采用3D Bresenham算法在两点间划一直线 % This program is ported to MATLAB from: % B.Pendleton. line3d - 3D Bresenham s (a 3D line drawing algorithm) % ftp://ftp.isc.org/pub/usenet/comp.sources.unix/volume26/line3d, 1992 % % Which is referenced by: % Fischer, J., A. del Rio (2004). A Fast Method for Applying Rigid % Transformations to Volume Data, WSCG2004 Conference. % http://wscg.zcu.cz/wscg2004/Papers_2004_Short/M19.pdf
标签: Bresenham Pendleton program MATLAB
上传时间: 2013-12-10
Aspect-Oriented Software Developement Coverage includes Using AOSD to streamline complex systems development without sacrificing flexibility or scalability How AOSD builds on the object-oriented paradigmand how it s different State-of-the-art best practices for the AOSD development process Languages and foundations: separating concerns, filter technologies, improving modularity, integrating new features, and more Using key AOSD tools, including AspectJ, Hyper/J, JMangler, and Java Aspect Components Engineering aspect-oriented systems: UML, concern modeling and elaboration, dependency management, and aspect composition Developing more secure applications with AOSD techniques Applying aspect-oriented programming to database systems Building dynamic aspect-oriented infrastructure
标签: Aspect-Oriented Developement streamline Software
上传时间: 2013-12-01
Visual C++提供了一个支持可视化编程的集成开发环境:Visual Studio(又名Developer Studio)。Developer Studio是一个通用的应用程序集成开发环境,它不仅支持Visual C++,还支持Visual Basic,Visual J++,Visual InterDev等Microsoft系列开发工具。Developer Studio包含了一个文本编辑器、资源编辑器、工程编译工具、一个增量连接器、源代码浏览器、集成调试工具,以及一套联机文档。使用Developer Studio,可以完成创建、调试、修改应用程序等的各种操作。
标签: Studio Developer Visual 集成开发环境
上传时间: 2016-10-16
采用NLJ随机搜索的方法辨识一个以状态方法表示的非线性系统。选其初值 a1(0) =50 , a2(0) =100 , a3(0) =100 , a4(0) =50 , a5(0) =10 , 选范围为 r(1)(i)=0.5 a(0)(i) , 取数据长度 L =40, t =0.005 , 性能指标 J= 。迭代计算结果得 a 的估计值 1=17.6043243, 1=17.5977, 2=72.9573, 3=51.3014, 4=22.9889, 5=5.99965, J = 0.000000916 。
上传时间: 2013-12-20
统计字符数组中字母,数字,符号的出现个数 char[] c = { 2 , c , $ , 4 , 7 , Z , j , ~ , p , c }
上传时间: 2016-10-21
本教程举例说明了如何使用 ADO 编程模型对数据源进行查询及更新。教程首先讲述了完成此项任务的必要步骤,然后分别通过 Microsoft Visual Basic、以 VC++ Extensions 为特征的 Microsoft Visual C++、Microsoft Visual Basic、Scripting Edition 和以 ADO for Windows Foundation Classes (ADO/WFC) 为特征的 Microsoft Visual J++ 进行更为具体的说明。
上传时间: 2016-10-22
基于VB的遗传算法软件实现 在程序中,FitnessValue (i) 为适应度值数组、avFit2nessValue (100) 为归一化适应度值数组、Population2 Chrom(i ,j) 为遗传个体的等位基因值、Popsize 为种群中的个体数,CHROMLENGTH为一母体对的等位基因 总数。
标签: avFit2nessValue FitnessValue Population2 Chrom
上传时间: 2014-01-09
mani: MANIfold learning demonstration GUI by Todd Wittman, Department of Mathematics, University of Minnesota E-mail wittman@math.umn.edu with comments & questions. MANI Website: httP://www.math.umn.edu/~wittman/mani/index.html Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 10-Apr-2005 13:28:36 Methods obtained from various authors. (1) MDS -- Michael Lee (2) ISOMAP -- J. Tenenbaum, de Silva, & Langford (3) LLE -- Sam Roweis & Lawrence Saul (4) Hessian LLE -- D. Donoho & C. Grimes (5) Laplacian -- M. Belkin & P. Niyogi (6) Diffusion Map -- R. Coifman & S. Lafon (7) LTSA -- Zhenyue Zhang & Hongyuan Zha
标签: demonstration Mathematics Department University
上传时间: 2016-10-29
计算这个智力题: 在这个乘法算式里,每一个字母代表着0-9中的一个数,不同字母代表不同数。 A B C D E F G H * A J --------------------- E J A H F D G K C B D F H A J E C --------------------- C C C C C C C C C 请问,C 代表哪个数字?
上传时间: 2013-12-30
上传时间: 2014-01-07