NimROD L&F是一个具有多种主题的Swing皮肤
上传时间: 2013-12-03
The jacobi.f program solves the Helmholtz equation on a regular mesh, using an iterative Jacobi method with over-relaxation. Parallelism is exploited in both the solver and the numerical error checking
标签: Helmholtz iterative equation program
上传时间: 2016-04-03
The program md.f implements a simple molecular dynamics simulation in continuous real space. The velocity Verlet algorithm is used to implement the time stepping. The force and energy computations are performed in parallel, as is the time integration. (The program uses some Fortran90 features, so an F90 compiler may be needed.)
标签: implements continuous simulation The
上传时间: 2016-04-03
图的深度遍历,输出结果为(红色为键盘输入的数据,权值都置为1): 输入顶点数和弧数:8 9 输入8个顶点. 输入顶点0:a 输入顶点1:b 输入顶点2:c 输入顶点3:d 输入顶点4:e 输入顶点5:f 输入顶点6:g 输入顶点7:h 输入9条弧. 输入弧0:a b 1 输入弧1:b d 1 输入弧2:b e 1 输入弧3:d h 1 输入弧4:e h 1 输入弧5:a c 1 输入弧6:c f 1 输入弧7:c g 1 输入弧8:f g 1 深度优先遍历: a b d h e c f g 程序结束.
上传时间: 2016-04-04
在win2000sp4 + VM6基本稳定。 原理不多说了,自己看代码吧,我也早就发过了驱动的代码了,现在的就是一个完整的应用。希望能够对大家有一点帮助,但是不要用在不该用的场所。 使用方法将: dd1压缩包里面是驱动源码 console压缩包里面是控制台源码 hide.exe是最终产品 使用方法: 1、将hide.exe复制到系统目录 2、运行cmd 3、hide -h 查看帮助 hide -i 安装驱动 hide -u 卸载驱动 hide -f -a filename 添加一个隐藏文件
上传时间: 2013-12-12
简明 Python 教程 Swaroop, C. H. 著 沈洁元 译 版本:1.20 A Byte of Python Copyright © 2003-2005 Swaroop C H 简明 Python 教程 《简明 Python 教程》为 "A Byte of Python" 的唯一指定简体中文译本
标签: Python C. H. byteofpython
上传时间: 2014-01-14
F:\RobinGame\include\input\RDXJoystick.rar DX8 游戏手柄完整类
标签: RobinGameincludeinputRDXJoystick DX8 手柄
上传时间: 2013-11-27
D-S.Kim, Y.S.Lee, W.H.Kwon, and H.S.Park, "Maximum Allowable Delay Bounds in Networked Control Systems", Control Engineering Practice (Elsvier Science) (Simulation Example - Matlab Code), PP.1301-1313, Vol.11, Issue 11, December, 2003
标签: Allowable Networked Control Maximum
上传时间: 2016-04-10
H.S.Park, D-S.Kim, and W.H.Kwon "A Scheduling Method for Network-based Control Systems", IEEE Transaction on Control System Technology, Vol.10, No.3, pp. 318-330, May, 2002 (Simulation Example 1- Matlab Code)
标签: Network-based Scheduling Control Systems
上传时间: 2014-01-20
H[1].264_AVC for Wireless Applications.pdf描述无线应用中的avc编解码源理和实现。
标签: Applications Wireless 264 AVC
上传时间: 2014-01-14