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  • 频繁INduced子树聚类算法FREQT


    标签: INduced FREQT 频繁

    上传时间: 2016-07-04


  • 高速电路传输线效应分析与处理

    随着系统设计复杂性和集成度的大规模提高,电子系统设计师们正在从事100MHZ以上的电路设计,总线的工作频率也已经达到或者超过50MHZ,有一大部分甚至超过100MHZ。目前约80% 的设计的时钟频率超过50MHz,将近50% 以上的设计主频超过120MHz,有20%甚至超过500M。当系统工作在50MHz时,将产生传输线效应和信号的完整性问题;而当系统时钟达到120MHz时,除非使用高速电路设计知识,否则基于传统方法设计的PCB将无法工作。因此,高速电路信号质量仿真已经成为电子系统设计师必须采取的设计手段。只有通过高速电路仿真和先进的物理设计软件,才能实现设计过程的可控性。传输线效应基于上述定义的传输线模型,归纳起来,传输线会对整个电路设计带来以下效应。 · 反射信号Reflected signals · 延时和时序错误Delay & Timing errors · 过冲(上冲/下冲)Overshoot/Undershoot · 串扰INduced Noise (or crosstalk) · 电磁辐射EMI radiation

    标签: 高速电路 传输线 效应分析

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • 高速电路传输线效应分析与处理

    随着系统设计复杂性和集成度的大规模提高,电子系统设计师们正在从事100MHZ以上的电路设计,总线的工作频率也已经达到或者超过50MHZ,有一大部分甚至超过100MHZ。目前约80% 的设计的时钟频率超过50MHz,将近50% 以上的设计主频超过120MHz,有20%甚至超过500M。当系统工作在50MHz时,将产生传输线效应和信号的完整性问题;而当系统时钟达到120MHz时,除非使用高速电路设计知识,否则基于传统方法设计的PCB将无法工作。因此,高速电路信号质量仿真已经成为电子系统设计师必须采取的设计手段。只有通过高速电路仿真和先进的物理设计软件,才能实现设计过程的可控性。传输线效应基于上述定义的传输线模型,归纳起来,传输线会对整个电路设计带来以下效应。 · 反射信号Reflected signals · 延时和时序错误Delay & Timing errors · 过冲(上冲/下冲)Overshoot/Undershoot · 串扰INduced Noise (or crosstalk) · 电磁辐射EMI radiation

    标签: 高速电路 传输线 效应分析

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • Programs to induce a naive possibilistic classifier (a possibilistic analog of the naive Bayes class

    Programs to induce a naive possibilistic classifier (a possibilistic analog of the naive Bayes classifier) and to classify new data with an INduced naive possibilistic classifier.

    标签: possibilistic naive classifier Programs

    上传时间: 2015-07-12


  • The algorithm ID3 (Quinlan) uses the method top-down induction of decision trees. Given a set of cla

    The algorithm ID3 (Quinlan) uses the method top-down induction of decision trees. Given a set of classified examples a decision tree is INduced, biased by the information gain measure, which heuristically leads to small trees. The examples are given in attribute-value representation. The set of possible classes is finite. Only tests, that split the set of instances of the underlying example languages depending on the value of a single attribute are supported.

    标签: algorithm induction decision top-down

    上传时间: 2017-08-20


  • Analysis+of+Device-to-Device+Communications

    Device-to-device(D2D) communications are now considered as an integral part of future 5G networks which will enable direct communication between user equipment (UE) without unnecessary routing via the network infrastructure. This architecture will result in higher throughputs than conventional cellular networks, but with the increased potential for co-channel interference INduced by randomly located cellular and D2D UEs.

    标签: Device-to-Device Communications Analysis of

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Core+and+Metro+Networks

    It is commonly accepted today that optical fiber communications have revolutionized telecommunications. Indeed, dramatic changes have been INduced in the way we interact with our relatives, friends, and colleagues: we retrieve information, we entertain and educate ourselves, we buy and sell, we organize our activities, and so on, in a long list of activities. Optical fiber systems initially allowed for a significant curb in the cost of transmission and later on they sparked the process of a major rethinking regarding some, generation-old, telecommunication concepts like the (OSI)-layer definition, the lack of cross-layer dependency, the oversegmentation and overfragmentation of telecommunica- tions networks, and so on.

    标签: Networks Metro Core and

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Smart+Antennas

    Smart antennas involve processing of signals INduced on an array of sensors such as antennas, microphones, and hydrophones. They have applications in the areas of radar, sonar, medical imaging, and communications.

    标签: Antennas Smart

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • 直流电动机测速装置

    本系统采用电动机电枢供电回路串接采样电阻的方式来实现对小型直流有刷电动机的转速测量。该系统主要由二阶低通滤波电路,小信号放大电路、单片机测量显示电路、开关稳压电源电路等组成。同时自制电机测速装置,用高频磁环作为载体,用线圈绕制磁环,利用电磁感应原理检测电机运行时的漏磁,将变化的磁场信号转化为磁环上的感应电流。用信号处理单元电路将微弱电信号转化为脉冲信号,送由单片机检测,从而达到准确测量电机的速度的要求。In this system, the sampling resistance of armature power supply circuit is connected in series to measure the speed of small DC brush motor. The system is mainly composed of second-order low-pass filter circuit, small signal amplifier circuit, single-chip measurement and display circuit, switching regulated power supply circuit and so on. At the same time, the self-made motor speed measuring device uses high frequency magnetic ring as the carrier, coil winding magnetic ring, and electromagnetic induction principle to detect the leakage of magnetic field during the operation of the motor, which converts the changed magnetic field signal into the INduced current on the magnetic ring. The weak electric signal is transformed into pulse signal by signal processing unit circuit, which is sent to single chip computer for detection, so as to meet the requirement of accurate measurement of motor speed.

    标签: 直流电动机

    上传时间: 2022-03-26
