Infrared telecontrol design based on the the VHDL includes the mode of Infrared send,receive mode,key code mode,ringing mode and so on.
标签: the mode telecontrol Infrared
上传时间: 2016-05-02
Infrared remote decode firmware ,use time measure pulse to decode 1 or 0 this code can decode Nec protocal remote controller and than use uart transfer the data to the pc serial port
标签: decode Infrared firmware measure
上传时间: 2013-12-29
Feature Extraction of Infrared Target Based on Image Moment and Wavelet Energy
标签: Extraction Infrared Feature Wavelet
上传时间: 2016-11-12
NEC-SIRCS-JAPAN-RC5-SAMSUNG compatible, multiprotocol Infrared remote control. Replaces up to 6 existing remote controls into one. With manual learning function, LED display and/or LCD. 2V6-3V2, low power (sleep function) More protocols will be added later if needed (DENON, DAEWOO, MOTOROLA, RECS80.)
标签: NEC-SIRCS-JAPAN-RC multiprotocol compatible Replaces
上传时间: 2017-05-27
Infrared Interruption counter (AT89C2051)
标签: Interruption Infrared counter C2051
上传时间: 2014-08-24
Single-chip decoder standard Infrared procedures can be easily ported to other systems
标签: Single-chip procedures standard Infrared
上传时间: 2014-01-10
A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits narrow-spectrum incoherent light when forward-biased.The color of the emitted light depends on the chemical composition of the semiconductor material used, and can benear-ultraviolet, visible or Infrared. LEDs are more prevalent today than ever before, replacing traditional incandescent andfluorescent bulbs in many lighting applications. Incandescents use a heated filament, are subject to breakage and burnoutand operate at a luminous efficiency of 2% to 4%. Fluorescents are more efficient, at 7% to 12%, but require highdrive voltage and contain mercury, a toxic substance that may be eventually banned in certain countries. LEDs, however,produce light directly through electroluminescence, operate at low voltage and can deliver over 20% luminous efficiency.
上传时间: 2013-11-07
为了使音频信号分析仪小巧可靠,成本低廉,设计了以2片MSP430F1611单片机为核心的系统。该系统将音频信号送入八阶巴特沃兹低通滤波器,对信号进行限幅放大、衰减、电平位移、缓冲,并利用一单片机负责对前级处理后的模拟信号进行采样,将采集得到的音频信号进行4 096点基2的FFT计算,并对信号加窗函数提高分辨率,另一单片机负责对信号的分析及控制显示设备。此设计精确的测量了音频信号的功率谱、周期性、失真度指标,达到较高的频率分辨率,并能将测量结果通过红外遥控器显示在液晶屏上。 Abstract: o make the audio signal analyzer cheaper, smaller and more reliable, this system sends the audio signal to the eight-order butterworth filter, and then amplifies, attenuates, buffers it in a limiting range, transfers the voltage level of the signal before utilizing two MSP430F1611 MCU to realize the audio analysis. One is charged for sampling and dealing with the processed audio signal collected by the 4096 point radix-2 FFT calculation and imposes the window function to improve the frequency resolution. The other one controls the display and realizes the spectrum, periodicity, power distortion analysis in high resolution which is displayed in the LCD screen through the Infrared remote control.
上传时间: 2013-12-11
简介 红外通信是实现两台设备间无线、点对点通信的一种低成本方法。成立于1994年的Infrared DATA ASSOCIATION(常简称为IRDA)致力于开发短距离红外传输通信的标准方法。这些标准已经过持续改进,使用日益广泛。现在,众多设备实现了IRDA标准规范,包括计算机、打印机、PDA、手机、手表和其他仪器。
上传时间: 2013-11-11
提出了一种基于C8051F320的红外模拟枪战系统设计方案。介绍了红外模拟枪战系统的构成,给出了硬件选型、系统硬软件设计。利用红外抗对系统的工作原理,系统获得良好效果。 Abstract: This paper presents the design of simulated gunfight system based on C8051F320.Introduces system structure,and puts forward hardware selection of Infrared simulated gunfight system and system hardware and software designs.Using the operation principle of Infrared antagonizing system,the system result is good.
上传时间: 2013-11-20