IEEE 802.16Conformance02-2003 IEEE Standard Conformance to IEEE Std 802.16 Part 2: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes for 10-66 Ghz WirelessMAN-SC Air Interface
标签: Conformance IEEE 802.16 Standard
上传时间: 2016-10-02
IEEE 802.16Conformance03-2004 IEEE Standard Conformance to IEEE Std 802.16 Part 3: Radio Conformance Tests (RCT) for 10–66 Ghz WirelessMAN-SC™ Air Interface
标签: Conformance IEEE 802.16 Standard
上传时间: 2016-10-02
小数分频技术解决了锁相环频率合成器中的频率分辨率和转换时间的矛盾, 但是却引入了严重的相位噪声, 传统的相位补偿方法由于对Aö D 等数字器件的要求很高并具有滞后性实现难度较大。$2 调制器对噪声具有整形的功 能, 因而将多阶的$2 调制器用于小数分频合成器中可以很好地解决他的相位噪声的问题, 大大促进了小数分频技术的 发展和应用。文章最后给出了在Ghz 量级上实现的这种新型小数分频合成器的应用电路, 并测得良好的相噪性能。
上传时间: 2017-01-04
蓝牙是一种支持设备短距离通信(一般是10 m之内)的无线电技术,能在包括移动电话、PDA、无线耳机、笔记本电脑等众多设备之间进行无线信息交换,工作频段是工业、科研、医疗(2.4~2.483 Ghz)全球通信自由频段,目前已经广泛应用在移动通信设备中。天线是蓝牙无线系统中用来传送电磁波的重要器件,目前尚无法整合到半导体芯片中。在蓝牙产品中,蓝牙天线的尺寸和性能决定了整个蓝牙模块的尺寸和性能。随着移动通信的发展,个人移动设备趋于小型化和轻薄化,为了适应这一发展,蓝牙天线的尺寸有了严格的要求。单极子天线尺寸过大,不适应于移动通信设备中。传统的PIFA天线虽然将尺寸减小了一半,但相对快速小型化的移动通信产品而言还是尺寸过大。
上传时间: 2015-04-09
#define RF_CHANNEL 25 // 2.4 Ghz RF channel // BasicRF address definitions µØÖ·¶¨Òå #define PAN_ID 0x2007 #define TX_ADDR 0xBEEF #define RX_ADDR 0x2520 // transmit data ´«ÊäÊý¾Ý #define APP_PAYLOAD_LENGTH 1 //Ó¦ÓóÌÐò¸ºÔس¤¶È #define MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH 104 #define PACKET_SIZE sizeof(perTestPacket_t) #define RSSI_AVG_WINDOW_SIZE 32 // Window size for RSSI moving average // Burst Sizes #define BURST_SIZE_1 1000 #define BURST_SIZE_2 10000 #define BURST_SIZE_3 100000 #define BURST_SIZE_4 1000000
上传时间: 2017-02-28
1.高频率pll 设计论文 2.描述相应的设计思想
标签: Synthesizer Frequency Charge Pump Ghz PLL
上传时间: 2017-05-02
This book provides the essential design techniques for radio systems that operate at frequencies of 3 MHz to 100 Ghz and which will be employed in the telecommunication service. We may also call these wireless systems, wireless being synonymous with radio, Telecommunications is a vibrant indus- try, particularly on the ‘‘radio side of the house.’’ The major supporter of this upsurge in radio has been the IEEE and its 802 committees. We now devote Ž . an entire chapter to wireless LANs WLANs detailed in IEEE 802.11. We also now have subsections on IEEE 802.15, 802.16, 802.20 and the wireless Ž . Ž metropolitan area network WMAN . WiFi, WiMax,, and UWB ultra wide- . band are described where these comparatively new radio specialties are demonstrating spectacular growth.
标签: Telecommunication Design System Radio for
上传时间: 2020-06-01
One of the prerequisites for the development of telecommunication services is the understanding of the propagation of the waves, either acoustic, electromagnetic, radio or light waves, which are used for the transmission of information. In this work, we shall limit ourselves to the study of radio waves: this term apply to the electromagnetic waves used in radio communications. Their frequency spectrum is very broad, and is divided into the following frequency bands : ELF waves (f < 3 kHz), VLF (3-30 kHz), LF waves (30-300 kHz), MF waves (300-3000 kHz), HF (3-30 MHz), VHF waves (30-300 MHz), UHF waves (300-3000 MHz), SHF waves (3-30 Ghz), EHF waves (30-300 Ghz) and sub- EHF waves (300-3000 Ghz).
标签: Propagation Radio Wave
上传时间: 2020-06-01
The author’s group has developed various chipless RFID tags and reader architectures at 2.45, 4–8, 24, and 60 Ghz. These results were published extensively in the form of books, book chapters, refereed conference and journal articles, and finally, as patent applications. However, there is still room for improvement of chipless RFID sys- tems. In this book, we proposed advanced techniques of chipless RFID systems that supersede their predecessors in signal processing, tag design, and reader architecture.
上传时间: 2020-06-08
射频测试线缆是每一个射频微波工程师都要接触的东西,很多人在选择一条射频测试线缆时,只提出需要用到多少Ghz频率,要什么接头。但其实除了这两点,线缆还有很多其他 更关键的参数,比如插损、相位稳定度、幅度稳定度等指标,这些指标可能会直接影响产品指标的测试结果。
上传时间: 2021-11-28