μC/OS-II Goals Probably the most important goal of μC/OS-II was to make it backward compatible with μC/OS (at least from an application’s standpoint). A μC/OS port might need to be modified to work with μC/OS-II but at least, the application code should require only minor changes (if any). Also, because μC/OS-II is based on the same core as μC/OS, it is just as reliable. I added conditional compilation to allow you to further reduce the amount of RAM (i.e. data space) needed by μC/OS-II. This is especially useful when you have resource limited products. I also added the feature described in the previous section and cleaned up the code. Where the book is concerned, I wanted to clarify some of the concepts described in the first edition and provide additional explanations about how μC/OS-II works. I had numerous requests about doing a chapter on how to port μC/OS and thus, such a chapter has been included in this book for μC/OS-II.
标签: OS-II compatible important Probably
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