this process is about how to get the shortest path, this process write by VC++.
标签: process this shortest about
上传时间: 2014-01-07
This the industrial enterprise which I develops saves sells thesystem, hoped brings a help to the novice
标签: industrial enterprise the thesystem
上传时间: 2015-10-13
ITRON(Industrial the Real-Time Operation System Nucleus,工业实时操作系统中心)提出的实时多任务系统规范。它具有标准的实时内核,适用于任何小规模的嵌入式系统,日本国内现有很多基于该内核的产品,其中消费电器较多,目前已成为日本事实上的工业标准。 ITRON和日本的精密机械工业相结合,使日本在数据系统、工业机器人、办公机器方面处于世界领先地位。
标签: Industrial Real-Time Operation Nucleus
上传时间: 2015-10-15
Visual.C++程序设计技巧与实例--配套光盘 第4章 进程和线程 本章共有8个实例: 1. Process创建和终止进程 2. WorkerThread创建工作者线程 3. UIThread用户界面线程示例 4. Event使用事件对象来实现线程的同步 5. Thread使用临界区对象来实现线程的同步 6. Mutex使用互斥量对象来实现不同进程间的线程同步 7. Semaphore使用信号量对象实现线程的同步 8. MutiThread多线程任务调度与处理
标签: WorkerThread Process Visual UIThr
上传时间: 2014-11-17
书名:基本商业程序的建模 Essential Business Process Modeling (Paperback) 作者: Mike Havey 出版商:O Reilly 1 edition (August 18, 2005) 内容介绍: Ten years ago, groupware bundled with email and calendar applications helped track the flow of work from person to person within an organization. Workflow in today s enterprise means more monitoring and orchestrating massive systems. A new technology called Business Process Management, or BPM, helps software architects and developers design, code, run, administer, and monitor complex network-based business processes. BPM replaces those sketchy flowchart diagrams that business analysts draw on whiteboards with a precise model that uses standard graphical and XML representations, and an architecture that allows it converse with other services, systems, and users.
标签: Essential Paperback Business Modeling
上传时间: 2015-10-21
New matching pursuit-based algorithm for SNR improvement in ultrasonic NDT (signal process 中的文章,mp去噪)
标签: pursuit-based improvement ultrasonic algorithm
上传时间: 2015-11-01
To develop functional modules to process grayscale image intensity data. And perform Point and spatial operations. Uses Prewitt, Sobel, and Laplacian of Guassian Methods. And calculates their histograms.
标签: functional grayscale intensity develop
上传时间: 2015-11-09
The font library converting tool MCT mainly introduces the process of the font formats to give us a guidence
标签: font converting introduces the
上传时间: 2013-12-14
层次分析法(AHP) 美国运筹学家A.L.Saaty于本世纪70年代提出的层次分析法(Analytical Hierar-chy Process,简称AHP方法),是一种定性与定量相结合的决策分析方法。它是一种将决策者对复杂系统的决策思维过程模型化、数量化的过程。
标签: Analytical Hierar-chy Process Saaty
上传时间: 2013-12-19
使用底层技术结束进程。The use of the underlying technology end of the process.
标签: technology underlying the process
上传时间: 2015-12-03