Title : Implementation of quadrature modulation and demodulation Design Object : By IMPLEMENTing quadrature modulation and demodulation of analog signals in digital signal processing, students will have better understanding of sampling and frequency analysis of discrete-time signals. Design Content : Make a MATLAB function which performs quadrature modulation and demodulation for a input signal with anti-aliasing filtering.
标签: Implementation demodulation IMPLEMENTing modulation
上传时间: 2013-12-09
IMPLEMENTing quadrature modulation and demodulation of analog signals in digital signal processing, using MATLAB
标签: IMPLEMENTing demodulation quadrature modulation
上传时间: 2013-12-20
Good introduction for real-time systems programming for IMPLEMENTing in embedded systems. Maybe helpful both for beginners and experienced programmers
标签: systems introduction IMPLEMENTing programming
上传时间: 2017-09-11
IMPLEMENTing dot product in matlab and ccs
标签: IMPLEMENTing product matlab dot
上传时间: 2014-01-15
IMPLEMENTing the echoing application in matlab
标签: IMPLEMENTing application echoing matlab
上传时间: 2013-12-27
IMPLEMENTing a New Manet Unicast Routing Protocol in NS2
标签: IMPLEMENTing Protocol Unicast Routing
上传时间: 2017-09-16
The DSP Design Flow workshop provides an introduction to the advanced tools you need to design and implement DSP algorithms targeting FPGAs. This intermediate workshop in IMPLEMENTing DSP functions focuses on learning how to use System Generator for DSP,
标签: workshop provides Design Flow
上传时间: 2013-09-02
The LTM8020, LTM8021, LTM8022 and LTM8023 μModule®regulators are complete easy-to-use encapsulated stepdownDC/DC regulators intended to take the pain and aggravationout of IMPLEMENTing a switching power supplyonto a system board. With a μModule regulator, you onlyneed an input cap, output cap and one or two resistorsto complete the design. As one might imagine, this highlevel of integration greatly simplifi es the task of printedcircuit board design, reducing the effort to four categories:component footprint generation, component placement,routing the nets, and thermal vias.
上传时间: 2014-01-18
This application note describes how to implement the Bus LVDS (BLVDS) interface in the supported Altera ® device families for high-performance multipoint applications. This application note also shows the performance analysis of a multipoint application with the Cyclone III BLVDS example.
标签: IMPLEMENTing LVDS 522 Bus
上传时间: 2013-11-10
This application note describes how to implement the Bus LVDS (BLVDS) interface in the supported Altera ® device families for high-performance multipoint applications. This application note also shows the performance analysis of a multipoint application with the Cyclone III BLVDS example.
标签: IMPLEMENTing LVDS 522 Bus
上传时间: 2013-10-26