基于verilog HDL的自动售货机控制电路设计: 可以对5种不同种类的货物进行自动售货,价格分别为A=1.00,B=1.50,C=1.80,D=3.10,E=5.00 。售货机可以接受1元,5角,1角三种硬币(即有三种输入信号IY,IWJ,IYJ),并且在一个3位7段LED(二位代表元,一位代表角)显示以投入的总钱数,最大9.90元,如果大于该数值,新投入的硬币会退出,选择货物的输入信号Ia,Ib,Ic,Id,Ie和一个放弃信号In,输出指示信号为 Sa, Sb ,Sc ,Sd, Se 分别表示售出相应的货物,同时输出的信号yuan, jiao代表找零,相应每个脉冲代表找零相应的硬币,上述输入和输出信号均是一个固定宽度的脉冲信号。
上传时间: 2016-07-12
Matlab实现: Erlang B model(M/M/n/n)与 Erlang C model排队系统的模拟,并画出阻塞概率(P)与负载(A=lamda/miu in Erlang)的关系图。用法:运行RunMe
上传时间: 2014-01-02
basic.c */ /**//* Project:NeuroBasic, basic package*//**/ /* Survey:This is a simple Basic b-code compiler which*/ /*can be used as a comfortable command shell for */ /* any program. The actual compiler is found in */ /*compiler.c.*/ /*The functions m_fctptr() and user_server()*/ /*build an interface to an
标签: basic NeuroBasic Project package
上传时间: 2017-02-15
I. C. Wong, Z. Shen, J. G. Andrews, and B. L. Evans, ``A Low Complexity Algorithm for Proportional Resource Allocation in OFDMA Systems , Proc. IEEE Int. Work. Signal Processing Systems, 针对这篇文章给出的源代码
上传时间: 2014-01-24
Abstract-In this paper, simple autonomous chaotic circuits coupled by resistors are investigated. By carrying out computer calculations and circuit experiments, irregular self-switching phenomenon of three spatial patterns characterized by the phase states of quasi-synchronization of chaos can be observed from only four simple chaotic circuits. This is the same phenomenon as chaotic wandering of spatial patterns observed very often from systems with a large number of degrees of freedom. Namely, one of spatial-temporal chaos observed from systems of large size can be also generated in the proposed system consisting of only four chaotic circuits. A six subcircuits case and a coupled chaotic circuits networks are also studied, and such systems are confirmed to produce more complicated spatio-temporal phenomena.
标签: investigated Abstract-In autonomous resistors
上传时间: 2014-06-09
21世纪大学新型参考教材系列 集成电路B 荒井
上传时间: 2013-04-15
上传时间: 2013-06-10
上传时间: 2013-07-13
专辑类-实用电子技术专辑-385册-3.609G jk-b交通信号控制机原理图-1.3M.zip
上传时间: 2013-08-02
专辑类-电子基础类专辑-153册-2.20G 21世纪大学新型参考教材系列-集成电路B-荒井-159页-2.8M.pdf
上传时间: 2013-05-16