针对视频监控中摄像机镜头光圈大小、图像聚焦、图像变焦三项参数的控制问题,介绍了一种基于89C51单片机的镜头控制电路的设计。 该电路以89C51单片机为核心,结构简单,成本低廉,控制可靠,实现了智能监控终端对摄像参数的完全控制。 Abstract: The design of camera lens control circuit based on 89C51 is Introduced. This circuit can adjust parameters of camera such as aperture, zoom and focusing. The practice of project shows that this circuit has advantages of structure simple, low cost and high reliability.
上传时间: 2013-10-29
在介绍基于MSP430单片机的指纹保险柜工作原理的基础上,从系统软件设计的角度出发,详细介绍了指纹保险柜软件的总体分析过程、程序结构的设计以及代码的编写,给出了按键管理流程和部分源代码。 Abstract: On basis of the operating principle of MSP430 microcontroller-based fingerprint safe,the general analyzing process,program designing and code compiling of the fingerprint safe software are Introduced mainly,and the key-press flows chart and some codes according to the system software designing are put forward.
上传时间: 2014-12-27
介绍基于ATmega8型单片机的温度测量及加热控制系统。分析系统的工作原理,详尽讨论系统的硬件电路和软件流程。实验证明,该系统工作可靠,稳定性高。 Abstract: The new temperature measuring and heating control system based on ATmega8 MCU is Introduced.The system’s working principles is analyzed.The design principles of hardware and software are also discussed in detail.This system has been testified and it works steady and reliably.
上传时间: 2013-11-21
对于沥青混凝土摊铺机自动找平控制系统来说,数字式控制系统的研制是目前的一个方向。介绍了一种基于CAN总线的数字式自动找平控制系统。该系统以CAN总线作为通信方式,PWM控制信号通过C8051F040单片机内部PCA可编程计数器阵列产生,并具有结构简单、信号稳定、实时性强、易扩展的特点。通过硬件实现和系统运行达到了比较理想的控制效果,验证了系统的可行性。 Abstract: A digital auto-leveling control system based on CAN Bus is Introduced.It uses CAN Bus as the method of communication and creates PWM signals by programmable counter array in C8051F040 microcontroller. The system is simple, stable, real-time and expansive.
上传时间: 2013-10-09
介绍以P87LPC764型单片机为核心的延时型漏电继电器设计方案。该方案可供用户选择实现额定动作电流和5倍额定动作电流下不同的延时动作时间,并有重合闸设定选择功能。解决了以往传统分立元件带来的延时时间离散性大且不易实现的弊端。 Abstract: In this paper, the delay leakage relay based on P87LPC764 is Introduced in detail. This system provides different relay times at rating current and 5× rating current for users and also offers superposition brake set selection function. So that it resolves many traditional problems.
上传时间: 2013-11-08
介绍了CAN总线和P87C591单片机的特点,给出了基于P87C591单片机的信号采集节点的软、硬件设计,指出了硬件电路设计中应注意的问题,在软件设计中重点介绍了节点初始化、报文发送和报文接收等子程序。 Abstract: The features of CAN Bus and the microcontroller P87C591 are Introduced, and the design of hardware circuit and soft configuration of the signals collection node based on P87C591 are presented. The problems in designing hardware circuit are discussed.Initialization subprogram, transmiting subprogram and receiving subprogram are emphasized in soft configuration.
上传时间: 2013-11-03
在需要实时大量输入汉字的显示控制处理应用中,利用传统单片机实现显示控制的设计方法是较难实现的。带汉字字库的液晶模块的使用使得小容量ROM单片机的大量汉字信息输入与显示成为可能。提出了针对汉字字库编码的二级索引拼音输入检索方法,介绍了以ST7920作为控制器的带汉字字库的液晶显示模块的接口方法及汉字显示和控制原理,给出了通用计算机键盘在单片机中的串行接口,采用该技术可大大增强单片机的汉字输入功能。为小容量ROM单片机的大批量汉字信息处理提供了一种汉字输入解决方案。 Abstract: It is difficult to realize Chinese characters input method based on the embedded system by using the traditional design method of display control. It is possible to input and display Chinese characters based on the embedded system with the ROM of small content by using the LCD module with Chinese characters.Chinese characters input method of the quadric index recall in allusion to Chinese characters code is brought forward.The interface and the principle of Chinese characters display control based on the LCD module controlled with the ST7920 is Introduced too.The serial interface of the computer keyboard in common use and the embedded system is given at the same time. It can enhance the embedded system function of Chinese characters input by using this technology, and provide a kind of Chinese characters input scheme for the embedded system with small capacity ROM.
上传时间: 2013-11-19
基于单片机的步进电机开环控制系统:通过ATMEL89C51单片机对步进电机进行控制,主要介绍了步进电机控制器、驱动电路和LED显示电路的设计,实现了步进电机的开环控制。在步进电机控制器的设计中,重点阐述了脉冲产生电路以及对速度的控制。该系统具有成本低、控制方便的特点。关键词: 单片机; 步进电机; 开环控制 Abstract: The design using ATMEL89C51 single chip to control the step2motor with its controller, driving circuit and LED disp lay circuit to realize step motor open2loop controlwere Introduced. For the controller in this design,the circuit to p roduce pulse and the speed controlwere expatiated emphatically. This system possesses features of lower cost, easier control.Key words: single ch ip; step2motor; open2loop con trol
上传时间: 2013-10-13
基于单片机的除尘控制器的设计:介绍通用控制仪的硬件组成和软件设计,阐述了系统的性能指标和功能特点。该产品功能完善,可靠性高,具有很好的应用前景。关键词: 除尘器;通用控制仪;单片机;系统设计 Abstract: The hardware structure and the software design are Introduced in this paper, and the performance index and the features of the system are expounded. It has comp rehensive functions, high reliability and good app lication.Key words: dust catcher; universal controller; microcontroller; system design
上传时间: 2013-11-16
一种实用的微机自动配料秤系统:介绍一种由单片机构成的配料秤。叙述了秤的传感器、变送器、信号的变换、硬件原理、软件流程以及和DCS 系统构成的单回路调节系统,此系统可广泛地应用于各行业的配料控制中。关键词:配料秤 单片机 单回路调节系统 DCS 系统 Abstract :A proportioning weigher based on single chip computer is Introduced. Sensors , transmitters , signal converting , principle of hardware ,software flowchart of proportioning weigher and single loop control system composed with DCS system are emphasized ,this system can be used in proportioning control of various trades extensively.Key Words :Proportioning Weigher ,Single Chip Computer ,Single Loop Control System ,Distributed Control System
上传时间: 2013-10-12