这是linux下的进化计算的源代码。 === === === === === === === === === === === ===== check latest news at http://eodev.sourceforge.net/ ======================================================================= Welcome to EO, the Evolving Objects library. The latest news about EO can be found on the sourceforge repository at http://eodev.sourceforge.net/ In case of any problem, please e-mail us at eodev-help@lists.sourceforge.net, eodev@egroups.com To GET started, take a look at the tutorial, starting with ./tutorial/html/eoTutorial.html The easiest way to start programming a new genome with all EO evolution engines handy is to create a new standalone EO project from the tutorial/Templates/ directory. Read Lesson 5 of the tutorial for an introduction )
上传时间: 2013-12-23
CGI DOS演示代码,主要原理是不停的GET相关文件
上传时间: 2014-01-14
symbian c++的HTTP联网,里面包括简单的GET和post请求
上传时间: 2014-06-29
ASP开发指南,里面的西很不错的哟.This book is for anyone who wants to learn about using .NET for web interface design. Beginner or hobbyist .NET developers can certainly GET a good foundation of .NET web interface design by going through this book from cover to cover. However, more seasoned .NET professionals, especially if they tend to steer away from the GUI of their projects, can also pick up a thing or two by focusing on certain chapters that appeal to them. This book is meant to take a reader from the beginning of a project to the completion of the interface design. Along the way, concepts are illustrated to show how the different pieces play toGETher. So, anyone who really wants to understand the concepts presented in this book will be able to do so by reading the entire thing. However, this book should also serve as a good reference after you have read it or, in some cases, in place of reading it.
标签: for interface anyone about
上传时间: 2016-02-16
During this course you will learn how to use Matlab, to design, and to perform mathematical computations. You will also GET acquainted with basic programming. If you learn to use this program well, you will find it very useful in future, since many technical or mathematical problems can be solved using Matlab.
标签: mathematical computat to perform
上传时间: 2014-01-15
Application Note Abstract This Application Note introduces a complete and detailed PSoC® project. Telephone Call Logger keeps the detailed record of approximately 945 phone calls (7-digit number is assumed to be one phone call) including date, start time and the duration of the phone call in the PSoC device. Users can GET this detailed report into the PC environment by using free software, which is included in the project file. When records reach near full capacity of the Flash memory, an LED will turn on to show that it is necessary to backup the data. Software GETs the data from PSoC, organizes it and prepares a printable version. Additionally, it sends the date and time information to the PSoC. The external parts in this project can be obtained easily in the market.
标签: Application Note introduces Abstract
上传时间: 2014-01-01
8051 Web Server project See Makefile for build notes Written for Keil C51 V5.1 compiler, notes: It uses big endian order, which is the same as the network byte order, unlike x86 systems. Use OPTIMIZE(2)or higher so that automatic variables GET shared // between functions, to stay within the 256 bytes idata space
标签: notes for Makefile compiler
上传时间: 2013-12-17
The second volume in the Write Great Code series supplies the critical information that today s computer science students don t often GET from college and university courses: How to carefully choose their high-level language statements to produce efficient code. Write Great Code, Volume 2: Thinking Low-Level, Writing High-Level, teaches software engineers how compilers translate high-level language statements and data structures into machine code. Armed with this knowledge, a software engineer can make an informed choice concerning the use of those high-level structures to help the compiler produce far better machine code--all without having to give up the productivity and portability benefits of using a high-level language
标签: information the critical supplies
上传时间: 2014-02-21
标签: Bean
上传时间: 2014-09-08
HTTP客户端例子程序 用HTTP协议与WEB网站通信,实现基本的GET/POST消息交互。 主要功能: GET 网站上的页面、下载JPG文件等 POST 表单,包括上传文件。 分析部分常用的返回信息 主要用途: 实践GET/POST消息交互,根据网站的内容具体修改可以定制成专用的接口程序。 主要函数都没有用MFC,可以轻松移植到嵌入式系统。
上传时间: 2016-04-21