CFlowchartEditor is an extension of CDiagramEditor. CDiagramEditor is a vector editor, with a CWnd-derived window (CDiagramEditor), a data container (CDiagramEntityContainer) holding the draw-objects, undo stack and managing copy and paste, and objects derived from CDiagramEntity representing objects drawn on screen. CDiagramEditor lacks one feature (that is difficult to implement in both simple and general fashion) - links. Manually maintaining links in a - for example - flowchart or network topography map is unwieldy. Therefore, I ve created a reference ImplementatIOn for one way of adding this functionality.
标签: CDiagramEditor CFlowchartEditor extension CWnd-d
上传时间: 2015-11-21
"Java for C++" is a tool to generate C++-wrapper-classes for existing Java-classes. The ImplementatIOn of the wrapper classes uses JNI to call the real Java classes. The C++-API to use these wrapper classes is very close to the API of the Java classes.
标签: wrapper-classes Java-classes implementati for
上传时间: 2015-12-07
功能为neighborhood components analysis,a quick matlab ImplementatIOn of NCA (see Goldberger et al, NIPS04).
标签: neighborhood components analysis
上传时间: 2013-12-11
The Microsoft® Cryptographic Application Programming Interface (CryptoAPI) provides services that enable application developers to add authentication, encoding, and encryption to their Microsoft Win32® -based applications. Application developers can use the functions in the CryptoAPI without knowing anything about the underlying ImplementatIOn, in much the same way as they can use a graphics library without knowing anything about the particular graphics hardware configuration.
标签: Cryptographic Application Programming Microsoft
上传时间: 2013-12-27
An AHB system is made of masters slaves and interconnections. A general approach to include all possible "muxed" ImplementatIOn of multi layered AHB systems and arbitrated AHB ones can be thought as an acyclic graph where every source node is a master, every destination node is a slave and every internal node is an arbiter there must be one and only one arc exiting a master and one or more entering a slave (single slave verus multi-slave or arbitrated slave) an arbiter can have as many input and output connections as needed. A bridge is a special node that collapses one or more slave nodes and a master node in a new "complex" node.
标签: interconnections approach general include
上传时间: 2015-12-12
In a preemptive priority based RTOS, priority inversion problem is among the major sources of deadline violations. Priority inheritance protocol is one of the approaches to reduce priority inversion. Unfortunately, RTOS like uC/OS can’t support priority inheritance protocol since it does not allow kernel to have multiple tasks at the same priority. Although it has different ways to avoid priority inversion such as priority ceiling protocol, developers still have some difficulties in programming real time applications with it. In this paper, we redesign the uC/OS kernel to provide the ability to support round robin scheduling and implement priority inheritance semaphore on the modified kernel. As result, we port new kernel with priority inheritance semaphore to evaluation board, and evaluate the execution time of each of the kernel service as well as verify the operations of our ImplementatIOn.
标签: priority preemptive inversion problem
上传时间: 2015-12-14
This application report describes the use of Timer_A3 to decode RC5 and SIRC TV IR remote control signals. The decoder described in this report is interrupt-driven and operates a background function using specific features the Timer_A3. Only a small portion of the MSP430 CPU?s nonreal-time resources is used. Specific hardware bit-latching capabilities of the Timer_A3 module are used for real-time decoding of the IR data signal, independent and asynchronous to the CPU. CPU activity and power consumption are kept to an absolute minimum level. The Timer_A3 decoder ImplementatIOn also allows other tasks to occur simultaneously if required. The solutions provided are written specifically for MSP430x11x(1) and MSP430x12x derivatives, but can be adapted to any other MSP430 incorporating Timer_A3. 電視遙控器設計基於MSP430
标签: application describes Timer_A control
上传时间: 2014-01-01
java写的一个小播放器程序,- MP3 streaming support for Shoutcast/Icecast added. - Ogg Vorbis support added. - Playlist ImplementatIOn and M3U support added.
上传时间: 2014-01-03
This document outlines what is necessary to install and run the LEACH protocol on version 2.27 of ns2. At the time of this writing, this is the newest version of ns2. The LEACH ImplementatIOn was written as a stand-alone application. Thus, in the past a version compiled for LEACH may or may not work for other protocols. In addition, the original version of LEACH was compiled for version 2.5b which is an outdated version of ns2.
标签: necessary document outlines protocol
上传时间: 2014-01-10
In recent years large scientific interest has been devoted to joint data decoding and parameter estimation techniques. In this paper, iterative turbo decoding joint to channel frequency and phase estimation is proposed. The phase and frequency estimator is embedded into the structure of the turbo decoder itself, taking into consideration both turbo interleaving and puncturing. Results show that the proposed technique outperforms conventional approaches both in terms of detection capabilities and ImplementatIOn complexity.
标签: scientific parameter interest decoding
上传时间: 2015-12-30