微型操作系统,想知道操作系统秘密的初学者可以在这起步。 文件列表: 1 micro-os.img 已编好的软盘映象。 2 micro-os_kernel.bin 命令核心二进制代码 3 micro-os_loader.boot 启动二进制代码 4 micro-os_loader.asm micro-os_kernel.asm 源文件 用法:1 编译源文件 2 将loader.boot 用工具写入软盘0道0头1扇区 kernel.bin写入0.0.2-0.0.n (n<10) 在 0.0.1的最后两个字节写入55h ,aah 3 启动 有几个可用命令 Help cls quit exit reboot
标签: 操作系统
上传时间: 2013-12-11
上传时间: 2013-12-29
this code is a simulator to simulate the paging system such as first come first service. the comment in this code can Help you to run it.
标签: first simulator the simulate
上传时间: 2014-01-03
编译工作台 是本人编写的用于编译原理教学的工具,它是一个自由软件,现在已经发布(主页为http://download.enet.com.cn/html/030792005091701.html,上有软件介绍和截图)。 软件的源代码在压缩包的src目录中。WB.zip是主程序,其编译后生成WB.exe;LLDemo.zip是LL动态演示程序,其编译后生成Demo.exe,将其改名成LLDemo.exe;LRDemo.zip是LR动态演示程序,其编译后生成Demo.exe,将其改名成LRDemo.exe。将这3个exe文件和Help目录中的所有文件拷贝到同一目录即可。 另外,sample目录中有例子文件,CWB_SETUP.exe是安装程序。
上传时间: 2014-01-24
文具仓库管理系统2.0(源码)delphi+access main in Main\main.pas {FrmMain}, Login in Login\Login.pas {FrmLogin}, Logo in Login\Logo.pas {FrmLogo}, Global in Share\Global.pas , BaseSetup in BaseSetup\BaseSetup.pas {FrmBaseSetup}, dm in Share\dm.pas {DM_Wjckgl: TDataModule}, About in Help\About.pas {FrmAbout}, InputGoods in Input\InputGoods.pas {FrmInputGoods},
标签: LoginLogin pas Mainmain FrmLogin
上传时间: 2013-12-16
In case you haven t realized it, building computer systems is hard. As the complexity of the system gets greater, the task of building the software gets exponentially harder. As in any profession, we can progress only by learning, both from our mistakes and from our successes. This book represents some of this learning written in a form that I hope will Help you to learn these lessons quicker than I did, or to communicate to others more effectively than I did before I boiled these patterns down.
标签: complexity the building computer
上传时间: 2015-04-25
In this book, we aim to give you an introduction to a wide variety of topics important to you as a developer using UNIX. The word Beginning in the title refers more to the content than to your skill level. We ve structured the book to Help you learn more about what UNIX has to offer, however much experience you have already. UNIX programming is a large field and we aim to cover enough about a wide range of topics to give you a good beginning in each subject.
标签: introduction important you to
上传时间: 2013-12-22
系统运行时的截屏图:webstart_screen01.gif/webstart_screen02.gif。 安装使用前,请先查阅:Help/Help.html。 本系统的客户端浏览器仅支持IE6.0,其他浏览器如MyIE2/FireFox不能正确运行Java Applet或JScript,故无法正常使用本系统。特此说明
标签: webstart_screen gif 01 02
上传时间: 2014-11-29
This zip describes SPI communication with a Serial DataFlash AT45DB and/or with a DataFlashCard AT45DCB. It shows how to configure the SPI peripheral on the AT91RM9200EK. Includes main.html file for Help. For use under Green Hills 3.6.1 Multi?2000 Software Tool
标签: with DataFlashCard communication DataFlash
上传时间: 2015-05-24
This zip describes an AT91 USART with PDC Transmission and Reception chain.Includes main.html file for Help. For use under Green Hills 3.6.1 Multi?2000 Software Tool.
标签: Transmission Reception describes Includes
上传时间: 2015-05-24