Differential Impedance introduction
标签: Differential introduction Impedance
上传时间: 2014-01-09
Impedance Spectroscopy
上传时间: 2013-12-25
一般在选用共模电感的时候重点注意以下几个参数: 1) Impedance 表示器件在100MHz 时最大的阻抗值。一般在应用共模电感时候, 都是以此值作为选用的重点参考。 2) Rated Current 表示器件应用时候的最大额定电流。在选用的时候,这个参 数作为此重点,电路工作电流一定要小于器件额定工作电流,不然容易烧毁器件。 3) 至于其它参数作为参考。
标签: 共模电感
上传时间: 2013-07-30
High input Impedance and a wide input range are twohighly desirable features in a precision analog-to-digitalconverter, and the LTC®2449 delta-sigma ADC has both.With just a few external components, the LTC2449 formsan exceptional measurement system with very high inputImpedance and an input range that extends 300mV beyondthe supply rails.
上传时间: 2013-11-02
A fully differential amplifi er is often used to converta single-ended signal to a differential signal, a designwhich requires three signifi cant considerations: theImpedance of the single-ended source must match thesingle-ended Impedance of the differential amplifi er,the amplifi er’s inputs must remain within the commonmode voltage limits and the input signal must be levelshifted to a signal that is centered at the desired outputcommon mode voltage.
上传时间: 2013-11-09
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design I enjoyed reading this book for a number of reasons. One reason is that itaddresses high-speed analog design in the context of microwave issues. This isan advanced-level book, which should follow courses in basic circuits andtransmission lines. Most analog integrated circuit designers in the past workedon applications at low enough frequency that microwave issues did not arise.As a consequence, they were adept at lumped parameter circuits and often notcomfortable with circuits where waves travel in space. However, in order todesign radio frequency (RF) communications integrated circuits (IC) in thegigahertz range, one must deal with transmission lines at chip interfaces andwhere interconnections on chip are far apart. Also, Impedance matching isaddressed, which is a topic that arises most often in microwave circuits. In mycareer, there has been a gap in comprehension between analog low-frequencydesigners and microwave designers. Often, similar issues were dealt with in twodifferent languages. Although this book is more firmly based in lumped-elementanalog circuit design, it is nice to see that microwave knowledge is brought inwhere necessary.Too many analog circuit books in the past have concentrated first on thecircuit side rather than on basic theory behind their application in communications.The circuits usually used have evolved through experience, without asatisfying intellectual theme in describing them. Why a given circuit works bestcan be subtle, and often these circuits are chosen only through experience. Forthis reason, I am happy that the book begins first with topics that require anintellectual approach—noise, linearity and filtering, and technology issues. Iam particularly happy with how linearity is introduced (power series). In therest of the book it is then shown, with specific circuits and numerical examples,how linearity and noise issues arise.
上传时间: 2014-12-23
Calculation of the Differential Impedance of Tracks on FR4 substrates There is a discrepancy between calculated and measured values of Impedance for differential transmission lineson FR4. This is especially noticeable in the case of surface microstrip configurations. The anomaly is shown tobe due to the nature of the substrate material. This needs to be considered as a layered structure of epoxy resinand glass fibre. Calculations, using Boundary Element field methods, show that the distribution of the electricfield within this layered structure determines the apparent dielectric constant and therefore affects theImpedance. Thus FR4 cannot be considered to be uniform dielectric when calculating differential Impedance.
上传时间: 2014-12-24
阻抗匹配 阻抗匹配(Impedance matching)是微波电子学里的一部分,主要用于传输线上,来达至所有高频的微波信号皆能传至负载点的目的,不会有信号反射回来源点,从而提升能源效益。 大体上,阻抗匹配有两种,一种是透过改变阻抗力(lumped-circuit matching),另一种则是调整传输线的波长(transmission line matching)。 要匹配一组线路,首先把负载点的阻抗值,除以传输线的特性阻抗值来归一化,然后把数值划在史密夫图表上。 把电容或电感与负载串联起来,即可增加或减少负载的阻抗值,在图表上的点会沿著代表实数电阻的圆圈走动。如果把电容或电感接地,首先图表上的点会以图中心旋转180度,然后才沿电阻圈走动,再沿中心旋转180度。重覆以上方法直至电阻值变成1,即可直接把阻抗力变为零完成匹配。 由负载点至来源点加长传输线,在图表上的圆点会沿著图中心以逆时针方向走动,直至走到电阻值为1的圆圈上,即可加电容或电感把阻抗力调整为零,完成匹配.........
标签: 阻抗匹配
上传时间: 2013-11-13
Abstract: Impedance mismatches in a radio-frequency (RF) electrical transmission line cause power loss andreflected energy. Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is a way to measure transmission line imperfections. Thistutorial defines VSWR and explains how it is calculated. Finally, an antenna VSWR monitoring system is shown.
上传时间: 2013-10-19
1 为什么要重视电源噪声问题? 2 电源系统噪声余量分析 3 电源噪声是如何产生的? 4 电容退耦的两种解释 4.1 从储能的角度来说明电容退耦原理。 4.2 从阻抗的角度来理解退耦原理。 5 实际电容的特性 6 电容的安装谐振频率 7 局部去耦设计方法 8 电源系统的角度进行去耦设计 8.1 著名的Target Impedance(目标阻抗) 8.2 需要多大的电容量 8.3 相同容值电容的并联 8.4 不同容值电容的并联与反谐振(Anti-Resonance) 8.5 ESR 对反谐振(Anti-Resonance)的影响 8.6 怎样合理选择电容组合 8.7 电容的去耦半径 8.8 电容的安装方法 9 结束语
标签: 电源完整性
上传时间: 2013-11-06