fpga based jpge 压缩算法,性能不错,
上传时间: 2013-08-14
FPGA-based link layer chip S19202 configuration
标签: configuration FPGA-based S19202 layer
上传时间: 2013-08-18
Run Pac-man Game Based on 8086/8088 FPGA IP Core
上传时间: 2013-08-23
一篇关于CORDIC的文章A survey of CORDIC algorithms for FPGA based computers
标签: CORDIC algorithms computers survey
上传时间: 2013-08-31
something useful for communication,source code based on FPGA
标签: communication something useful source
上传时间: 2013-08-31
On the design of an FPGA-Based OFDM modulator for IEEE 802.11a
标签: FPGA-Based modulator 802.11 design
上传时间: 2013-09-02
以AVR单片机ATmega8和USB接口器件PDIUSBD12为核心,基于标准的USB1.1协议,设计一种通用USB接口模块,以满足嵌入式系统中对USB接口的需求。对模块的硬件电路或单片机固件程序的硬件接口层稍加修改即可用于其他各种微处理器。该模块可为各种嵌入式系统增加USB接口,实现与USB主机系统通信。 Abstract: Based on AVR microcontroller ATmega8 and USB interface chip PDIUSBD12, a general USB interface module is designed according to USB1.1 protocol for various requirements of embedded systems. Only with few modifications in circuit or hardware abstract layer of firmware, the module can be used on many types of microprocessors. All kinds of embedded systems can realize high speed and stable communication with USB host systems, owing to the facility of this module.
上传时间: 2014-01-08
介绍了电力操作电源与智能电池巡检系统的特点,给出了一种基于超低功耗单片机MSP430 F149针对中小型变电站自动化运行的专用设备的基本设计原理及实现方法,最后给出了详细硬件构成和软件实现。该系统能满足中小型变电站安全、可靠、自动运行的要求,并通过与上位机的串行通信实现变电站的远程管理和控制。 Abstract: The characters of the intelligent battery data logging system of the electric operation power are introduced.The basic design principle and the implemented methods of the special equipment which only designed for the middle or small transformer substation based on MSP430F149 are prescribed. Finally, the hardware block diagram and the software flow chart are also given. The function that the system finally needs to realize can basically meet with the middle or small transformer substation’s satisfy, reliably,and automatic running.And it can also realize the transformer substation long-distance management and control by serial communicating with the host computer.
上传时间: 2013-11-25
综述从问世,到协议规范2.0版本,USB(通用串行总线,简写为USB)在不断自我完善,并走向成熟。从普通计算机用户,计算机工程师,到硬件芯片生产厂商,都已经完全认可了USB。厂商对于USB的硬件和软件支持的也越来越完备,现在开发一个USB外设产品,所需要投入的成本和时间大大降低了,几年前是没有办法做到这一点的。但是,随着USB应用领域的逐渐扩大,人们对于USB的期望也越来越高,希望USB能应用在各种计算机领域中,尤其是在移动通讯领域中,希望能通过PDA等移动设备来直接和USB外设通信,使得USB能应用在没有PC的领域中。 非PC应用领域?这正是USB一个致命的弱点。USB的拓扑结构中居于核心地位的是Host(也称为主机),任何一次USB的数据传输都必须由Host来发起和控制,所有的USB外设都只能和Host建立连接,任何两个外设之间或是两个Host之间无法直接通信。而目前,大量的扮演Host角色的是个人电脑PC。因此,“如何将USB应用到嵌入式领域?如何实现USB点对点的通讯?”等问题,开始进入了USB开发者的讨论议程。正是在这种新的需求之下,USBHost的嵌入式应用成了USB领域新的兴奋点。 本项目也就是在嵌入式USBHost技术即将起步发展的背景之下产生的。 传统意义的USB开发,仅仅是对USB外设的开发,USB底层驱动程序和USB主控制器驱动程序都由Windows等操作系统提供,有关这些驱动程序的细节过程都蒙着一层神秘的面纱。所以,要设计USBHost,就须设计这两部分驱动程序,Windows源码不公开,这些细节资料就无从得到。
上传时间: 2013-11-12
TheTool is highy customizable map editor(based on QT) which can be extended via LUA scripts. A first implentation is ready and can be published to the public. The editor is the perfect tool who wants to design some 3d games but don t have time to write
标签: customizable extended TheTool scripts
上传时间: 2013-12-12