This document was developed under the Standard Hardware and Reliability Program (SHARP) TechnologyIndependent Representation of Electronic Products (TIREP) project. It is intended for use by VHSIC HardwareDescription Language (VHDL) design engineers and is offered as guidance for the development of VHDL modelswhich are compliant with the VHDL Data Item Description (DID DI-EGDS-80811) and which can be providedto manufacturing engineering personnel for the development of production data and the subsequent productionof hardware. Most VHDL modeling performed to date has been concentrated at either the component level orat the conceptual system level. The assembly and sub-assembly levels Have been largely disregarded. Under theSHARP TIREP project, an attempt has been made to help close this gap. The TIREP models are based upon lowcomplexity Standard Electronic Modules (SEM) of the format A configuration. Although these modules are quitesimple, it is felt that the lessons learned offer guidance which can readily be applied to a wide range of assemblytypes and complexities.
上传时间: 2013-11-20
FPGAs Have changed dramatically since Xilinx first introduced them just 15 years ago. In thepast, FPGA were primarily used for prototyping and lower volume applications; custom ASICswere used for high volume, cost sensitive designs. FPGAs had also been too expensive and tooslow for many applications, let alone for System Level Integration (SLI). Plus, the development
标签: Methodology Design Reuse FPGA
上传时间: 2013-11-01
The fundamental problem of communication is that of reproducing at one point either exactly or approximately a message selected at another point. Frequently the messages Have meaning; that is they refer to or are correlated according to some system with certain physical or conceptual entities.
标签: 通信
上传时间: 2013-11-11
USB接口控制器参考设计,xilinx提供VHDL代码 usb xilinx vhdl ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should Have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
上传时间: 2013-10-29
解压密码 随着微电子技术的迅速发展以及集成电路规模不断提高,对电路性能的设计 要求越来越严格,这势必对用于大规模集成电路设计的EDA 工具提出越来越高的 要求。自1972 年美国加利福尼亚大学柏克莱分校电机工程和计算机科学系开发 的用于集成电路性能分析的电路模拟程序SPICE(Simulation Program with IC Emphasis)诞生以来,为适应现代微电子工业的发展,各种用于集成电路设计的 电路模拟分析工具不断涌现。HSPICE 是Meta-Software 公司为集成电路设计中 的稳态分析,瞬态分析和频域分析等电路性能的模拟分析而开发的一个商业化通 用电路模拟程序,它在柏克莱的SPICE(1972 年推出),MicroSim公司的PSPICE (1984 年推出)以及其它电路分析软件的基础上,又加入了一些新的功能,经 过不断的改进,目前已被许多公司、大学和研究开发机构广泛应用。HSPICE 可 与许多主要的EDA 设计工具,诸如Candence,Workview 等兼容,能提供许多重要 的针对集成电路性能的电路仿真和设计结果。采用HSPICE 软件可以在直流到高 于100MHz 的微波频率范围内对电路作精确的仿真、分析和优化。在实际应用中, HSPICE能提供关键性的电路模拟和设计方案,并且应用HSPICE进行电路模拟时, 其电路规模仅取决于用户计算机的实际存储器容量。 The HSPICE Integrator Program enables qualified EDA vendors to integrate their products with the de facto standard HSPICE simulator, HSPICE RF simulator, and WaveView Analyzer™. In addition, qualified HSPICE Integrator Program members Have access to HSPICE integrator application programming interfaces (APIs). Collaboration between HSPICE Integrator Program members will enable customers to achieve more thorough design verification in a shorter period of time from the improvements offered by inter-company EDA design solutions.
上传时间: 2013-10-18
a8259 可编程中断控制 altera提供 The a8259 is designed to simplify the implementation of the interrupt interface in 8088 and 8086 based microcomputer systems. The device is known as a programmable interrupt controller. The a8259 receives and prioritizes up to 8 interrupts, and in the cascade mode, this can be expanded up to 64 interrupts. An asynchronous reset and a clock input Have been added to improve operation and reliability.
上传时间: 2015-01-02
Abstract: As industrial control systems (ICSs) Have become increasingly connected and use more off-the-shelfcomponents, new vulnerabilities to cyber attacks Have emerged. This tutorial looks at three types of ICSs:programmable logic controllers (PLCs), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, anddistributed control systems (DCSs), and then discusses security issues and remedies. This document alsoexplains the benefits and limitations of two cryptographic solutions (digital signatures and encryption) andelaborates on the reasons for using security ICs in an ICS to support cryptography.
上传时间: 2013-10-09
Modern electronic systems solve so many difficult problems that they often seem like magic. Nonetheless, these systems all Have thesame basic limitation: they need a source of electrical power! Most of the time this is a straightforward challenge for the electronicdesigner, because there are many power-delivery solutions. Yet sometimes a device has no direct power source, and running wiresor replacing batteries is impractical. Even when long-life batteries are usable, they eventually need to be replaced, which requires aservice call.
标签: 能量收集
上传时间: 2015-01-03
Logger iButton devices Have gained a lot of popularity with researchers. Although free evaluation software is easy to use and welldocumented, the choices and inputs that need to be made can sometimes be challenging. This application note explains technicalterms that are common with temperature logger iButtons and how they relate to each other. Additionally, it presents an algorithm tohelp users choose the necessary input parameters, including the sample rate based on a user's needs and the available memory tostore the data.
上传时间: 2013-11-16
The high defi nition multimedia interface (HDMI) is fastbecoming the de facto standard for passing digitalaudio and video data in home entertainment systems.This standard includes an I2C type bus called a displaydata channel (DDC) that is used to pass extended digitalinterface data (EDID) from the sinkdevice (such as adigital TV) to the source device (such as a digital A/Vreceiver). EDID includes vital information on the digitaldata formats that the sink device can accept. The HDMIspecifi cation requires that devices Have less than 50pFof input capacitance on their DDC bus lines, which canbe very diffi cult to meet. The LTC®4300A’s capacitancebuffering feature allows devices to pass the HDMI DDCinput capacitance compliance test with ease.
上传时间: 2013-11-21