Springer模拟电路设计丛书,《清华版双语教学用书·模拟集成电路设计精粹》作者首先对MOST和BJT两种器件模型进行了分析和比较,然后以此为两条线索,分别介绍了相应的基本单元电路和各类放大器的详细分析,随后的章节分别研究噪声、失真、滤波器、ADC/DAC和振荡器电路,每一章都结合MOST和BJT两种类型电路进行分析比较。《清华版双语教学用书·模拟集成电路设计精粹》一方面侧重于基础知识,对模拟和混合信号集成电路中的许多重要概念以直观形象的语言进行了描述。另一方面又侧重介绍与现代集成电路工艺相关的最新电路的研究方向和热点。Next-GeneratIOn ADCs, High-Performance Power Management, and Technology Considerations for Advanced Integrated Circuits
上传时间: 2022-04-19
Introduction The Sil9135/Sil9135A HDMI Receiver with Enhanced Audio and Deep Color Outputs is a second-GeneratIOn dual-input High Definition Multimedia Interface(HDMI)receiver. It is software-compatible with the Sil9133receiver, but adds audio support for DTS-HD and Dolby TrueHD. Digital televisions that can display 10-or 12-bit color depth can now provide the highest quality protected digital audio and video over a single cable. The Sil9135and Sil9135A devices, which are functionally identical, can receive Deep Color video up to 12-bit,1080p @60Hz. Backward compatibility with the DVI 1.0specification allows HDMI systems to connect to existing DVI 1.0 hosts, such as HD set-top boxes and PCs. Silicon Image HDMI receivers use the latest GeneratIOn Transition Minimized Differential Signaling(TMDS) core technology that runs at 25-225 MHz.The chip comes pre-programmed with High-bandwidth?
上传时间: 2022-06-25
PrefaceDuring the past years, there has been a quickly rising interest in radio access technologies for providingmobile as well as nomadic and fixed services for voice, video, and data. The difference indesign, implementation, and use between telecom and datacom technologies is also becoming moreblurred. One example is cellular technologies from the telecom world being used for broadband dataand wireless LAN from the datacom world being used for voice-over IP.Today, the most widespread radio access technology for mobile communication is digital cellular,with the number of users passing 5 billion by 2010, which is more than half of the world’s population.It has emerged from early deployments of an expensive voice service for a few car-borne users,to today’s widespread use of mobile-communication devices that provide a range of mobile servicesand often include camera, MP3 player, and PDA functions. With this widespread use and increasinginterest in mobile communication, a continuing evolution ahead is foreseen.This book describes LTE, developed in 3GPP (Third GeneratIOn Partnership Project) and providingtrue 4G broadband mobile access, starting from the first version in release 8 and through the continuingevolution to release 10, the latest version of LTE. Release 10, also known as LTE-Advanced,is of particular interest as it is the major technology approved by the ITU as fulfilling the IMTAdvancedrequirements. The description in this book is based on LTE release 10 and thus provides acomplete description of the LTE-Advanced radio access from the bottom up.Chapter 1 gives the background to LTE and its evolution, looking also at the different standardsbodies and organizations involved in the process of defining 4G. It also gives a discussion of the reasonsand driving forces behind the evolution.Chapters 2–6 provide a deeper insight into some of the technologies that are part of LTE and itsevolution. Because of its generic nature, these chapters can be used as a background not only for LTEas described in this book, but also for readers who want to understand the technology behind othersystems, such as WCDMA/HSPA, WiMAX, and CDMA2000.Chapters 7–17 constitute the main part of the book. As a start, an introductory technical overviewof LTE is given, where the most important technology components are introduced based onthe generic technologies described in previous chapters. The following chapters provide a detaileddescription of the protocol structure, the downlink and uplink transmission schemes, and the associatedmechanisms for scheduling, retransmission and interference handling. Broadcast operation andrelaying are also described. This is followed by a discussion of the spectrum flexibility and the associated
上传时间: 2022-07-08
The GD32F103xx device is a 32-bit general-purpose microcontroller based on the ARM?Cortex?-M3 RISC core with best ratio in terms of processing power, reduced power consumption and peripheral set. The Cortex?-M3 is a next GeneratIOn processor core whichis tightly coupled with a Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC), SysTick timer and advanced debug support.The GD32F103xx device incorporates the ARM ' Cortex?-M3 32-bit processor core operating at 108 MHz frequency with Flash accesses zero wait states to obtain maximumefficiency. It provides up to 3 MB on-chip Flash memory and up to 96 KB SRAM memory. An extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals connected to two APB buses. The devices offer up to three 12-bit ADCs, up to two 12-bit DACs, up to ten general-purpose
标签: gd32f103
上传时间: 2022-07-23
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(104)资源包含以下内容:1. mips命令集详解.2. 数码相框原理图,ZXDP-010 (8302+720).3. CBM2090单片8BIT 16BIT共板原理图.4. 红外线遥控是目前使用最广泛的一种通信和遥控手段。由于红外线遥控装置具有体积小、功耗低、功能强、成本低等特点.5. 时间触发嵌入式系统设计模式 使用8051系列微控制器开发可靠应用.6. 关于555时基电路原理以及应用的介绍说明.7. 一个关于s3c2410_LCD_640*480的驱动程序.8. ipod——touch攻略.9. SDMMC 源码 SD、MMC卡的读写程序.10. 嵌入式试验开发平台简介.11. Mobile phone MMI design reference..12. 我写的stv2248 芯片的驱动程序.13. 应用于S60平台的示例程序.14. YAFFS (Yet Another Flash File System) is now in its second GeneratIOn and provides a fast robust fil.15. 关于h264的演示 内容不错 希望大家喜欢..16. Michael Barr是Netrino公司的总裁兼创始人.17. 2006年软考的嵌入式系统设计师考试题及答案.18. S3C2440开发板原理图以及成品图片.是硬件开发工程师的好参考资料.19. 一个可以实现嵌入式视频监控系统的服务器软件。.20. 一个可以实现嵌入式视频监控系统的最新版客户端软件。.21. 东软嵌入式高级C培训(2007)).22. 最新的uffs,目前是1.1.2版本.23. NokiaSeries40Book1,介绍了40平台的手机开发.24. 数控编程开发事例,对数控机床的直线和圆户进行插补,.25. 用STR710控制串口及CC1100进行无线通信.26. 非常不错的单片机开发板原理图.27. s3c44b0bootloader分析.28. 以 DSpic30f4011为 SPI SLAVE的范例程式.29. 汉字与字符显示函数。对于任一主函数.30. 最详细最专业的MODBus协议介绍。 给MODBus总线开发的朋友们一些参考!.31. 本文较为详细的介绍了双CPU的C51系统设计中.32. c51的时钟芯片读写函数.33. 本书介绍了PCI局部总线的基本概念,功能,操作规则和使用方法.34. Intel公司的闪存转换层(Flash Translaion Layer)规范指导文件.35. h.261 player with running h.261,p24,h26 file.36. I2C接口协议.37. First of all we would like to thank God Almighty for giving us the strength and confidence in pursi.38. 2008年最新出版Silverlight及Blend学习电子书教程合集.39. 利用VB與VC程式整合開發實現影像物體分類辨識的PLC輸送帶系統.40. 凌阳公司机sunplus1002在这个芯片下.
标签: 光电子
上传时间: 2013-06-25