这是一篇关于Inte E100网卡驱动程序实例的分析,里面的技术对于学习驱动的编写绝对有帮助,拿出来跟大学分享了,支持一下
上传时间: 2013-12-05
上传时间: 2013-11-19
控件特性:活动的RAS连接到InteRNET通知;断开InteRNET连接通知;RAS拨入设备完整状态信息及连接状态;返回PC系统的当地IP地址和主机名;返回拨号连接的RASClient分配的InteRNET地址和主机名;返回拨号连接的RASServer ISP服务器地址和主机名;挂断任何活动状态的RAS连接的函数;操作简单,容易与任何应用项目集成。有提示屏幕。
上传时间: 2013-12-27
RC4 is a secure and very fast 8-bit stream cipher/psuedo-random number generator, with a 2^1700 Interval
标签: psuedo-random generator cipher secure
上传时间: 2013-12-05
This will sample all 8 A/D-channels by the continous mode. Each end of conversion will call an Interrupt routine, where the AD-channel is put to Port4[2..0] and the upper nibble of the result is put to Port4[7..4]. Port 4 is connected to the user LEDs of the FlashCan100P Evaluation-Board
标签: will D-channels conversion continous
上传时间: 2013-12-09
Professional Visual Basic Windows CE Programming. This book is Intended for developers who are Interested in creating applications for the Windows CE platform. In this book, you ll learn everything you need to know about using VBCE.
标签: Professional Programming developers Intended
上传时间: 2016-04-28
This tutorial explains how to communicate with IO devices on the DE2 Board and how to deal with Interrupts using C and the Altera Monitor Program. Two example programs are given that diplay the state of the toggle switches on the red LEDs. The fi rst program uses the programmed I/O approach and the second program uses Interrupts.
标签: with communicate how tutorial
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview Interview
上传时间: 2017-06-27
DVB-SPI Interface allow communications between USB 2.0 equipped computer and LVDS-based DVB-SPI Interfaces
标签: DVB-SPI communications LVDS-based Interface
上传时间: 2017-09-05
This introduction takes a visionary look at ideal cognitive radios (CRs) that Inte- grate advanced software-defined radios (SDR) with CR techniques to arrive at radios that learn to help their user using computer vision, high-performance speech understanding, global positioning system (GPS) navigation, sophisticated adaptive networking, adaptive physical layer radio waveforms, and a wide range of machine learning processes.
标签: Technology Cognitive Radio
上传时间: 2020-05-26