Mobilenetworkoperatorswillmeetmanychallengesinthecomingyears.Itisexpectedthatthe numberofpeopleconnected,wirelineandwireless,willreachfivebillionby2015.Atthesame time, people use more wireless services and they expect similar user experience to what they can now GET from fixed networks. Because of that we will see a hundred-fold increase in network traffic in the near future. At the same time markets are saturating and the revenue per bit is dropping.
标签: Self-Organising Networks LTE
上传时间: 2020-05-27
This book is about multipoint cooperative communication, a key technology to overcome the long-standing problem of limited transmission rate caused by inter- point interference. However, the multipoint cooperative communication is not an isolated technology. Instead, it covers a vast range of research areas such as the multiple-input multiple-outputsystem, the relay network, channel state information issues, inter-point radio resource management operations, coordinated or joint transmissions, etc. We suppose that any attempt trying to thoroughly analyze the multipoint cooperative communication technology might end up working on a cyclopedia for modern communication systems and easily GET lost in discussing all kinds of cooperative communication schemes as well as the associated models and their variations.
标签: Communication Multi-point Cooperative Systems
上传时间: 2020-05-31
Commoditization is a serious threat to the telecommunications industry. Most CSPs offer similar services at rates designed to win what has become a price war. As a result, many face decreasing margins and difficulty sustaining differentiation based on prices or products alone. On top of commoditization, CSPs also face competition from OTT providers and an increasingly knowledgeable and demanding customer base. With access to growing amounts of data from an ever-increasing number of sources and devices, today’s empowered, savvy consumers know what they want and expect to GET it.
标签: RestoringConnections_IBM_CPL
上传时间: 2020-06-01
The information age is exploding around us, giving us access to dizzying amounts of data the instant it becomes available. Smart phones and tablets provide an untethered experience that offers stream- ing video, audio, and other media formats to just about any place on the planet. Even people who are not “computer literate” use Facebook to catch up with friends and family, use Google to research a new restaurant choice and print directions to GET there, or Tweet their reactions once they have sampled the fare. The budding Internet-of-things will only catalyze this data eruption. The infrastructure supporting these services is also growing exponentially, and the technology that facilitates this rapid growth is virtualization.
上传时间: 2020-06-01
This book intends to prepare you to define Unified Communications (UC) for yourself and then GET it to work for you. Each vendor pulls toGETher from its available products a package of features related to voice, data, messaging, and image communications. That’s UC for one vendor, but it’s unlikely to match exactly the UC from another vendor. You need a detailed specification to know what you’ll see installed.
标签: Communications Unified VoIP and
上传时间: 2020-06-01
The “bottom-line” metrics of cash flow, demand, price, and return on investment are driven by a second set of financial metrics represented by value to the customer, cost, and the pace of innovation. GET them right relative to competition and impressive bottom-line results should follow. Because of their importance, we call value to the customer, variable cost, and the pace of innovation the “fundamental metrics.”
标签: Planning Product Systems Driven Value and
上传时间: 2020-06-06
写一个HIS系统界面,要求的功能(从患者角度操作): 注册/登录功能 挂号(选择科室,医生) 查看病历 查看药方 要求用到的技术: css用来对页面进行格式设置 jquery的事件操作 ajax读取json数据(仅用GET方法)
标签: JavaScript
上传时间: 2020-06-08
Fun. We (your authors) wanted a word to describe our ultimate goal for this book, as well as a word we hope you (our reader) will use to describe it, and that’s the one we chose. There are others goals, of course, but in the end, when you’ve finished the book, we’re hoping you’ll have enjoyed the activities described in these pages. Many books use the Introduction to explain exactly what the book is about, what the reader will learn, what the reader needs (a skill or maybe an item or piece of software), and what the reader will be left with when that last page is completed. And this Introduction will do those things, but … hopefully it’ll make you excited to GET started.
标签: Adventures Arduino Station Escape Gemini from
上传时间: 2020-06-09
This book was written to help anyone want to GET started with Arduino and Windows Remote Arduino. It describes the basic elements of the integration of Arduino and Windows Remote Arduino.
标签: GETting Arduino Started Windows Remote with
上传时间: 2020-06-09
I wrote this book so that students, hobbyists, and engineers alike can take advantage of the Arduino platform by creating several projects that will teach them about the engineering process. I also wanted to guide the reader through introductory projects so that they could GET a firm grasp on the Arduino Language, and how to incorporate several pieces of hardware to make their own projects. This book offers so much information on the Arduino, not just the basic LED projects but it offers different peripherals such as Ultrasonic sensor, the Xbox® controller, Bluetooth, and much more. This book also teaches the non-engineer to follow a process that will help them in future project (not just Arduino projects).
标签: Engineering Practical Arduino
上传时间: 2020-06-09