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  • liblinphone is a high level library to make a SIP phone. This library includes ALL the features of

    liblinphone is a high level library to make a SIP phone. This library includes ALL the features of linphone. It is designed to be easy to use, directly from a user InterfACe.

    标签: library liblinphone features includes

    上传时间: 2014-01-08


  • 1. PL/0 语言介绍 ●PL/0 程序设计语言是一个较简单的语言

    1. PL/0 语言介绍 ●PL/0 程序设计语言是一个较简单的语言,它以赋值语句为基础,构造概念有顺序、条件和重复(循环)三种。PL/0 有子程序概念,包括过程定义(可以嵌套)与调用且有局部变量说明。PL/0语言编译程序采用以语法分析为核心、一遍扫描的编译方法。词法分析和代码生成作为独立的子程序供语法分析程序调用。语法分析的同时,提供了出错报告和出错恢复的功能。在源程序没有错误编译通过的情况下,调用类PCODE解释程序解释执行生成的类PCODE代码。 ●保留字(关键字):所谓保留字是指在Pascal语言中具有特定的含义。标准Pascal语言中的保留字一共有35个,Turbo Pascal语言一共有51个。下面是Pascal语言的保留字:AND,ARRAY,BEGIN,CASE,CONST,DIV,DO,DOWNTO,ELSE,END,FILE,FOR,FUNTION,GOTO,IF,IN,LABEL,MOD,NIL,NOT,OF,OR,PACKED,PROCEDURE,PROGRAM,RECORD,REPEAT,SET,THEN,TO,TYPE,UNTIL,VAR,WHILE,WITH,EXPORTS,SHR,STRING,ASM,OBJECT,UNIT,CONSTRUCTOR,IMPLEMENTATION,DESTRUCTOR,USES,INHERITED,INLINE,InterfACe,LIBRARY,XOR,SHL

    标签: PL 语言 程序设计语言

    上传时间: 2015-07-17


  • 本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0下程序写作的方法。这些程序用C语言编写并使用原始的Windows A

    本书介绍了在Microsoft Windows 98、Microsoft Windows NT 4.0和Windows NT 5.0下程序写作的方法。这些程序用C语言编写并使用原始的Windows Application Programming InterfACe(API)。如在本章稍后所讨论的,这不是写作Windows程序的唯一方法。然而,无论最终您使用什么方式写作程序,了解Windows API都是非常重要的。

    标签: Windows Microsoft NT 4.0

    上传时间: 2014-07-16


  • 1)Learn more about the capabilities in Quartus: 2)Learn to use different design entry techniques 2

    1)Learn more about the capabilities in Quartus: 2)Learn to use different design entry techniques 2)Design entry methods available within Quartus Text editor,Block diagram/schematic file editor, Quartus InterfACe with design entry/synthesis tools from Exemplar, Synopsys, Synplicity and Viewlogic

    标签: Learn capabilities techniques different

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • The Linux kernel is one of the most interesting yet least understood open-source projects. It is als

    The Linux kernel is one of the most interesting yet least understood open-source projects. It is also a basis for developing new kernel code. That is why Sams is excited to bring you the latest Linux kernel development information from a Novell insider in the second edition of Linux Kernel Development. This authoritative, practical guide will help you better understand the Linux kernel through updated coverage of all the major subsystems, new features associated with Linux 2.6 kernel and insider information on not-yet-released developments. You ll be able to take an in-depth look at Linux kernel from both a theoretical and an applied perspective as you cover a wide range of topics, including algorithms, system call InterfACe, paging strategies and kernel synchronization. Get the top information right from the source in Linux Kernel Development.

    标签: interesting open-source understood projects

    上传时间: 2015-07-26


  • THIS is really two books in one: a tutorial and a reference manual for JDBC, the application program

    THIS is really two books in one: a tutorial and a reference manual for JDBC, the application programming InterfACe that makes it possible for programmers to access databases from Java. The goal is to be useful to a wide range of readers, from database novices to database experts. Therefore, we have arranged the book so that information needed only by experts is separated out from the basic material. We hope that driver developers as well as application programmers and MIS administrators will find what they need. Because different sections are aimed at different audiences, we expect that few people will read every page. We have sometimes duplicated explanations in an effort to make reading easier for those who do not read all sections. This book will be most helpful to those who have some knowledge of the Java programming language and SQL (Structured Query Language), but one doesn t need to be an expert in either to understand the basic concepts presented here.

    标签: application reference tutorial program

    上传时间: 2015-08-04


  • 三星44B0X原理图资料


    标签: 44B0X 三星 原理图

    上传时间: 2015-08-26


  • The third edition of Learning GNU Emacs describes Emacs 21.3 from the ground up, including new user

    The third edition of Learning GNU Emacs describes Emacs 21.3 from the ground up, including new user InterfACe features such as an icon-based toolbar and an interactive InterfACe to Emacs customization. A new chapter details how to install and run Emacs on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux, including tips for using Emacs effectively on those platforms.

    标签: Emacs describes including Learning

    上传时间: 2015-08-29


  • The Spectral Toolkit is a C++ spectral transform library written by Rodney James and Chuck Panaccion

    The Spectral Toolkit is a C++ spectral transform library written by Rodney James and Chuck Panaccione while at the National Center for Atmospheric Research between 2002 and 2005. The library contains a functional subset of FFTPACK and SPHEREPACK, including real and complex FFTs in 1-3 dimensions, and a spherical harmonic transform. Multithreading is supported through POSIX threads for the multidimensional transforms. This reference guide provides details of the public InterfACe as well as the internal implementation of the library.

    标签: Panaccion transform Spectral spectral

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • LemonSMS is a component developed in Java that provides a turnkey solution for application developer

    LemonSMS is a component developed in Java that provides a turnkey solution for application developers to incorporate into their Java applications the functionality of sending and processing of incoming SMS messages. LemonSMS acts as a middleware between a Java application and a GSM Modem or Data enabled phone. Because LemonSMS only provides an InterfACe to the added SMS functionality, your application still handles access to data and business logic tier. With the easy-to-use LemonSMS API, developers can easily utilize SMS functionalities provided by LemonSMS.

    标签: application component developed developer

    上传时间: 2013-12-29
