A test program for PUCUSB project, there is a UARTOUT program, which can output RS232 BAUD 19200,n81 signal
标签: program UARTOUT project PUCUSB
上传时间: 2016-03-02
Summary Many control applications require converting some analog input to a digital format. The ADCINC12 User Module is a general-purpose, 12-bit analog to digital converter (ADC) that does just that. This Application Note is meant to be a simple introduction into its operation. The steps required to define, place, and write software are presented. Examples are developed in both assembly and C.
标签: applications converting Summary control
上传时间: 2013-12-01
vga verilog codes which design a pong game and output to vga monitor
标签: vga verilog monitor design
上传时间: 2013-12-31
verilog code which receive from uart RX and then output to lcd text display.
标签: verilog receive display output
上传时间: 2016-03-07
ST7920 LCD driver source code, which include the LCD init and output the string to LCD.
上传时间: 2016-03-08
javascript中文教程 <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="objectName" VALUE="buttonText" [onClick="handlerText"]> NAME specifies the name of the button object as a property of the enclosing form object and can be accessed using the name property. VALUE specifies the label to display on the button face and can be accessed using the value property.
标签: javascript buttonText objectName onClick
上传时间: 2014-01-25
很好的搜索: 给你很多长度不定的木棒,将他们分成几组,每组中的总长度作为这组的标示值,请给出一种分组方法,能使得所有标示值中的最小值最大。 Input 多组,每组两行,第一行是一个N和K,代表有N根木棒,分成K组,第二行是N个数字,代表木棒的长度。(N不超过100,K不超过20,每根木棒长度不超过1000) Output 输出所有标示值中的最小值的最大值。 Sample Input 5 3 1 3 5 7 9 5 3 89 59 68 35 29 Sample Output 8 89
上传时间: 2013-12-23
简单的floyd运用 第一行输入一个整数C。C是测试的情况(0< C <=30).第二行一个正整数N( 0< N <=100),表示道路的总数.紧接N行,每一行包含两个字符串, Si,,Ti,和一个整数Di,代表从Si到Ti的距离(0<= Di <=150)。最后一行有两个字符串,S 和 T,你得找出从S 到 T的最短的距离。地名是不超过120个小写字符的串(从‘a’到‘z’)。假设这里最多有100条直接连通两个地方的路。 Output 输出包含C行,每一行对一种测试情况。对每一种测试情况,输出包含一个整数,假如S 到 T存在一条最短的路,输出从S到T的最短距离,否则输出“-1”. Sample Input 2 2 jiuzhouriver liuchi 89 liuchi liyuan 100 liuchi jiuzhouriver 3 youyongchi fengyuan 100 qinshi meiyuan 100 chaochang supermarkt 100 meiyuan youyongchi Sample Output 89 -1
上传时间: 2016-03-10
我的文件管理设计中对于文件管理的功能主要有以下几个:输入文件(input), 从文件列表中删除一个记录(delete a record from list),保存文件(save), 查找文件(search record on table),文件的列表(list)
上传时间: 2013-12-10
It it a convertor program. Just need to input your birth , it will show your astrology
标签: your convertor astrology program
上传时间: 2016-03-31