<Spring in action>原版和代码,是学习Spring的好资料,本书分为三大部分和两个附录,每一部分专注于Spring框架的一个领域:核心层、中间层和Web层。第一部分展示了Spring框架的两个核心概念:反向控制(Inversion of Control,IoC)和面向切面编程(Aspect-Oriented Programming,AOP),以便理解Spring的基础原理,这些基础原理在本书各个章节都会用到。第二部分在第1章介绍的IoC和AOP基础之上,展示了如何将这两个概念应用到应用系统的中间层。第三部分走出中间层迈向显示层,在很多J2EE系统中显示层被称为Web层。附录A介绍如何开始自己的Spring应用系统,如何下载Spring以及如何编写Ant配置文件。本书的每一部分既是建立在前一部分的基础上,同时也都是独立存在的,所以,读者不必从头开始就可以深入到各个主题。
上传时间: 2014-01-02
简单地说,Spring 是一个以控制倒置(Inversion of Control)原则为基础的轻量级框架。控制倒置是一个用于“基于组件的体系结构”的设计模式,它将“判断依赖关系”的职责移交给容器,而不是由组件本身来判断彼此之间的依赖关系。当在Spring内实现组件时, 容器“轻量级”的方面就展现出来了:针对Spring开发的组件不需要任何外部库;而且, 容器是轻量级的,它避免了像EJB容器那样的重量级方案的主要缺点,例如启动时间长、测试复杂、部署和配置困难,等等。
上传时间: 2014-01-20
介绍OO设计的基本模式和原则 面向对象的类设计原则 开放关闭原则The Open Closed Principle (OCP) Liskov 替换原则The Liskov Substitution Principle(LSP) 依赖性倒置原则The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
标签: Liskov Substitutio The Principle
上传时间: 2013-12-10
full wave rectifierDuring the period from 伪 to 蟺, the input voltage vs input current is are positive and the power flows from supply to the load. The converter is said to be operated at rectification mode .During the period from 蟺 to 蟺+伪 , the input voltage vs is negative and the input current is is positive and reverse power flows from load to the supply. The converter is said to be operated in Inversion mode. Depending on the value of 伪, average output voltage can be either positive or negative and hence provides 2 quadrant operation.
标签: input rectifierDuring the positive
上传时间: 2017-04-10
标签: Interpretation Geological Inversion Gravity and
上传时间: 2021-09-27
le flows through MOS channel while Ih flows across PNP transistor Ih= a/(1-a) le, IE-le+lh=1/(1-a)' le Since IGBT has a long base PNP, a is mainly determined by ar si0 2ar= 1/cosh(1/La), La: ambipolar diff length a-0.5 (typical value)p MOSFET channel current (saturation), le=U"Cox"W(2"Lch)"(Vc-Vth)le Thus, saturated collector current Ic, sat=1/(1-a)"le=-1/(1-a)"UCox"W/(2Lch)"(Vo-Vth)2Also, transconductance gm, gm= 1/(1-a)"u' Cox W/Lch*(Vo-Vth)Turn-On1. Inversion layer is formed when Vge>Vth2. Apply positive collector bias, +Vce3. Electrons flow from N+ emitter to N-drift layer providing the base current for the PNP transistor4. Since J1 is forward blased, hole carriers are injected from the collector (acts as an emitter).5. Injected hole carriers exceed the doping level of N-drift region (conductivity modulation). Turn-Off1. Remove gate bias (discharge gate)2. Cut off electron current (base current, le, of pnp transistor)
标签: igbt
上传时间: 2022-06-20