This function calculates Akaike s final prediction error % estimate of the average generalization error for network % models generated by NNARX, NNOE, NNARMAX1+2, or their recursive % counterparts. % % [FPE,deff,varest,H] = nnfpe(method,NetDef,W1,W2,U,Y,NN,trparms,skip,Chat) % produces the final prediction error estimate (fpe), the effective number % of weights in the network IF it has been trained with weight decay, % an estimate of the noise variance, and the Gauss-Newton Hessian. %
标签: generalization calculates prediction function
上传时间: 2016-12-27
The AVRcam source files were built using the WinAVR distribution (version 3.3.1 of GCC). I haven t tested other versions of GCC, but they should compile without too much dIFficulty. * The source files for the AVRcam had the author name and copyright information added back into them after the judging of the project, since it states in the competition rules that the author s name can not be present during their inspection. * The included source files are the ones that were submitted for the entry into the Circuit Cellar contest. I have continued to develop the AVRcam, and have added several new features (such as ignoring objects that aren t larger than a minimum size, removing tracked objects that overlap with each, and some general optimizations). IF you are interested in the latest source, email me at * For more info about the AVRcam, check out John Orlando August 20, 2004
标签: distribution version AVRcam source
上传时间: 2016-12-30
Euler函数: m = p1^r1 * p2^r2 * …… * pn^rn ai >= 1 , 1 <= i <= n Euler函数: 定义:phi(m) 表示小于等于m并且与m互质的正整数的个数。 phi(m) = p1^(r1-1)*(p1-1) * p2^(r2-1)*(p2-1) * …… * pn^(rn-1)*(pn-1) = m*(1 - 1/p1)*(1 - 1/p2)*……*(1 - 1/pn) = p1^(r1-1)*p2^(r2-1)* …… * pn^(rn-1)*phi(p1*p2*……*pn) 定理:若(a , m) = 1 则有 a^phi(m) = 1 (mod m) 即a^phi(m) - 1 整出m 在实际代码中可以用类似素数筛法求出 for (i = 1 i < MAXN i++) phi[i] = i for (i = 2 i < MAXN i++) IF (phi[i] == i) { for (j = i j < MAXN j += i) { phi[j] /= i phi[j] *= i - 1 } } 容斥原理:定义phi(p) 为比p小的与p互素的数的个数 设n的素因子有p1, p2, p3, … pk 包含p1, p2…的个数为n/p1, n/p2… 包含p1*p2, p2*p3…的个数为n/(p1*p2)… phi(n) = n - sigm_[i = 1](n/pi) + sigm_[i!=j](n/(pi*pj)) - …… +- n/(p1*p2……pk) = n*(1 - 1/p1)*(1 - 1/p2)*……*(1 - 1/pk)
上传时间: 2014-01-10
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<limits.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<sys/types.h> #define PROMPT_STRING "[myshell]$" #define QUIT_STRING "exit\n" static char inbuf[MAX_CANON] char * g_ptr char * g_lim extern void yylex() int main (void){ for( ){ IF(fputs(PROMPT_STRING,stdout)==EOF) continue IF(fgets(inbuf,MAX_CANON,stdin)==NULL) continue IF(strcmp(inbuf,QUIT_STRING)==0) break g_ptr = inbuf g_lim = inbuf + strlen(inbuf) yylex() } return 0 }
上传时间: 2016-12-31
MS Visual Studio .NET.rar frame.CombinedTransformationMatrix = frame.TransformationMatrix * parentMatrix IF (frame.FrameSibling != null) { UpdateFrameMatrices((FrameDerived)frame.FrameSibling, parentMatrix) } IF (frame.FrameFirstChild != null) { UpdateFrameMatrices((FrameDerived)frame.FrameFirstChild, frame.CombinedTransformationMatrix) }
标签: CombinedTransformationMatrix frame TransformationMatrix Visual
上传时间: 2017-01-01
ABC_FDTD_Die(T) Implements simulation of a Gaussian Pulse over T time steps. ABC are for free space. IF boundaries are in the Dielectric medium then the ABC fail. Dielectric medium begin and end can be specIFied with the code
标签: ABC_FDTD_Die Implements simulation Gaussian
上传时间: 2013-12-22
ABC_FDTD_Die(T) Implements simulation of a Gaussian Pulse over T time steps. ABC are for free space. IF boundaries are in the Dielectric medium then the ABC fail. Dielectric medium begin and end can be specIFied with the code
标签: ABC_FDTD_Die Implements simulation Gaussian
上传时间: 2014-07-27
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { char ch while(true) { printf("*************************************\n") printf(" 1.Reader Priority\n") printf(" 2.Writer Priority\n") printf(" 3.Exit to Windows\n") printf("*************************************\n") printf("Enter your choice(1,2,3): ") do{ ch=(char)_getch() }while(ch!= 1 &&ch!= 2 &&ch!= 3 ) system("cls") IF(ch== 3 ) return 0 else IF(ch== 1 ) ReaderPriority("thread.dat") else WriterPriority("thread.dat") printf("\nPress Any Key to Coutinue:") _getch() system("cls") } return 0
上传时间: 2017-01-06
编写一个词法器,让你输入的代码有合适的标号如:IF标号为1,a标号为2,;标号为3 <,>标号为4.等等。
上传时间: 2013-12-06
//顺序表的建立、查找、插入与删除 #include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define ListSize 100 //表最大长度 //结构定义 typedef struct SeqList { int node[ListSize] //存放表结点 int length //当前表长度 } SeqList //插入元素 insertList(SeqList *list, int e) { int i=list->length-1 //先将i指定为最后一项 IF(i>=ListSize-1) //表已经达到最大长度ListSize { printf("表已满,不能增加新的项!\n")
上传时间: 2014-01-17