This the third edition of the Writing Device Drivers articles. The first article helped to simply get you acquainted with device drivers and a simple framework for developing a device driver for NT. The second tutorial attempted to show to use IOCTLs and display what the memory layout of Windows NT is. In this edition, we will go into the idea of contexts and pools. The driver we write today will also be a little more interesting as it will allow two user mode applications to communicate with each other in a simple manner. We will call this the “poor man’s pipes” implementation.
标签: the articles Drivers edition
上传时间: 2014-01-16
DESIGN PATTERNS JAVA COMPANION Design patterns began to be recognized more formally in the early 1990s by Helm (1990) and Erich Gamma (1992), who described patterns incorporated in the GUI application framework, ET++. The culmination of these discussions and a number of technical meetings was the publication of the parent book in this series, Design Patterns -- Elements of Reusable Software, by Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides.(1995). This book, commonly referred to as the Gang of Four or “GoF” book, has had a powerful impact on those seeking to understand how to use design patterns and has become an all-time best seller. We will refer to this groundbreaking book as Design Patterns, throughout this book and The Design Patterns Smalltalk Companion (Alpert, Brown and Woolf, 1998) as the Smalltalk Companion.
标签: recognized COMPANION PATTERNS patterns
上传时间: 2016-02-27
本书分为四大篇。第一篇提出学习MFC程序设计之前的必要基础,包括Widnows程序的基本观念以及C++的高阶议题。“学前基础”是相当主观的认定,不过,甚于我个人的学习经验以及教学经验,我的挑选应该颇具说服力。第二篇介绍Visual C++整合环境开发工具。本篇只不过是提纲挈领而已,并不企图取代 Visual C++使用手册。然而对于软件使用的老手,此篇或已足以让您掌握Visual C++整合环境。工具的使用虽然谈不上学问,但在视觉化软件开发过程中扮演极重角色,切莫小觑它。 第三篇介绍application framework的观念,以及MFC骨干程序,所谓骨干程序,是指Visual C++的工具AppWizard所产生出来的程序码。当然,AppWizard会根据你的选项做出不同的程序码,我所据以解说的,是大众化选项下的产品。 第四篇以微软公司附于Visual C++光碟片上的一个范例程序Scribble为主轴,一步一步加上新的功能。并在其间深入介绍Runtime Type Information(RTTI)、Dynamic Creation、Persistence(Serialization)、Message Mapping、Command Routing等核心技术。这些技术正是其他书籍最缺乏的部分。此篇之最后数章则脱离Scribble程序,另成一格。 本书内含光盘一片,书中所有原始码与可执行文件尽在其中。
上传时间: 2016-03-03
手机与服务器通过SyncML进行同步的客户端框架以及API,用户可以基于此框架快速开发j2me版本的syncML客户端。 The Funambol SyncML API allows application developers to embed SyncML capabilities in a J2ME application, thus giving it the access to a powerful data synchronization framework to keep the application data in sync with other devices.
上传时间: 2014-01-16
利用SyncML开发客户端程序的中间件,J2ME版本。 This library is a collection of basic utilities for: object serialization and persistence on the RMS, Logging and string manipulation. This document describes the Funambol JavaME Common API library, which purpose is giving support and providing basic functionalities to all the other components developed for the J2ME platform. These functionalities are: a persistent data storage framework, a logging framework, a framework to read different streams of byte, a thread monitoring system and a set of classes useful for data encoding and string manipulation. This library may grow in future, as new functions will be seen as common to different J2ME components.
上传时间: 2016-03-05
XNA Game Studio Express是建立在Microsoft Visual C# Express 2005的基础上方便学生和游戏爱好者开发同时基于MicroSoft Windows和XBox 360的游戏的一组工具集。XNA Game Studio Express同时包含了XNA FrameWork,这是一组建立在.NET 2.0的基础上面向游戏开发的一组托管库。这个文档收录了包含技术概述,学习资料,以及和XNA Game Studio Express相关的资料。
标签: Express Microsoft MicroSoft Windows
上传时间: 2013-12-19
This sample demonstrates features of the Encoding class, including a fallback mechanism, new to the .NET Framework version 2.0, that allows you to specify its behavior when it encounters problems during the encoding or decoding process.
标签: demonstrates including mechanism the
上传时间: 2016-03-30
Wiley出版,共20章,大小为12M 1.Introduction to the Series 60 Platform 2.Overview of the Series 60 Platform 3.Design Patterns for Application Development 4.Software Development on the Series 60 Platform 5.Platform Architecture 6.User-centered Design for Series 60 Applications 7.Testing Software 8.Application Framework 9.Standard Panes and Application Windows 10.Lists and List Types 11.Other User Interface Components 12.View Architecture 13.Audio 14.Customizing the Series 60 Platform 15.Communications Architecture 16.Communications Application Programming Interface 17.Messaging 18.Connectivity 19.Programming in Java for Smartphones 20.Midlet User Interface Framework
标签: Wiley
上传时间: 2013-12-23
JHotDraw是一个二维的GUI框架,主要用于支持用Java开发的图形编辑器。JHotDraw基于两大重要的技术:面向对象设计模式(Design Pattern)和应用框架(Application Framework),提高了JHotDraw的可复用性和可扩展性。研究JHotDraw,可以很好的学习设计模式和应用框架的应用
上传时间: 2016-04-09
ET++ is a portable and homogenous object-oriented class library integrating user interface building blocks, basic data structures, and high level application framework components. ET++ eases the building of highly interactive applications with consistent user interfaces following the direct manipulation principle. The ET++ class library is implemented in C++ and can be used on several operating systems and window system platforms. Since its initial conception the class library has been continuously redesigned and improved. It started with an architecture which was close to MacApp. During several iterations a new and unique architecture evolved. A byproduct of the ET++ project is a set of tools, which were designed to support the exploration of ET++ applications at run-time. 设计模式一书引用的主要参考例程,一个跨平台的应用框架,基于C++实现,是学习面向对象的经典源码.
标签: object-oriented integrating homogenous interface
上传时间: 2016-04-15