#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> ///链式栈 typedef struct node { int data; struct node *next; }Node,*Linklist; Linklist Createlist() { Linklist p; Linklist h; int data1; scanf("%d",&data1); if(data1 != 0) { h = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); h->data = data1; h->next = NULL; } else if(data1 == 0) return NULL; scanf("%d",&data1); while(data1 != 0) { p = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); p -> data = data1; p -> next = h; h = p; scanf("%d",&data1); } return h; } void Outputlist(Node *head) { Linklist p; p = head; while(p != NULL ) { printf("%d ",p->data); p = p->next; } printf("\n"); } void Freelist(Node *head) { Node *p; Node *q = NULL; p = head; while(p != NULL) { q = p; p = p->next; free(q); } } int main() { Node *head; head = Createlist(); Outputlist(head); Freelist(head); return 0; } 2.顺序栈 [cpp] view plain copy #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> ///顺序栈 #define MaxSize 100 using namespace std; typedef
上传时间: 2018-05-09
上传时间: 2018-06-04
#首先安装Quartus II 9.0 (32-Bit): #用Quartus_II_9.0破解器.exe破解C:\altera\90\quartus\bin下的sys_cpt.dll和quartus.exe文件(运行Quartus_II_9.0破解器.exe后,直接点击“应用补丁”,如果出现“未找到该文件。 搜索该文件吗?”,点击“是”,(如果直接把该破解器Copy到C:\altera\90\quartus\bin下,就不会出现这个对话框,而是直接开始破解!) 然后选中sys_cpt.dll,点击“打开”。安装默认的sys_cpt.dll路径是在C:\altera\90\quartus\bin下)。 #把license.dat里的XXXXXXXXXXXX 用您老的网卡号替换(在Quartus II 9.0的Tools菜单下选择License Setup,下面就有NIC ID)。 #在Quartus II 9.0的Tools菜单下选择License Setup,然后选择License file,最后点击OK。 #注意:license文件存放的路径名称不能包含汉字和空格,空格可以用下划线代替。 #仅限于学习,不要用于商业目的! 严禁贴到网上!!!
上传时间: 2018-11-10
第一步: 正确安装CCS和F2812的烧写插件。 第二步: 运行CCS,则进入CCS 开发环境。 第三步: 将GPIO目录COPY到CCS开发环境中的myproject 目录下; 在CCS中用projectOpen命令,加载SPI 目录下的GPIO.pjt编译,生成.out 文件。 第四步: 点击CCS 中的Tools —>F28XX On-Chip Flash Programer。
上传时间: 2019-10-17
第一步: 正确安装CCS和F2812的烧写插件。 第二步: 运行CCS,则进入CCS 开发环境。 第三步: 将GPIO目录COPY到CCS开发环境中的myproject 目录下; 在CCS中用projectOpen命令,加载SPI 目录下的GPIO.pjt编译,生成.out 文件。 第四步: 点击CCS 中的Tools —>F28XX On-Chip Flash Programer。
上传时间: 2019-10-17
STC单片机资料 请用逗号分隔标签 * 资料描述:
上传时间: 2019-12-02
From the transition of analog to digital communication along with seamless mobility and high computing power of small handheld devices, the wireless communications industry has seen tremendous changes leading to the integration of several telecommunication networks, devices and services over last 30 years. The rate of this progress and growth has increased particularly in the past decade because people no longer use their devices and networks for voice only, but demand bundle contents such as data download/streaming, HDTV, HD video , 3D video conferencing with higher efficiency, seamless connectivity, intelligence, reliability and better user experience. Although the challenges facing service providers and telecommunication companies differ by product, region, market size, and their areas of concentration but time to market, efficient utilization of their assets and revenue expansion, have impacted significantly how to manage and conduct their business while maintaining sufficient margin.
标签: Convergence Networks Beyond 4G of
上传时间: 2020-05-26
This book presents millimeter wave communication system design and analysis at the level to produce an understanding of the interaction between a wireless system and its front end so that the overall performance can be predicted. Gigabit wireless commu- nications require a considerable amount of bandwidth, which can be supported by millimeter waves. Millimeter wave technology has come of age, and at the time of writing the standards of IEEE 802.15.3c, WiGig, Wireless HD TM , and the European Computer Manufacturers Association have recently been finalized.
标签: Communication Millimeter Systems Wave
上传时间: 2020-05-28
Mini SAS HD是高速传输可以达10GB速度
标签: MiniSAS
上传时间: 2020-06-11
This manuscript is a partial draft of a book to be published in early 1994 by AddisonWesley (ISBN 0-201-63337-X). Addison-Wesley has given me permission to make drafts of the book available to the Tcl community to help meet the need for introductory documentation on Tcl and Tk until the book becomes available. Please observe the restrictions set forth in the copyright notice above: you’re welcome to make a copy for yourself or a friend but any sort of large-scale reproduction or reproduction for profit requires advance permission from Addison-Wesley
标签: Toolkit
上传时间: 2020-07-05