交流电压,电流转换器 特点: 精确度0.25%满刻度(RMS) 多种输入,输出选择 输入与输出绝缘耐压2仟伏特/1分钟 冲击电压测试5仟伏特(1.2x50us) (IEC255-4,ANSI C37.90a/1974) 突波电压测试2.5仟伏特(0.25ms/1MHz) (IEC255-4) 尺寸小,稳定性高 2:主要规格 精确度:0.25%F.S.(RMS) (23 ±5℃) 输入负载: <0.2VA(voltage) <0.2VA(current) 最大过载能力: Current related Input:3 x rated continuous 10 x rated 30 sec. ,25 x rated 3sec. 50 x rated 1sec. Voltage related Input:maximum 2x rated continuous 输出反应时间: <250ms (0~90%) 输出负载能力: <10mA for voltage mode <10V for current mode 输出涟波: <0.1% F.S. 归零调整范围: 0~±5% F.S. 最大值调整范围: 0~±10% F.S. 温度系数: 100ppm/℃ (0~50℃) 隔离特性: Input/Output/Power/Case 绝缘抗阻: >100Mohm with 500V DC 绝缘耐压能力: 2KVac/1 min. (Input/output/power) 行动测试: ANSI C37.90a/1974,DIN-IEC 255-4 impulse voltage 5KV (1.2 x 50us) 突波测试: 2.5KV-0.25ms/1MHz 使用环境条件: -20~60℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) 存放环境条件: -30~70℃(20 to 90% RH non-condensed) CE认证: EN 55022:1998/A1:2000 Class A EN 61000-3-2:2000 EN 61000-3-3:1995/A1:2001 EN 55024:1998/A1:2001
上传时间: 2013-11-09
电路连接 由于数码管品种多样,还有共阴共阳的,下面我们使用一个数码管段码生成器(在文章结尾) 去解决不同数码管的问题: 本例作者利用手头现有的一位不知品牌的共阳数码管:型号D5611 A/B,在Eagle 找了一个 类似的型号SA56-11,引脚功能一样可以直接代换。所以下面电路图使用SA56-11 做引脚说明。 注意: 1. 将数码管的a~g 段,分别接到Arduino 的D0~D6 上面。如果你手上的数码管未知的话,可以通过通电测量它哪个引脚对应哪个字段,然后找出a~g 即可。 2. 分清共阴还是共阳。共阴的话,接220Ω电阻到电源负极;共阳的话,接220Ω电阻到电源+5v。 3. 220Ω电阻视数码管实际工作亮度与手头现有原件而定,不一定需要准确。 4. 按下按钮即停。 源代码 由于我是按照段码生成器默认接法接的,所以不用修改段码生成器了,直接在段码生成器选择共阳极,再按“自动”生成数组就搞定。 下面是源代码,由于偷懒不用写循环,使用了部分AVR 语句。 PORTD 这个是AVR 的端口输出控制语句,8 位对应D7~D0,PORTD=00001001 就是D3 和D0 是高电平。 PORTD = a;就是找出相应的段码输出到D7~D0。 DDRD 这个是AVR 语句中控制引脚作为输出/输入的语句。DDRD = 0xFF;就是D0~D7 全部 作为输出脚了。 ARDUINO CODECOPY /* Arduino 单数码管骰子 Ansifa 2011-12-28 */ //定义段码表,表中十个元素由LED 段码生成器生成,选择了共阳极。 inta[10] = {0xC0, 0xF9, 0xA4, 0xB0, 0x99, 0x92, 0x82, 0xF8, 0x80, 0x90}; voidsetup() { DDRD = 0xFF; //AVR 定义PortD 的低七位全部用作输出使用。即0xFF=B11111111对 应D7~D0 pinMode(12, Input); //D12用来做骰子暂停的开关 } voidloop() { for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { //将段码输出PortD 的低7位,即Arduino 的引脚D0~D6,这样需要取出PORTD 最高位,即 D7的状态,与段码相加,之后再输出。 PORTD = a[i]; delay(50); //延时50ms while(digitalRead(12)) {} //如果D12引脚高电平,则在此死循环,暂停LED 跑 动 } }
上传时间: 2013-10-15
特点: 精确度0.1%满刻度 可作各式數學演算式功能如:A+B/A-B/AxB/A/B/A&B(Hi or Lo)/|A|/ 16 BIT类比输出功能 输入与输出绝缘耐压2仟伏特/1分钟(Input/output/power) 宽范围交直流兩用電源設計 尺寸小,穩定性高
上传时间: 2014-12-23
The MAX5713/MAX5714/MAX5715 4-channel, low-power,8-/10-/12-bit, voltage-output digital-to-analog converters(DACs) include output buffers and an internal referencethat is selectable to be 2.048V, 2.500V, or 4.096V. TheMAX5713/MAX5714/MAX5715 accept a wide supplyvoltage range of 2.7V to 5.5V with extremely low power(3mW) consumption to accommodate most low-voltageapplications. A precision external reference Input allowsrail-to-rail operation and presents a 100kI (typ) load toan external reference.
上传时间: 2013-12-23
The MAX17600–MAX17605 devices are high-speedMOSFET drivers capable of sinking /sourcing 4A peakcurrents. The devices have various inverting and noninvertingpart options that provide greater flexibility incontrolling the MOSFET. The devices have internal logiccircuitry that prevents shoot-through during output-statchanges. The logic Inputs are protected against voltagespikes up to +14V, regardless of VDD voltage. Propagationdelay time is minimized and matched between the dualchannels. The devices have very fast switching time,combined with short propagation delays (12ns typ),making them ideal for high-frequency circuits. Thedevices operate from a +4V to +14V single powersupply and typically consume 1mA of supply current.The MAX17600/MAX17601 have standard TTLInput logic levels, while the MAX17603 /MAX17604/MAX17605 have CMOS-like high-noise margin (HNM)Input logic levels. The MAX17600/MAX17603 are dualinverting Input drivers, the MAX17601/MAX17604 aredual noninverting Input drivers, and the MAX17602 /MAX17605 devices have one noninverting and oneinverting Input. These devices are provided with enablepins (ENA, ENB) for better control of driver operation.
上传时间: 2013-12-20
A MEMS microphone IC is unique among Analog Devices, Inc., products in that its Input is an acoustic pressure wave. For this reason, some specifications included in the data sheets for these parts may not be familiar, or familiar specifications may be applied in unfamiliar ways. This application note explains the specifica-tions and terms found in MEMS microphone data sheets so that the microphone can be appropriately designed into a system.
上传时间: 2013-10-31
The purpose of this application note is to show an example of how a digital potentiometer can be used in thefeedback loop of a step-up DC-DC converter to provide calibration and/or adjustment of the output voltage.The example circuit uses a MAX5025 step-up DC-DC converter (capable of generating up to 36V,120mWmax) in conjunction with a DS1845, 256 position, NV digital potentiometer. For this example, the desiredoutput voltage is 32V, which is generated from an Input supply of 5V. The output voltage can be adjusted in35mV increments (near 32V) and span a range wide enough to account for resistance, potentiometer and DCDCconverter tolerances (27.6V to 36.7V).
上传时间: 2014-12-23
The LTC®1966 is a true RMS-to-DC converter that uses aDS computational technique to make it dramatically simplerto use, significantly more accurate, lower in powerconsumption and more flexible than conventional logantilogRMS-to-DC converters. The LTC1966 RMS-to-DCconverter has an Input signal range from 5mVRMS to1.5VRMS (a 50dB dynamic range with a single 5V supplyrail) and a 3dB bandwidth of 800kHz with signal crestfactors up to four.
上传时间: 2013-10-12
The LT®6552 is a specialized dual-differencing 75MHzoperational amplifier ideal for rejecting common modenoise as a video line receiver. The Input pairs are designedto operate with equal but opposite large-signal differencesand provide exceptional high frequency commonmode rejection (CMRR of 65dB at 10MHz), therebyforming an extremely versatile gain block structure thatminimizes component count in most situations. The dualInput pairs are free to take on independent common modelevels, while the two voltage differentials are summedinternally to form a net Input signal.
上传时间: 2014-12-23
Abstract: Transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs) are widely used to translate the current output of sensors like photodiode-to-voltagesignals, since several circuits and instruments can only accept voltage Input. An operational amplifier with a feedback resistor fromoutput to the inverting Input is the most straightforward implementation of such a TIA. However, even this simple TIA circuit requirescareful trade-offs among noise gain, offset voltage, bandwidth, and stability. Clearly stability in a TIA is essential for good, reliableperformance. This application note explains the empirical calculations for assessing stability and then shows how to fine-tune theselection of the feedback phase-compensation capacitor.
标签: Transimpedance Stabilize Amplifier Your
上传时间: 2013-11-13