雜湊法(Hashing)的搜尋與一般的搜尋法(searching)是不一樣的。在雜湊法中,鍵值(key value)或識別字(identifier)在記憶體的位址是經由函數(function)轉換而得的。此種函數,一般稱之為雜湊函數(Hashing function)或鍵值對應位址轉換(key to address transformation)。對於有限的儲存空間,能夠有效使用且在加入或刪除時也能快的完成,利用雜湊法是最適當不過了。因為雜湊表搜尋在沒有碰撞(collision)及溢位(overflow)的情況下,只要一次就可擷取到。
上传时间: 2013-12-23
linearing Hashing (with c++)
上传时间: 2013-12-16
CKHash is an implementation of Cuckoo Hashing that can receive the input in the form of strings directly
标签: implementation the Hashing receive
上传时间: 2013-12-25
雜湊法(Hashing)的搜尋與一般的搜尋法(searching)是不一樣的。在雜湊法中,鍵值(key value)或識別字(identifier)在記憶體的位址是經由函數(function)轉換而得的。此種函數,一般稱之為雜湊函數(Hashing function)或鍵值對應位址轉換(key to address transformation)。對於有限的儲存空間,能夠有效使用且在加入或刪除時也能快的完成,利用雜湊法是最適當不過了。因為雜湊表搜尋在沒有碰撞(collision)及溢位(overflow)的情況下,只要一次就可擷取到。
上传时间: 2016-01-14
A C++ Program to show an example of Hashing using Mid-Square Method. 应用Mid-Square理论的哈希算法
标签: Mid-Square Program Hashing example
上传时间: 2014-01-04
A detailed expanation about the new Cuckoo Hashing algorithm.
标签: expanation algorithm detailed Hashing
上传时间: 2017-04-17
pHash is an implementation of various perceptual Hashing algorithms. A perceptual hash is a fingerprint of an audio, video, or image file that is mathematically based on the audio or visual content contained within. Unlike cryptographic hash functions that rely on the avalanche effect of small changes in input leading to drastic changes in the output, perceptual hashes are "close" to one another if the inputs are visually or auditorily similar. As a result, perceptual hashes must also be robust enough to take into account transformations that could have been performed on the input.
标签: perceptual implementation algorithms fingerpr
上传时间: 2013-12-08
program which uses Hashing techniques for storing and retrieving the data. Input to the program: Some random numbers. Input will be from a file. Output: First the program reads all the input and store it properly using some hash techniques. Once your program reads the complete input,it waits for the user input (prompt to the user). User now enters some number.program displays if this number exists in the list or not. it also display the time taken in the search operation.
标签: program techniques retrieving the
上传时间: 2017-04-27
it is c implementation of Hashing .. all types of Hashing covered in this program
标签: implementation Hashing Hashing covered
上传时间: 2013-12-24
This standard describes a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC), a mechanism for message authentication using cryptographic hash functions. HMAC can be used with any iterative Approved cryptographic hash function, in combination with a shared secret key. The cryptographic strength of HMAC depends on the properties of the underlying hash function. The HMAC specification in this standard is a generalization of Internet RFC 2104, HMAC, Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication, and ANSI X9.71, Keyed Hash Message Authentication Code.
标签: message authentication keyed-hash describes
上传时间: 2014-01-07