential communication circuits operated at lowfrequencies, where they could be designed andanalyzed using lumped-element models andtechniques. With the frequency of operationincreasing beyond 1GHz, and above 1Gbps fordigital communications, this lumped-elementapproach is no longer valid, because the physicalsize of the circuit approaches the size of awavelength.Distributed models and analysis techniques are nowused instead of lumped-element techniques.Scattering parameters, or S-parameters, have beendeveloped for this purpose [1]. These S-parametersare defined for single-ended networks. S-parameterscan be used to describe differential networks, but astrict definition was not developed until Bockelmanand others addressed this issue [2]. Bockelman’swork also included a study on how to adapt single-ended S-parameters for use with differential circuits[2]. This adaptation, called “mixed-mode S-parameters,” addresses differential and common-mode operation, as well as the conversion betweenthe two modes of operation.This application note will explain the use of single-ended and mixed-mode S-parameters, and the basicconcepts of microwave measurement calibration.

    标签: 差分電路 單端 模式

    上传时间: 2014-03-25


  • 用二端口S参数来表征差分电路的特性

    用二端口S-参数来表征差分电路的特性■ Sam Belkin差分电路结构因其更好的增益,二阶线性度,突出的抗杂散响应以及抗躁声性能而越来越多地被人们采用。这种电路结构通常需要一个与单端电路相连接的界面,而这个界面常常是采用“巴伦”器件(Balun),这种巴伦器件提供了平衡结构-到-不平衡结构的转换功能。要通过直接测量的方式来表征平衡电路特性的话,通常需要使用昂贵的四端口矢量网络分析仪。射频应用工程师还需要确定幅值和相位的不平衡是如何影响差分电路性能的。遗憾的是,在射频技术文献中,很难找到一种能表征电路特性以及衡量不平衡结构所产生影响的好的评估方法。这篇文章的目的就是要帮助射频应用工程师们通过使用常规的单端二端口矢量网络分析仪来准确可靠地解决作为他们日常工作的差分电路特性的测量问题。本文介绍了一些用来表征差分电路特性的实用和有效的方法, 特别是差分电压,共模抑制(CMRR),插入损耗以及基于二端口S-参数的差分阻抗。差分和共模信号在差分电路中有两种主要的信号类型:差分模式或差分电压Vdiff 和共模电压Vcm(见图2)。它们各自的定义如下[1]:• 差分信号是施加在平衡的3 端子系统中未接地的两个端子之上的• 共模信号是相等地施加在平衡放大器或其它差分器件的未接地的端子之上。

    标签: 二端口 S参数 差分电路

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • S参数的设计与应用

    Agilent AN 154 S-Parameter Design Application Note S参数的设计与应用 The need for new high-frequency, solid-state circuitdesign techniques has been recognized both by microwaveengineers and circuit designers. These engineersare being asked to design solid state circuitsthat will operate at higher and higher frequencies.The development of microwave transistors andAgilent Technologies’ network analysis instrumentationsystems that permit complete network characterizationin the microwave frequency rangehave greatly assisted these engineers in their work.The Agilent Microwave Division’s lab staff hasdeveloped a high frequency circuit design seminarto assist their counterparts in R&D labs throughoutthe world. This seminar has been presentedin a number of locations in the United States andEurope.From the experience gained in presenting this originalseminar, we have developed a four-part videotape, S-Parameter Design Seminar. While the technologyof high frequency circuit design is everchanging, the concepts upon which this technologyhas been built are relatively invariant.The content of the S-Parameter Design Seminar isas follows:

    标签: S参数

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • s参数计算/s参数计算器


    标签: 参数计算 参数 计算器

    上传时间: 2013-11-21


  • 基于LPCEB2000-S的SPI程序


    标签: LPCEB 2000 SPI 程序

    上传时间: 2013-11-12
