The PCA9518 is a BiCMOS integrated circuit intended forapplication in I2C and SMBus systems.While retaining all the operating modes and features of the I2Csystem, it permits extension of the I2C-bus by buffering both thedata (SDA) and the clock (SCL) lines, thus enabling virtuallyunlimited buses of 400 pF.
标签: Expandable 5channel 9518 PCA
上传时间: 2013-10-23
This application note shows how to write an Inter Integrated Circuit bus driver (I²C) for the Philips P90CL301micro-controller.It is not only an example of writing a driver, but it also includes a set of application interface software routines toquickly implement a complete I²C multi-master system application.For specific applications the user will have to make minimal changes in the driver program. Using the drivermeans linking modules to your application software and including a header-file into the application sourceprograms. A small example program of how to use the driver is listed.The driver supports i.a. polled or interrupt driven message handling, slave message transfers and multi-mastersystem applications. Furthermore, it is made suitable for use in conjunction with real time operating systems, likepSOS+.
上传时间: 2013-11-23
This application note demonstrates how to write an Inter Integrated Circuit bus driver (I2C) for the XA-S3 16-bitMicrocontroller from Philips Semiconductors.Not only the driver software is given. This note also contains a set of (example) interface routines and a smalldemo application program. All together it offers the user a quick start in writing a complete I2C system applicationwith the PXAS3x.The driver routines support interrupt driven single master transfers. Furthermore, the routines are suitable foruse in conjunction with real time operating systems.
上传时间: 2013-11-02
The 87LPC76X Microcontroller combines in a small package thebenefits of a high-performance microcontroller with on-boardhardware supporting the Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) bus interface.The 87LPC76X can be programmed both as an I2C bus master, aslave, or both. An overview of the I2C bus and description of the bussupport hardware in the 87LPC76X microcontrollers appears inapplication note AN464, Using the 87LPC76X Microcontroller as anI2C Bus Master. That application note includes a programmingexample, demonstrating a bus-master code. Here we show anexample of programming the microcontroller as an I2C slave.The code listing demonstrates communications routines for the87LPC76X as a slave on the I2C bus. It compliments the program inAN464 which demonstrates the 87LPC76X as an I2C bus master.One may demonstrate two 87LPC76X devices communicating witheach other on the I2C bus, using the AN464 code in one, and theprogram presented here in the other. The examples presented hereand in AN464 allow the 87LPC76X to be either a master or a slave,but not both. Switching between master and slave roles in amultimaster environment is described in application note AN435.The software for a slave on the bus is relatively simple, as theprocessor plays a relatively passive role. It does not initiate bustransfers on its own, but responds to a master initiating thecommunications. This is true whether the slave receives or transmitsdata—transmission takes place only as a response to a busmaster’s request. The slave does not have to worry about arbitrationor about devices which do not acknowledge their address. As theslave is not supposed to take control of the bus, we do not demandit to resolve bus exceptions or “hangups”. If the bus becomesinactive the processor simply withdraws, not interfering with themaster (or masters) on the bus which should (hopefully) try toresolve the situation.
上传时间: 2013-11-19
The Maxim Integrated 71M6541-DB REV 3.0 Demo Board is a demonstration board for evaluating the 71M6541 device for single-phase electronic energy metering applications in conjunction with the Remote Sensor Inter-face. It incorporates a 71M6541 integrated circuit, a 71M6601 Remote Interface IC, peripheral circuitry such as a serial EEPROM, emulator port, and on-board power supply. A serial to USB converter allows communication to a PC through a USB port. The Demo Board allows the evaluation of the 71M6541 energy meter chip for measurement accuracy and overall system use.
上传时间: 2013-11-06
本文简要介绍了集成电路MAX038的性能,并给出了以MAX038波形产生器为核心具有四种输出波形的函数 信号发生器的设计方案。用这种方法设计的信号发生器具有结构简单、成本低、体积小等特点,很好地满足 了一般的实验要求。 关键词:集成电路 信号发生器 频率 Abstract:The performance ofIC_MAX038 was introduced briefly in this paper.At the sa/ne time,a signal generator design making with integrated circuit MAX038 is provided,which can produce four kinds of waveforms output.The signal generator was of characters such as simple structur,cheap expense,small volume and SO on.The signal generator contents the demand of general experiments very wel1. Key words:Integrated circuit Signal generator Frequency
上传时间: 2013-12-12
IC卡智能卡,即IC卡,又称“集成电路卡”,英文名称为“Integrated Circuit Card” 或 “Smart Card”,是将具有存储、加密及数据处理能力的集成电路芯片镶嵌于塑料基片中制作而成,它包含了微电子技术和计算机技术,是一种成熟的高技术产品。 这种既具有智能性又便于携带的卡片,为现代信息处理、传递提供了一种全新的手段,根据卡中所做的集成电路不同,智能卡主要有以下四大类:
上传时间: 2014-01-25
一种硬件描述语言(HDL),英文全称为Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language ,超高速集成电路硬件描述语言。
上传时间: 2016-05-12
Testability is the concern most often voiced by Texas Instruments (TIä ) application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) users. This document is intended to consolidate TI policies into a coherent approach to designing for testability. It is not intended as a specification, but as a guide you can use for developing test strategies when designs are being initiated
标签: Testability Instruments application specific
上传时间: 2016-11-13
51单片机C语言多种点阵屏驱动程序(开发软件为keil C ---8字点阵屏左移程序,64_16点阵屏驱动程序,上移显示程序,左移显示程序)51 monolithic integrated circuit C language many kinds of lattice screen driver (develops the software is keil C ---8 character lattice screen left shift procedure, the 64_16 lattice screen driver, uppers shift the display sequence, the left shift display sequence
上传时间: 2014-01-04