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  • Practical Arduino Engineering

    I wrote this book so that students, hobbyists, and engineers alike can take advantage of the Arduino platform by creating several projects that will teach them about the engineering process. I also wanted to guide the reader through introductory projects so that they could get a firm grasp on the Arduino Language, and how to incorporate several pieces of hardware to make their own projects. This book offers so much information on the Arduino, not just the basic LED projects but it offers different peripherals such as Ultrasonic sensor, the Xbox® controller, Bluetooth, and much more. This book also teaches the non-engineer to follow a process that will help them in future project (not just Arduino projects).

    标签: Engineering Practical Arduino

    上传时间: 2020-06-09


  • Advanced_Process_Engineering_Control

    The present work, Advanced Process Engineering Control, is intended to be the continuation of the authorsʼ Basic Process Engineering Control published by DeGruyter in 2014. It presents the main and conventional type control loops in process industries. Titles containing the concept of process engineering were deliberately chosen to suggest the inclusion, within the same approach, of processes other than the traditional ones. These come from outside the traditional fields of chemistry and petrochemistry: the sphere of pharmaceuticals, wastewater management, water puri­ fication, water reserve management, construction material industry, food processing, household or automotive industries.

    标签: Advanced_Process_Engineering_Cont rol

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Control_Systems_Engineering

    This book introduces students to the theory and practice of control systems engineer- ing. The text emphasizes the practical application of the subject to the analysis and design of feedback systems. The study of control systems engineering is essential for students pursuing degrees in electrical, mechanical, aerospace, biomedical, or chemical engineering. Control systems are found in a broad range of applications within these disciplines, from aircraft and spacecraft to robots and process control systems.

    标签: Control Systems Engineering

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Neural Systems For Control

    If you are acquainted with neural networks, automatic control problems are good industrial applications and have a dynamic or evolutionary nature lacking in static pattern-recognition; control ideas are also prevalent in the study of the natural neural networks found in animals and human beings. If you are interested in the practice and theory of control, artificial neu- ral networks offer a way to synthesize nonlinear controllers, filters, state observers and system identifiers using a parallel method of computation.

    标签: Control Systems Neural For

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Stable_adaptive_neural_network_control

    Recent years have seen a rapid development of neural network control tech- niques and their successful applications. Numerous simulation studies and actual industrial implementations show that artificial neural network is a good candidate for function approximation and control system design in solving the control problems of complex nonlinear systems in the presence of different kinds of uncertainties. Many control approaches/methods, reporting inventions and control applications within the fields of adaptive control, neural control and fuzzy systems, have been published in various books, journals and conference proceedings.

    标签: Stable_adaptive_neural_network_co ntrol

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • AI-and-Robotics-IBA-GEI-April-2017

    Modern information technologies and the advent of machines powered by artificial intelligence (AI) have already strongly influenced the world of work in the 21st century. Computers, algorithms and software simplify everyday tasks, and it is impossible to imagine how most of our life could be managed without them. However, is it also impossible to imagine how most process steps could be managed without human force? The information economy characterised by exponential growth replaces the mass production industry based on economy of scales

    标签: AI-and-Robotics-IBA-GEI-April 2017

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Auto-Machine-Learning-Methods-Systems-Challenges

    The past decade has seen an explosion of machine learning research and appli- cations; especially, deep learning methods have enabled key advances in many applicationdomains,suchas computervision,speechprocessing,andgameplaying. However, the performance of many machine learning methods is very sensitive to a plethora of design decisions, which constitutes a considerable barrier for new users. This is particularly true in the booming field of deep learning, where human engineers need to select the right neural architectures, training procedures, regularization methods, and hyperparameters of all of these components in order to make their networks do what they are supposed to do with sufficient performance. This process has to be repeated for every application. Even experts are often left with tedious episodes of trial and error until they identify a good set of choices for a particular dataset.

    标签: Auto-Machine-Learning-Methods-Sys tems-Challenges

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • automation-and-robotics

    In this book for the optimisation of assembly conveyor lines we are dealing with series part production featured by a medium complexity degree and a medium number of individual components and assembly technique alternatives. Modern production techniques for medium to large series products or mass production usually involve assembly conveyor lines. They still use hand labour more or less automated. The aim is to have monotonous and similar in type operations or such causing fatigue, stress and production traumas, gradually replaced by automated assembly cycles, means and techniques. This usually widely involves industrial robots and handlers. Higher productivity, lower cost and higher quality of assembled products are usually required.

    标签: automation-and-robotics

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Design for Manufacturability and Statistical

    Design for manufacturability and statistical design encompass a number of activities and areas of study spanning the integrated circuit design and manufacturing worlds. In the early days of the planar integrated circuit, it was typical for a handful of practitioners working on a particular design to have a fairly complete understanding of the manufacturing process, the resulting semiconductor active and passive devices, as well as the resulting circuit - often composed of as few as tens of devices. With the success of semiconductor scaling, predicted and - to a certain extent even driven - by Moore’s law, and the vastly increased complexity of modern nano-meter scale processes and the billion-device circuits they allow, there came a necessary separation between the various disciplines.

    标签: Manufacturability Statistical Design for and

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Fundamentals+of+the+New+Artificial+Intelligence

    The Industrial Revolution, which started in England around 1760, has replaced human muscle power with the machine. Artificial intelligence (AI) aims at replacing human intelligence with the machine. The work on artificial intelligence started in the early 1950s, and the term itself was coined in 1956.

    标签: Fundamentals Intelligence Artificial New the of

    上传时间: 2020-06-10
