Recent years have seen a rapid development of neural network control tech- niques and their successful applications. Numerous simulation studies and actual industrial implementations show that artificial neural network is a good candidate for function approximation and control system design in solving the control problems of complex nonlinear systems in the presence of different kinds of uncertainties. Many control approaches/methods, reporting inventions and control applications within the fields of adaptive control, neural control and fuzzy systems, have been published in various books, journals and conference proceedings.
标签: Stable_adaptive_neural_network_co ntrol
上传时间: 2020-06-10
Agilent 34401A Service Guide.pdfIEC Measurement Category II includes electrical devices connected to mains at an outlet on a branch circuit. Such devices include most small appliances, test equipment, and other devices that plug into a branch outlet or socket. The 34401A may be used to make measurements with the HI and LO inputs connected to mains in such devices, or to the branch outlet itself (up to 300 VAC). However, the 34401A may not be used with its HI and LO inputs connected to mains in permanently installed electrical devices such as the main circuit-breaker panel, sub-panel disconnect boxes, or permanently wired motors. Such devices and circuits are subject to overvoltages that may exceed the protection limits of the 34401A. Note: Voltages above 300 VAC may be measured only in circuits that are isolated from mains. However, transient overvoltages are also present on circuits that are isolated from mains. The Agilent 34401A are designed to safely withstand occasional transient overvoltages up to 2500 Vpk. Do not use this equipment to measure circuits where transient overvoltages could exceed this level. Additional Notices Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/EC This product complies with the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) marking requirement. The affixed product label (see below) indicates that you must not discard this electrical/electronic product in domestic household waste. Product Category: With reference to the equipment types in the WEEE directive Annex 1, this product is classified as a "Monitoring and Control instrumentation" product. Do not dispose in domestic household waste. To return unwanted products, contact your local Agilent office, or see for more information. Agilent 34138A Test Lead Set The Agilent 34401A is compatible with the Agilent 34138A Test Lead Set described below. Test Lead Ratings Test Leads - 1000V, 15A Fine Tip Probe Attachments - 300V, 3A Mini Grabber Attachment - 300V, 3A SMT Grabber Attachments - 300V, 3A Operation The Fine Tip, Mini Grabber, and SMT Grabber attachments plug onto the probe end of the Test Leads. Maintenance If any portion of the Test Lead Set is worn or damaged, do not use. Replace with a new Agilent 3413
标签: agilent
上传时间: 2022-02-20
硬件工程师笔试题大全及答案21页 硬件工程师笔试题大全及答案1、请列举您知道的电阻、电容、电感品牌(最好包括国内、国外品牌)。 电阻:RALEC旺诠、ROYALOHM、SUPEROHM、UniOhm、TA-I大毅、TDK、TOKEN、VISHAY、YAGEO、广东风华 电容:AVX、KEMET、Kyocera、muRata、NEC、nichicon、Panasonic、SAMSUNG、SANYO、TAIYO YUDEN、TDK、VISHAY、YAGEO、广东风华、 电感:AEM、EPCOS、ETC、Gausstek丰晶、muRata、sumida村田、Sunlord顺络、TAI-TECH台庆、TDK、TOKEN、TOREX、VISHAY、WE、YAGEO国巨、柯爱亚、科达嘉、奇力新、千如电子、捷比信、紫泰荆、肇庆英达、广东风华 2、请解释电阻、电容、电感封装的含义:0402、0603、0805。表示的是尺寸参数。 0402:40*20mil;0603:60*30mil;0805:80*50mil。 3、请问电阻、电容、电感的封装大小分别与什么参数有关?电阻封装大小与电阻值、额定功率有关;电容封装大小与电容值、额定电压有关;电感封装大小与电感量、额定电流有
标签: 硬件工程师
上传时间: 2022-03-25
芯片cx21986 规格书,希望能有帮助
上传时间: 2022-07-17
全文将用一个贯穿始终的例子来说明如何绘制版图。这个例子绘制的是一个最简单的非门的版图。S2-1建立版图文件使用library manager.首先,建立一个新的库myLib,关于建立库的步骤,在前文介绍cdsSpice时已经说得很清楚了,就不再赘述。与前面有些不同的地方是:由于我们要建立的是一个版图文件,因此我们在technology file选项中必须选择compile a new tech file,或是attach to an exsiting tech file。这里由于我们要新建一个tech file,因此选择前者。这时会弹出load tech file的对话框,如图2-1-1所示。在ASCII Technology File中填入csmclo0.tf即可。接着就可以建立名为inv的cel了。为了完备起见,读者可以先建立inv的schematic view和symbol view(具体步骤前面已经介绍,其中pmos长6u,宽为0.6u。nmos长为3u,宽为0.6u。model仍然选择hj3p和hj3n)。然后建立其layout view,其步骤为:在tool中选择virtuoso-layout,然后点击ok。
上传时间: 2022-07-20
JM20329S是一种Hi-Speed USB to SATA Bridge 转换芯片,JMicron的固态硬盘开卡只能使用基于JM20329的开孔器才能正常开卡
上传时间: 2022-07-26
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上传时间: 2013-05-15