DSPACE的源码 dspace-1.4-source
上传时间: 2013-12-16
CIH病毒1.4源码. 供大家参考,请别搞破坏
上传时间: 2015-09-25
jflex-1.4.zip for the compiler construct
标签: construct compiler jflex for
上传时间: 2015-09-26
Algorithms in C, Parts 1-4 (Fundamental Algorithms, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching) code
标签: Algorithms Fundamental Structures Searching
上传时间: 2013-12-10
Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4 (Fundamental Algorithms, Data Structures, Sorting, Searching) code
标签: Algorithms Fundamental Structures Searching
上传时间: 2015-10-03
Preparation of a function, even to the importation of n, the function call seeking +1/n 1/2+1/4+ .... When n is odd input, the function call 1/1+1/3+ ... +1/n (using function pointer)
标签: function Preparation importation the
上传时间: 2014-01-21
本程序是将ORACLE数据库中的表导出成为XML文件的程序。 1. 运行本程序前必须确保机器上已安装JDK 1.4.x 2. 编辑cfg.ini中的参数 3. 运行startup.bat
上传时间: 2014-10-09
Java Regex Primer Since version 1.4, Java has had support for Regular Expressions in the core API. Java Regex follows the same basic principles used in other languages, just withdi erent access methods, and some subtledi erences with the patterns. This primer is aimed towards developers already familiar with regex in other languages wanting a brief outline of its support in Java. It may also be beneficial to developers learning regex if used in conjunction with detailed documentation explaining the construction of regex patterns. Reading the javadoc forjava.util.regex. Pattern is a must to see how the Java regex patterns aredi erent from other languages such as Perl. Most of the functions discussed herin are from thejava.util.regex. Matcher class with a few fromjava.util.regex. Pattern. Reading this text in conjunction with the javadoc of those classes is advised.
标签: Java Expressions Regular version
上传时间: 2013-12-18
顺天科技JSP新闻发布系统1.0版 1. 运行环境:JDK 1.4, Resin或Tomcat 2. 数 据 库:access+JDBC-ODBC驱动 3. 其 他:IE5.0+ 本程序在JDK 1.4.2, Resin 3, Mysql 4.18, IE6.0 Win2K 环境测试成功。
标签: JDBC-ODBC Tomcat access Resin
上传时间: 2014-12-03
GM(1,1)模型1-4 1:GM(1,1)模拟模型,在matlab中的输入方法为gm1(x),x指要模拟的序列。 2:GM(1,1)预测模型,在matlab中的输入方法为gm2(x,K),x指要模拟的序列,K指从以后序列第一个数据算起的第k个待预测数据。 3:GM(1,1)群模拟模型,在matlab中的输入方法为gm3(x),x指要模拟的序列。 4:GM(1,1)群预测模型,在matlab中的输入方法为gm4(x,K),x指要模拟的序列,K指从以后序列第一个数据算起的第k个待预测数据。 gm4对序列趋势比较好的数据预测效果较好,对上下变动的数据,特别是后4个数据趋势跟前面的数据相反的,预测效果很差。 gm2对上下变动的数据,预测效果比gm4好,但对趋势较好的数据,预测精度没有gm4高。 gm3比gm1模拟精度要高。 可以以x=[1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15]进行实验。x输入默认行向量。 所有程序在matlab6.0上调试通过。
上传时间: 2013-11-29