上传时间: 2016-02-09
通用串行总线(USB)是一种新兴的计算机外围串行通信接口标准,与常用的计算机接口(如串口、并口等)相比,通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus,USB)具有热插拔、即插即用、数据传输可靠、扩展方便、低成本等优点。从问世以来,它得到了广泛的应用,一方面已成为当前计算机必备的接口之一,同时也被广泛地应用于嵌入式系统设计中。 从1994年USB 0.7出现开始,USB实施者论坛(Implementation Forum)先后定义了USB 0.8、0.9、1.0、1.1、2.0以及USB OTG等规范,以及各种不同的设备类规范。其中USB1.1规范目前正逐步广泛应用,而USB2.0和USBOTG作为USB协议的更新和扩展,也将使USB占领更广的外设
上传时间: 2016-02-17
朴素贝叶斯(Naive Bayes, NB)算法是机器学习领域中常用的一种基于概率的分类算法,非常简单有效。k近邻法(k-Nearest Neighbor, kNN)[30,31]又称为基于实例(Example-based, Instance-bases)的算法,其基本思想相当直观:Rocchio法来源于信息检索系统,后来最早由Hull在1994年应用于分类[74],从那以后,Rocchio方法就在文本分类中广泛应用起来。
上传时间: 2014-01-03
上传时间: 2016-05-23
function [U,V,num_it]=fcm(U0,X) % MATLAB (Version 4.1) Source Code (Routine fcm was written by Richard J. % Hathaway on June 21, 1994.) The fuzzification constant % m = 2, and the stopping criterion for successive partitions is epsilon =??????. %*******Modified 9/15/04 to have epsilon = 0.00001 and fix univariate bug******** % Purpose:The function fcm attempts to find a useful clustering of the % objects represented by the object data in X using the initial partition in U0.
标签: fcm function Version Routine
上传时间: 2014-11-30
CF卡(Compact Flash)最初是一种用于便携式电子设备的数据存储设备。作为一种存储设备,它革命性的使用了闪存,于1994年首次由SanDisk公司生产并制定了相关规范。当前,它的物理格式已经被多种设备所采用。从外形上CF卡可以分为两种:CF I型卡以及稍厚一些的CF II型卡。从速度上它可以分为CF卡、高速CF卡(CF+/CF 2.0规范),更快速的CF 3.0标准也即将在2005年被采用。CF II型卡槽主要用于微型硬盘等一些其它的设备
上传时间: 2014-01-27
MPI stands for the Message Passing Interface. Written by the MPI Forum (a large committee comprising of a cross-section between industry and research representatives), MPI is a standardized API typically used for parallel and/or distributed computing. The MPI standard is comprised of 2 documents: MPI-1 (published in 1994) and MPI-2 (published in 1996). MPI-2 is, for the most part, additions and extensions to the original MPI-1 specification. The MPI-1 and MPI-2 documents can be downloaded from the official MPI Forum web site: http://www.mpi-forum.org/. Open MPI is an open source, freely available implementation of both the MPI-1 and MPI-2 documents. The Open MPI software achieves high performance the Open MPI project is quite receptive to community input.
标签: comprising MPI Interface committee
上传时间: 2013-12-22
Like many of my colleagues in this industry, I learned Windows programming from Charles Petzold s Programming Windows—a classic programming text that is the bible to an entire generation of Windows programmers. When I set out to become an MFC programmer in 1994, I went shopping for an MFC equivalent to Programming Windows. After searching in vain for such a book and spending a year learning MFC the old-fashioned way, I decided to write one myself. It s the book you hold in your hands. And it s the book I would like to have had when I was learning to program Windows the MFC way.
标签: programming colleagues industry Charles
上传时间: 2014-01-10
Supplemental information for a high-speed serial bus that integrates well with most IEEE standard 32-bit and 64-bit parallel buses is specified. It is intended to extend the usefulness of a low-cost interconnect between external peripherals, IEEE Std 1394-1995. This standard follows the ISO/IEC 13213:1994 Command and Status Register (CSR) architecture.
标签: Supplemental information high-speed integrates
上传时间: 2014-03-07
百度关于JTAG接口的介绍。JTAG是英文“Joint Test Action Group的词头字母的简写,该组织成立于1985 年,是由几家主要的电子制造商发起制订的PCB 和IC 测试标准。JTAG 建议于1990 年被IEEE 批准为IEEE1149.1-1990 测试访问端口和边界扫描结构标准。该标准规定了进行边界扫描所需要的硬件和软件。自从1990 年批准后,IEEE 分别于1993 年和1995 年对该标准作了补充,形成了现在使用的IEEE1149.1a-1993 和IEEE1149.1b-1994。JTAG 主要应用于:电路的边界扫描测试和可编程芯片的在系统编程。
上传时间: 2015-05-11