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  • 欧母龙PLC例程PLC控制器源码255个合集

    欧母龙PLC例程PLC控制器源码255个合集:1600T俄罗斯压力机.rar200吨压机程序 omron 的机子C系列的.rar3MK136旧磨床现程序.rar3电机延时控制启停.rar5V编码器信号如何接入CP1H高数计数案例.rar6路抢答器源码.rar902002 OMRON.rarASCII Generic Protocol Macro Object Code.zipASCII Generic Protocol Macro.zipC3电枢异物吸引.rarCalendar Calculation.zipcarbon.rarCompact Flash Memory Write.zipCounter Multiplex.zipcp1h 高速计数触发中断注意点.rarcp1h-x40用在非标饮料线上的程序,有注解.rarCP1H与爱默生温控模块的通讯程序.rarCP1L and CP1H EasyModbus FB.zipCPM1A编写的赞扬15T立式注塑机.rarCPM2A Interupt High Speed Counting Sample.zipCPM2A自身时钟六个时间段触发程序.rarCQM1 Host Link Master.zipCQM1H 21的例子程序,有温度压力等PID控制。.rarCQMaster.swp.zipCS CJ CP NSJ password set.zipCS1 C Mode Hostlink.zipCS1-CJ1 Floating Point to Fixed Point Conversion for HMI.zipcub.rarCX-Programmer Ver.5 Introduction Guide R120-E1-01..zipCX-Programmer Ver.5 Introduction to Function Blocks Guide R121-E1-01.zipC_Mode_Hostlink.zipDeviceNet Explicit Message Example.zipdieban.rarEasy to use Modbus RTU Master for CP1L CP1H CJ1 CJ2 CS1.zipExample of Using Daylight Saving FB's.zipExample Scale Meter Protocol.zipFB Calculate Day Of Week.zipFB Day light savings function block.zipFB Extract Time Date into SecMin Hr Day Mth Yr.zipFB Scale with parameters.zipGKF1250离心机CXP.rargkf1250离心机cxpgkf离心机omron.rarJH21-200程序.rarLED液压机.rarlogging+ filewrite.ziplpr-des.rarModbus Protocol Macro Object Code.zipModbus Protocol Macro.zipModbus RTU Sample Code CJ1-SCB.rarModbus TCP Client using FB's.zipOmron CS1 Sequencer.zipOMRON E6CP绝对值编码器使用实例。编码器为8位格雷码输出.rarOmron Modbus Slave Ladder.zipOmron Plc 变频一带三例程.rarOMRON PLC编程示范.raromron--MOV傳送指令.raromron-cs1g-h-cpu42日本机的程序.rarOmron_CJ2_to_AB_EIP_Tag_Datalink_Example.rarOMRON接驳台.rarOMRON控制2伺服.rarOMRON温度,压力模拟量输入程序.rarOMRON照明设备程序.raromron的PLC案例程序.rarOMRON程序举例.rarOMRON程序举例2.rarOMRON纸病分析系统-PLC程序(CJ1G).zipomron脉冲输出到驱动器的程序.rarPCB 沉铜线程序.rarPID温度控制的PLC程序设计实例.rarPinstamp.zipPLC Clock adjustment with screen.zipPLC锰钢程序cpm2a.zipPolls and Writes setpoints to E5CK Process Controller - E5CK.swp.zipPRO9连拉.rarProcess states sequence logics.zipQuadrature Input for Standard CPM1A DC Inputs.zipRandom Number Generator.zipScaling in CJ1 CS1 PLC's.zipSMS - GSM PLC Communications.zipsony 公司 某机台控制程序.rarStepNext.cpt.zipSTUP Example.zipTemplate for Step-Step Next Sequence.zipToggle Button.zipTracking product on conveyor.zipTXD-RXD Quickstart Programs.zipTXD-RXD Serial Port Handling.zipUseable timer.zipV600-E5CK.zipV700-V720 RFID Protocol Macro.zipVB与OMRON PLC通讯源码.rarWoodwood Controler Example Protocol Program.zipYH32-315油压机程序.rar一个CJ1M的程序.rar一个OMRON程序,带位置控制模块.rar一个生产线上润滑控制的小程序.rar一些简单的cpm1a程序.rar一控三恒压供水程序.rar三层提升机欧姆龙CQM1H程序.rar三菱400吨和200号冲床程序.rar上海产自动模切机飞达部程序.zip上海狮印全自动啤机程序.rar东芝压铸机梯形图.rar两步法吹瓶机.rar乡林剪台.rar买书的随书样例.rar井研磨边机.rar交通灯注释全.rar今机立式注塑机程序.rar伺服电机正反转控制.rar位置控制(旋转编码器与PLC).rar充磁机程序.rar先启后停 后启先停 事例.rar冲床程序.rar分拣线主机一个CJ1M的分拣线程序下挂CP1H.rar利慧利乐灌装机程序.rar刮水器停止位置检查程序.rar力泰翻胚机程序.rar北人04印刷机程序.rar北人LQD10骑马装订程序.rar半自动吹瓶机的程.rar南京印刷机.zip卡板程式.rar压制机程序(带解释,注释).rar压力机控制程序.rar原创液压机程序带注释欧姆龙PLC加信捷文本.rar原点搜索程序.rar双翻分拣机.rar双边机.rar反渗透整套PLC控制.rar台湾产染色机欧姆龙PLC带3只IO扩展控制程序.rar台湾大拉无板.rar啤酒厂酒瓶美容机.rar四川绵阳建丰热磨工段.rar在用设备程序.rar垂直涂布.rar外端子设计数值.rar大型热电厂 PLC程序(带注解).rar大摇动超声波清洗机.rar大连75密练注释程序.rar安呼12级.rar富佳扶梯程序.rar对齐度编程!!.rar小车控制程序.rar小车送料”例程.rar广东锻压气压冲床程序(80T)有详细注解.rar广告牌灯箱.rar微电机刷簧自动组装程序.rar微粉砖自动送料带OMRON CQM2A+扩展程序带注释.rar意大利进口皮革压花.rar扎钢机程序.rar打包机.rar拔盖机.rar拨码控制.rar挡砖磨边机(新1).rar捷豹空压机控制程序.rar接木机.rar控制程序例子.rar推挂.rar攻丝机2(新).rar料位显示.rar旋转门控制程序1.rar无协议.rar无心磨床(OMRON系统,带机械手有详细注解).rar无线胶装机欧姆龙程序.zip日本人编的程序 抛光研磨.rar日本成型磨床控制程序(附注释)欧姆龙CPM1A.rar板坯定厚.rar样例,有注释.rar模拟量试验.rar欧姆龙CJ1M铬化机程序带注释.rar欧姆龙CP1H例程.rar欧姆龙CPM1A的PLC.rar欧姆龙CPM2AH  PLC和欧姆龙NTZ触摸屏编写的超声波清洗机程序..rar欧姆龙CPM2AH Host Link通讯程序(发布源码).rar

    标签: plc 控制器

    上传时间: 2021-10-22


  • STM32L053C8T6数据手册

    STM32L053C8T6数据手册Features • Ultra-low-power platform – 1.65 V to 3.6 V power supply – -40 to 125 °C temperature range – 0.27 µA Standby mode (2 wakeup pins) – 0.4 µA Stop mode (16 wakeup lines) – 0.8 µA Stop mode + RTC + 8 KB RAM retention – 139 µA/MHz Run mode at 32 MHz – 3.5 µs wakeup time (from RAM) – 5 µs wakeup time (from Flash) • Core: ARM® 32-bit Cortex®-M0+ with MPU – From 32 kHz up to 32 MHz max.  – 0.95 DMIPS/MHz • Reset and supply management – Ultra-safe, low-power BOR (brownout reset)  with 5 selectable thresholds – Ultralow power POR/PDR – Programmable voltage detector (PVD) • Clock sources – 1 to 25 MHz crystal oscillator – 32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration – High speed internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC  (+/- 1%) – Internal low-power 37 kHz RC – Internal multispeed low-power 65 kHz to  4.2 MHz RC – PLL for CPU clock • Pre-programmed bootloader – USART, SPI supported • Development support – Serial wire debug supported • Up to 51 fast I/Os (45 I/Os 5V tolerant) • Memories – Up to 64 KB Flash with ECC – 8KB RAM – 2 KB of data EEPROM with ECC – 20-byte backup register

    标签: stm32l053c8t6

    上传时间: 2022-02-06


  • 基于AD2S1210的高精度RDC电路设计

    本文提出基于AD2S1210的旋变信号转换电路,给出了具体的电路实现方法和配置方法.相比以往的RDC方案,本系统具有精度高,设计灵活,可靠性高等特点,可广泛应用于各种伺服系统中.In this paper, the switching signal conversion circuit based on ADS1210 is proposed, and the specific circuit implementation and configuration method are given. Compared with the previous RDC scheme, this system has the characteristics of high precision, flexible design and high reliability, and can be widely used in various servo systems.

    标签: ad2s1210

    上传时间: 2022-05-04


  • 基于DSP28035的高速永磁无刷直流电机驱动系统

    基于DSP28035的高速永磁无刷直流电机驱动系统,包括论文和软硬设计资料。摘要参赛作品为基于DSP28035的高速永磁无刷直流电机驱动系统。该系统以一台额定转速60 krpm的高速永磁无刷直流电机、交错并联的Buck电路以及全桥电路为硬件平台,以DSP28035为控制核心,实现了调压调速功能和基于坐标变换的无位置传感器新技术。为实现该系统要求,本作品充分利用了DSP28035的资源例如:CLA模块,模拟比较器、HPWM模块以及AD转换模块等。AbstractThis work is the drive system for a high speed permanent magnet burshless dc motor based on DSP28035. The hardware platform consists of a BLDC motor(rated speed is 60000rpm), a Buck circuit and an inverter. Under the control of DSP28035, this system can achieve the goal of adjusting the motor’s speed with voltage and the function of sensorless control based on the coordinate transformation. By making full use of resources of the core, such as CLA, analog comparator, HPWM and AD converters, the whole system can meet the requirements.1 引言高速永磁无刷直流电机驱动系统由于基波频率较高(一般在1kHZ以上),利用逆变桥斩波进行调速的控制方式通常会受到开关管开关频率的限制,因此该系统多采用三相全桥前级加Buck电路进承担调压调速的功能,而三相全桥主要承担逻辑换相的功能。然而,传统Buck电路所需电感的体积较大,增加了系统的体积,降低了系统的功率密度。

    标签: dsp28035 直流电机

    上传时间: 2022-05-08


  • DP转HDMI转换原理图

    CH7525 is a low-cost, low-power semiconductor device that translates the DisplayPort signal to HDMI/DVI. This innovative DisplayPort receiver with an integrated HDMI Transmitter is specially designed to target the notebook/ultrabook, tablet device and PC market segments. Through the CH7525’s advanced decoding / encoding algorithm, the input DisplayPort high-speed serialized multimedia data can be seamlessly converted to HDMI/DVI output.

    标签: dp hdmi

    上传时间: 2022-06-02


  • 时钟芯片RX8025T

    RX-8801 SA Features built-in 32.768 kHz DTCXO, High Stability Supports l'C-Bus's high speed mode (400 kHz)Alarm interrupt function for day, date, hour, and minute settings Fixed-cycle timer interrupt function Time update interrupt function32.768 kHz output with OE function Auto correction of leap years Wide interface voltage range: 2.2 V to 5.5 V Wide time-keeping voltage range:1.8 V to 5.5 V Low current consumption: 0.84A/3V (Typ.)is an IC bus interface-compliant real-time clock which includes a 32.768 kHz DTCXO In addition to providing a calendar (year, month, date, day, hour, minute, second) function and a clock counter function, this module provides an abundance of other functions including an alarm function, fixed-cycle timer unction, time update interrupt function, and 32.768 kHz output function.The devices in this module are fabricated via a C-MOS process for low current consumption, which enables ong-term battery back-up.

    标签: 时钟芯片 rx8025t

    上传时间: 2022-06-17


  • VITA46-48-42 技术资料

    VITA 46 Highlights Retain standard 6U and 3U form-factors Height, depth, pitch, front panel arrangements, conduction-cooled interfaces, etc.Support standard-length PMC and XMC modules· Support high-speed serial fabric on the backplane Tyco MultiGig RT2,7-row connector· Support VME and PCI interfaces for legacy compatibility· Provision for optical connectors as option· Support improved logistics Provide support for Line Replaceable Module(LRM) applications with ESD-protected connector Alignment and keying blocks

    标签: vita46

    上传时间: 2022-07-25


  • VPX标准草案(vita46d0-r0d11)

    VME has been the de-facto bus standard for Commercial off the Shelf(COTS ) Circuit Card Assemblies since the 1980's. VME boards have proven to be remarkably capable of evolving to support newer technologies with innovations such as VME Subsystem Bus, PCI Mezzanine Cards(PMC's) and VME320.However, advances in technologies, appearing particularly in interconnects, have demonstratedthe need for an advance in system development. This advance needs to accommodate high speed interconnect, particularly serial interconnects, and higher power delivery in concert with better heat removal.

    标签: vpx标准

    上传时间: 2022-07-27


  • VIP专区-单片机源代码精选合集系列(68)

    eeworm.com VIP专区 单片机源码系列 67资源包含以下内容:1. P89LPC912单片机数据手册.pdf2. P89LPC932 Flash单片机使用指南.pdf3. PC MCU串行通信的应用设计方法.pdf4. RSA加解密系统及其单芯片实现.pdf5. PCF8563实时时钟高精度调整方法.pdf6. PAM2862 1A LED Driver with Int.pdf7. AN070219 PCF8563中断输出功能.pdf8. SJA1000 Stand-alone CAN contro.pdf9. PCA82C250 PCA82C251 CAN Transc.pdf10. SJA1000独立的CAN控制器应用指南.pdf11. PCA82C250 CAN收发器应用指南.pdf12. SCN2681 SCN68681和SCC2691数据通信.pdf13. Philips单片机P89V51RD2简介.pdf14. 飞利浦SC16C器件和飞利浦低功耗SC16CxxxB器件之间.pdf15. P89V51RD2单片机看门狗的使用方法.pdf16. SC16C554 SC16C654 SC16C554B SC.pdf17. P89V51RD2的加密操作.pdf18. SC16C550应用实例.pdf19. 如何在C语言中调用P89V51RD2的IAP功能.pdf20. P89LPC901实现ADC DAC及UART通信.pdf21. P89LPC900在高精度模数转换场合的应用.pdf22. P89C51Rx2xx硬件进入ISP的方法.pdf23. Study-3 51单片机开发板原理图.pdf24. 基于P87LPC760的DALI从机.pdf25. PCA9515D PCA9515DP I2C中继器.pdf26. PCA9534 8bit I2C bus and SMBus low power IO port with interru.pdf27. LPC900 Flash单片机键盘中断.pdf28. PCA9516 5channel I2C hub.pdf29. PCA9535 PCA9535C 16bit I2C bus.pdf30. LPC700系列单片机看门狗复位应注意的问题.pdf31. PCA9516 I2C中继器.pdf32. PCA9536 4bit I2C bus and SMBus.pdf33. 内置Reset WDT电路的串行E2PROM原理及应用设计.pdf34. PCA9517 Level translating I2C-.pdf35. PCA9537 4bit I2C bus and SMBus.pdf36. X-tal oscillators on 8-bit mic.pdf37. PCA9517低电压I2C总线中继器.pdf38. PCA9538 8bit I2C bus and SMBus.pdf39. 8051系列单片机应用系统的PROTEUS仿真设计.doc40. PCA9518 Expandable 5channel I2.pdf41. PCA9539 PCA9539R 16-bit I2C-bu.pdf42. 基于单总线技术蓄电池监控系统设计.pdf43. PCA9518A I2C 中继器集线器与扩展器.pdf44. PCA9540B 2channel I2C bus mult.pdf45. 基于AT89C51应用系统的串行通信设计.pdf46. PCA9519 4channel level transla.pdf47. PCA9541 2 to 1 I2C-bus master.pdf48. PCA9519 4通道I2C-bus SMBus 中继器.pdf49. PCA9544A 4channel I2C multiple.pdf50. PCA9542A 2channel I2C bus mult.pdf51. PCA9544A I2C多路复用器.pdf52. PCA9544中文资料.pdf53. PCA9549 Octal bus switch with.pdf54. PCA9545A/PCA9545B/PCA9545C I2C.pdf55. PCA9549D/PCA9549PW/PCA9549B I2.pdf56. PCA9546A 4 channel I2C bus swi.pdf57. PCA9555 16bit I2C-bus and SMBu.pdf58. PCA9546A I2C多路复用器和开关.pdf59. PCA9670 Remote 8-bit IO expand.pdf60. PCA9547 8 channel I2C bus mult.pdf61. PCA9671 Remote 16-bit IO expan.pdf62. PCA9547D/PW/BS I2C多路复用器和开关.pdf63. PCA9672 Remote 8-bit IO expand.pdf64. PCA9548中文资料.pdf65. PCA9673 Remote 16-bit IO expan.pdf66. PCA9548A 8 channel I2C bus swi.pdf67. PCA9674 PCA9674A Remote 8-bit.pdf68. PCA9548AB I2C多路复用器和开关.pdf69. 8-bit I2C-bus and SMBus IO port with reset.pdf70. PCA9698芯片的应用.pdf71. PCA9698 I2C扩展芯片.pdf72. PCF2123的中断输出功能.pdf73. TI新推29款Cortex-M3内核Stelleris AR.pdf74. 端口RS-232工业PC104多串口卡.pdf75. TIPC1000带视频输入接口的嵌入式触摸平板电脑.pdf76. 串口调试助手用户手册.pdf77. PCM8416AS自动校准功能智能型PC104高分辨率多功能.pdf78. TJA1042高速CAN 收发器.pdf79. COS-II调试插件.pdf80. PROFIBUS技术和应用.pdf81. TJA1042 High-speed CAN transce.pdf82. TKStudio IDE集成开发环境升级记录.pdf83. Replacement of NXP PCA9518 wit.pdf84. TJA1051高速CAN 收发器.pdf85. 1A SIMPLE STEP-DOWN SWITCHING.pdf86. RSM232隔离RS-232收发器.pdf87. TJA1051 High-speed CAN transce.pdf88. DUAL RS-232 DRIVER RECEIVER WI.pdf89. RSM-4055 8通道隔离数字量输入输出模块.pdf90. 外部工具用户手册.pdf91. XGate COP10 CANopen 嵌入式通信模块.pdf92. RSM-6505 5通道热电偶测量模块.pdf93. 十六进制编辑器.pdf94. ZigBee模块ZICM2410应用开发指南.pdf95. RSM-65055通道热电偶测温模块.pdf96. 图片字模助手.pdf97. ZY00xxGD-10W交直流两用全电压输入AC-DC电源模.pdf98. TKStudio下SDCC_8051用户使用手册.pdf99. 定压输出隔离稳压单输出系列.pdf100. ZY00xxGD-15W交直流两用全电压输入AC-DC电源模.pdf

    标签: 电子技术基础 模拟电子技术 电子教案

    上传时间: 2013-04-15


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(112)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(112)资源包含以下内容:1. 总结了常用的主要c算法.2. 太阳能热水器智能控制,它以89C52单片机为核心.3. 本系统由单片机系统、矩阵键盘、LED显示和报警系统组成。系统能完成开锁、超时报警、超次锁定、管理员解密、修改用户密码基本的密码锁的功能。除上述基本的密码锁功能外.4. ID读卡器原理图,分立元件的,挺经典的,值得收藏.5. 嵌入式的驱动结构.6. 实现汉字液晶显示子程序 液晶屏分为4行*12列汉字.7. 一个简单的用单片机控制唱歌---“祝你平安”.8. modbus的ascii模式源代码.9. modbus的rtu源代码.10. ocm4x8c液晶显示器的显示c语言程序,供开发使用.11. 基于lpc2106和OV6620的源代码.12. 93C46是一个具有SPI接口的存储芯片.13. A Guide To Digital Design And Synthesis.14. ndis 中间层截获后转发的例子,通过修改IP 地址和MAC地址转发..15. ads下2410的测试程序.16. 主要是关于GUI的一本很好的书籍。对于初学习者有很大的帮组作用.17. 这是一本关于嵌入式系统应用软件开发案例,介绍了ARM处理器和UC/OS-II操作系统的嵌入式编程的基础知识和独有特点,本书的每一个综合实验都分别用实验报告书、实验指导书和源码详解3个部分给予介绍..18. 液晶驱动1621B的驱动程序.19. LZ9FC22_FV_LCD,LCD driver ic for embeded application..20. 《电路板设计与制作Protel99 高级应用》随书光盘.21. TI的2812的SCI的调试程序.22. TI的2812的TIMER的调试程序.23. ADS设计开发基础.24. 很好的proteus应用实例.25. hipGenius是一款USB设备芯片型号查询工具.26. #include <reg52.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define uchar unsigne.27. 如何把PCB图加入到WORD中是很多人所苦恼的问题..很多网站上都有提供这类问题的答案.但我觉得这个最可行..截图时要尽量放大,要不会出现像素不足的问题.28. prolog语言教程.29. 数控机床刀具半径补偿圆弧接圆弧C程序代码.30. 数控机床刀具半径补偿 直线接直线 C程序源码.31. 语音芯片1420P。可录音20秒。自己编的程序。.32. c/c++嵌入式开发的重要资料.33. wince 5.0下 实现PCI8串口卡驱动.34. 电机矢量控制程序.35. SPI总线与CPLD之间的通信程序.36. 第一章 在Allegro 中准备好进行SI 仿真的PCB 板图.37. 实施交通灯的控制.38. usb器件的电源测试.39. zr36966与eeprom连线.40. 介绍了各种cpld的配置和下载方法.

    标签: 光电检测技术

    上传时间: 2013-06-14
