Accessing IDE Hard disk by ATmega32 microcontroller (Proteus simulation INclude)
标签: microcontroller simulation Accessing Proteus
上传时间: 2013-09-21
This book introduces embedded systems to C and C++ programmers. Topics INclude testing memory devices, writing and erasing Flash memory, verifying nonvolatile memory contents, controlling on-chip peripherals, device driver design and implementation, optimizing embedded code for size and speed, and making the most of C++ without a performance penalty. Pages : 336 Slots : 1
标签: programmers introduces embedded INclude
上传时间: 2013-12-10
Mastering VBNet INclude Source Code
标签: Mastering INclude Source VBNet
上传时间: 2014-02-22
MasteringEJB20 Code Sample INclude SessionBean,EntityBean,etc
标签: MasteringEJB SessionBean EntityBean INclude
上传时间: 2015-01-14
使用方法如下: 1、在工程中加入comm.h这个头文件 2、在stdafx.h中加入 #INclude 3、在聚合类改变方法如下: 原句:public IDispatchImpl 新句:public IDispatchImpl<_EnumColl::CollectionType, &IID_IUsers, &LIBID_TEST07Lib> OK,就这么简单,然后再加入你自己的方法如Add,Delete等即可
标签: public IDispatchImpl INclude stdafx
上传时间: 2013-12-24
A document about audio,INclude Mp3 , Mp3Pro, AAC , AAC+ , EAAC+ , AMR , AMR-WB ,AMR-WB+ .It list detail information about this audio type.It is a guide to study these audio in advance
标签: AMR-WB AAC document INclude
上传时间: 2015-02-21
A document about Ehanced AAC+ , EAAC+ INclude core AAC , SBR and PS
标签: AAC document Ehanced INclude
上传时间: 2015-02-21
多模块程序设计:包含汇编命令的使用 INclude: EX21.ASM,EX22.ASM,PP2.ASM 设计多字节减法运算程序,要求程序能显示运算数据和结果数据(16进制). 数据按逆序存放:先低位后高位
上传时间: 2015-02-27
What s inside :README - this fileINSTALL - installation instructionsstlport - main STLport INclude directorysrc - source and makefiles for iostreams implementationlib - installation directory for STLport library (if you use STLport iostreams only)test/regression - regression test, using wrapper iostreamstest/eh - exception handling test using STLport iostreamsetc - miscellanous files (ChangeLog, TODO, scripts, etc.)
标签: instructionsstlport installation fileINSTALL STLport
上传时间: 2014-01-19
pc.c是移植于μCOS-II的PC服务代码(pc.c) 主要改动: 1、#INclude "INcludes.h"改为"config.h" 2、在屏幕上显示改为向UART0发送数据,在电脑上显示,影响的函数: PC_DispChar()、PC_DispClrCol()、PC_DispClrRow()、PC_DispClrScr()和PC_DispStr() 3、获取键值改为从UART0获取,影响的函数:PC_GetKey() 4、因为没有dos环境所作的修改,影响的函数: PC_DOSReturn()、PC_DOSSaveReturn()、PC_SetTickRate()(删除)、PC_VectGet()(删除)和 PC_VectSet(删除)。 5、因为定时器不同所作的修改,影响的函数: PC_ElapsedStart()和PC_ElapsedStop()。 6、因为实时时钟不同所作的修改,影响的函数:PC_GetDateTime()。
标签: INcludes INclude COS-II config
上传时间: 2015-03-18