Builder uses to integrate a larger system module. Each component consists of a structured set of files within a directory. The files in a component directory serve the following The RS232 UART Core Implements a method for communication of serial data. The core provides a simple register-mapped Avalon庐 interface. Master peripherals [such as a Nios庐 II processor] communicate with the core by reading and writing control and data registers.
标签: structured integrate component consists
上传时间: 2014-01-15
This project developed in java leads us to realize a flight reservation system in order to emulate databases containing the structures for the flight and for the booking. These bases extend the List interface and Implements additional search鈥檚 methods. Two interfaces provide an access to this system. The first one reads and handles reservation request message from a terminal. The arguments are then processed throw a middleware interface that call the flight system methods. The second one, a Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) application using Swing Java Foundation Classes (JFC), offers a simpler access to the systems.
标签: reservation developed project emulate
上传时间: 2017-04-27
java面试笔试题大汇总 ~很全面 java面试笔试题大汇总 第一,谈谈final, finally, finalize的区别。 最常被问到。 第二,Anonymous Inner Class (匿名内部类) 是否可以extends(继承)其它类,是否可以Implements(实现)interface(接口)? 第三,Static Nested Class 和 Inner Class的不同,说得越多越好(面试题有的很笼统)。 第四,&和&&的区别。 这个问得很少。 第五,HashMap和Hashtable的区别。 常问。 第六,Collection 和 Collections的区别。 你千万别说一个是单数一个是复数。 第七,什么时候用assert。 API级的技术人员有可能会问这个。 第八,GC是什么? 为什么要有GC? 基础。 第九,String s = new String("xyz") 创建了几个String Object? 第十,Math.round(11.5)等於多少? Math.round(-11.5)等於多少? 第十一,short s1 = 1 s1 = s1 + 1 有什么错? short s1 = 1 s1 += 1 有什么错? 面试题都是很变态的,要做好受虐的准备。 第十二,sleep() 和 wait() 有什么区
上传时间: 2017-05-20
声明两个接口,Show和Print,以完成通过接口实现多重继承。 构造class userInformation类作为extends的父类,其中定义f方法、g方法和showOut方法,分别实现方法的继承,重载,重写。 构造类telephoneCardUser,通过该类extends userInformation 以及Implements Show,Print两个接口来实现本次实验的目的。
标签: 接口
上传时间: 2017-05-23
Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It Implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all-new PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools. In fact, Aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks.
标签: keys Aircrack-ng cracking WPA-PSK
上传时间: 2013-12-25
ADIAL Basis Function (RBF) networks were introduced into the neural network literature by Broomhead and Lowe [1], which are motivated by observation on the local response in biologic neurons. Due to their better approximation capabilities, simpler network structures and faster learning algorithms, RBF networks have been widely applied in many science and engineering fields. RBF network is three layers feedback network, where each hidden unit Implements a radial activation function and each output unit Implements a weighted sum of hidden units’ outputs.
标签: introduced literature Broomhead Function
上传时间: 2017-08-08
Description Scientific calculator. Allows to perform caclulation with high precicion and Implements most populatr mathematical functions: sin, cos, tan, asin, acon, atan, exp, log, sqr, floor and ceil. Also it make it possible to define your own function, store results in variables and use variable sin expressions. Calculator store al formuls you have entered. Plot function can be used to draw graph of function with single argument. More detailed description of calculator is here.
标签: Description caclulation Scientific calculator
上传时间: 2014-01-25
This package Implements the following Kalman filters: 1) Standard Kalman Filter 2) Extended Kalman Filter 3) Dual Kalman Filter 4) Square Root Kalman Filter This package also contains instructive examples for each filter type demonstrating their practical application.
标签: Kalman_Filter
上传时间: 2021-09-19
设计了农业温湿度智能控制系统,该系统采用DHT11温湿度传感器作为温湿度采集模块,单片机选用AT89C52代替并调用Virtual terminal模拟串口通信,LCD1604液晶显示器实时显示温湿度,实现了温湿度的测量、显示,可自动控制加热、降温、加湿、通风,实现温湿度控制以及超限报警处理,并利用Proteus与Keil进行实际电路的仿真。试验表明,该系统实现了可靠的温湿度监控。We described the design of an intelligent control system of agriculture temperature and humidity.The system uses DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor as the temperature and humidity acquisition module.The SCM adopts AT89C52 to replace and call the virtual terminal for simulating serial communication.LCD1604 displays temperature and humidity in real time,which Implements the measurement and display of temperature and humidity.The system is able to automatically control heating,cooling,humidification and ventilation,to achieve temperature and humidity control and over-limit alarm processing.The system also uses Proteus and Keil for actual circuit simulation.The experiment shows that the system is capable of reliable temperature and humidity monitoring.
上传时间: 2022-03-26