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  • Matlab Code for Poisson Image Reconstruction from Image Gradients

    Matlab Code for Poisson Image Reconstruction from Image Gradients

    标签: Image Reconstruction Gradients Poisson

    上传时间: 2014-01-09


  • A general technique for the recovery of signi cant image features is presented. The technique is ba

    A general technique for the recovery of signi cant image features is presented. The technique is based on the mean shift algorithm, a simple nonparametric pro- cedure for estimating density Gradients. Drawbacks of the current methods (including robust clustering) are avoided. Feature space of any nature can be processed, and as an example, color image segmentation is dis- cussed. The segmentation is completely autonomous, only its class is chosen by the user. Thus, the same program can produce a high quality edge image, or pro- vide, by extracting all the signi cant colors, a prepro- cessor for content-based query systems. A 512  512 color image is analyzed in less than 10 seconds on a standard workstation. Gray level images are handled as color images having only the lightness coordinate

    标签: technique presented features recovery

    上传时间: 2015-10-14


  • 数值线性代数的Matlab应用程序包 共13个程序函数

    数值线性代数的Matlab应用程序包 共13个程序函数,每个程序函数有相应的例子函数一一对应,以*Example.m命名 程序名称 用途 Method 方法 GrmSch.m QR因子分解 classical Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization 格拉母-斯密特 MGrmSch.m QR因子分解 modified Gram-Schmidt iteration 修正格拉母-斯密特 householder.m QR因子分解 Householder 豪斯霍尔德QR因子分解 ZXEC.m 最小二乘拟合 polynomial interpolant 最小二乘插值多项式 NCLU.m LU因子分解 Gaussian elimination 不选主元素的高斯消元 PALU.m LU因子分解 partial pivoting Gaussian elimination 部分选主元的高斯消元 cholesky.m 楚因子分解 Cholesky Factorization 楚列斯基因子分解 PwItrt.m 求最大特征值 Power Iteration 幂迭代 Jacobi.m 求特征值 Jacobi iteration 按标准行方式次序的雅可比算法 Anld.m 求上Hessenberg Arnoldi Iteration 阿诺尔迪迭代 zuisu.m 解线性方程组 Steepest descent 最速下降法 CG.m 解线性方程组 Gradients 共轭梯度 BCG.m 解线性方程组 Biconjugate Gradients 双共轭梯度

    标签: Matlab 数值 应用程序 函数

    上传时间: 2016-05-17


  • The inverse of the gradient function. I ve provided versions that work on 1-d vectors, or 2-d or 3-d

    The inverse of the gradient function. I ve provided versions that work on 1-d vectors, or 2-d or 3-d arrays. In the 1-d case I offer 5 different methods, from cumtrapz, and an integrated cubic spline, plus several finite difference methods. In higher dimensions, only a finite difference/linear algebra solution is provided, but it is fully vectorized and fully sparse in its approach. In 2-d and 3-d, if the Gradients are inconsistent, then a least squares solution is generated

    标签: gradient function provided versions

    上传时间: 2016-11-07


  • LatentSVM论文

    The object detector described below has been initially proposed by P.F. Felzenszwalb in [Felzenszwalb2010]. It is based on a Dalal-Triggs detector that uses a single filter on histogram of oriented Gradients (HOG) features to represent an object category. This detector uses a sliding window approach, where a filter is applied at all positions and scales of an image. The first innovation is enriching the Dalal-Triggs model using a star-structured part-based model defined by a “root” filter (analogous to the Dalal-Triggs filter) plus a set of parts filters and associated deformation models. The score of one of star models at a particular position and scale within an image is the score of the root filter at the given location plus the sum over parts of the maximum, over placements of that part, of the part filter score on its location minus a deformation cost easuring the deviation of the part from its ideal location relative to the root. Both root and part filter scores are defined by the dot product between a filter (a set of weights) and a subwindow of a feature pyramid computed from the input image. Another improvement is a representation of the class of models by a mixture of star models. The score of a mixture model at a particular position and scale is the maximum over components, of the score of that component model at the given location.

    标签: 计算机视觉

    上传时间: 2015-03-15
