富士通单片机MB902420系列 extINT Project: All external INTERRUPT-Pins INT0 .. INT7 will be enabled. A falling edge on INTx will toggle PDR4_P4x in order to toggle the LEDx of the Flash-CAN-100P Board e.g. falling edge on INT3 will result in LED D3 will toggleP47..P40 (UserLEDs of FlashCan100P) and will send out again as byte-packages to ID#2 Receive-Buffer #1 : basic can Transmit-Buffer #6 : full-can ID #2
标签: INTERRUPT-Pins external Project enabled
上传时间: 2016-04-27
The LPC2292/2294 microcontrollers are based on a 16/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU with real-time emulation and embedded trace support, together with 256 kB of embedded high-speed flash memory. A 128-bit wide memory interface and a unique accelerator architecture enable 32-bit code execution at the maximum clock rate. For critical code size applications, the alternative 16-bit Thumb mode reduces code by more than 30 pct with minimal performance penalty. With their 144-pin package, low power consumption, various 32-bit timers, 8-channel 10-bit ADC, 2/4 (LPC2294) advanced CAN channels, PWM channels and up to nine external interrupt pins these microcontrollers are particularly suitable for automotive and industrial control applications as well as medical systems and fault-tolerant maintenance buses. The number of available fast GPIOs ranges from 76 (with external memory) through 112 (single-chip). With a wide range of additional serial communications interfaces, they are also suited for communication gateways and protocol converters as well as many other general-purpose applications. Remark: Throughout the data sheet, the term LPC2292/2294 will apply to devices with and without the /00 or /01 suffix. The suffixes /00 and /01 will be used to differentiate from other devices only when necessary.
上传时间: 2014-12-30
The MC68HC05K0 is a low cost, low pin countsingle chip microcomputer with 504 bytes of userROM and 32 bytes of RAM. The MC68HC05K0 isa member of the 68HC05K series of devices whichare available in 16-pin DIL or SOIC packages.It uses the same CPU as the other devices in the68HC05 family and has the same instructions andregisters. Additionally, the device has a 15-stagemulti-function timer and 10 general purposebi-directional I/0 lines. A mask option is availablefor software programmable pull-downs on all ofthe I/O pins and four of the pins are capable ofgenerating interrupts.The device is ideally suited for remote-controlkeyboard applications because the pull-downs andthe interrupt drivers on the port pins allowkeyboards to be built without any externalcomponents except the keys themselves. There isno need for external pull-up or pull-down resistors,or diodes for wired-OR interrupts, as these featuresare already designed into the device.
上传时间: 2014-01-24
8051 Serial I/O Routines Ring buffered, interrupt-driven UART driver, written in Keil C .
标签: interrupt-driven Routines buffered written
上传时间: 2013-11-27
Advantech Driver Demo: Interrupt Data Transfer
标签: Advantech Interrupt Transfer Driver
上传时间: 2014-01-12
some examples of EZUSB s interrupt routine
标签: interrupt examples routine EZUSB
上传时间: 2015-04-07
上传时间: 2015-04-08
These routines transmit and receive serial data using two general * I/O pins, in 8 bit, No parity, 1 stop bit format. They are useful * for performing serial I/O on 8051 derivatives not having an * internal UART, or for implementing a second serial channel.
标签: routines transmit receive general
上传时间: 2015-05-22
5 Interrupt Timers & 2 Clock Outputs
标签: Interrupt Outputs Timers Clock
上传时间: 2015-05-27
Serial Communication Interface SCI : Transmit & Receive Interrupt
标签: Communication Interface Interrupt Transmit
上传时间: 2015-06-27