get the power from telephone line. 从电话线取电的原理图
上传时间: 2016-08-25
winavr code for avr mega8. The program get data from serial port in interrupt function. And then out put the data to 74ls595 (serial to parallel IC) for controlling relay output.
标签: interrupt function program winavr
上传时间: 2013-12-22
ntp client, can get the current time about the lots of time zone.
上传时间: 2014-01-01
How to Get Started With the DSP_BIOS Kernel,开发dsp内核入门指导书
标签: DSP_BIOS Started Kernel With
上传时间: 2014-01-25
The Cryptography API: Next Generation(CNG) is a new and agile framework in Windows Vista, which implements an extensible provider model that allows you to load a provider by specifying the required cryptographic algorithm rather than having to hardcode a specific provider.
标签: Cryptography Generation framework Windows
上传时间: 2013-12-18
How to send a SOAP request and get the XML response
标签: response request send SOAP
上传时间: 2016-09-29
VTC file is the file format of the Brainvoyager. The FMRI matchine scan human s brain and get the vtc data. This toolbox can help you to read the vtc file into matlab.
标签: the file Brainvoyager matchine
上传时间: 2013-12-18
This book is for you if You re no "dummy," and you need to get quickly up to speed in intermediate to advanced C++ You ve had some experience in C++ programming, but reading intermediate and advanced C++ books is slow-going You ve had an introductory C++ course, but you ve found that you still can t follow your colleagues when they re describing their C++ designs and code You re an experienced C or Java programmer, but you don t yet have the experience to develop nuanced C++ code and designs You re a C++ expert, and you re looking for an alternative to answering the same questions from your less-experienced colleagues over and over again C++ Common Knowledge covers essential but commonly misunderstood topics in C++ programming and design while filtering out needless complexity in the discussion of each topic. What remains is a clear distillation of the essentials required for production C++ programming, presented in the author s trademark incisive, engaging style.
标签: intermediate you quickly dummy
上传时间: 2014-01-09
Get more out of your legacy systems: more performance, functionality, reliability, and manageability Is your code easy to change? Can you get nearly instantaneous feedback when you do change it? Do you understand it? If the answer to any of these questions is no, you have legacy code, and it is draining time and money away from your development efforts.
标签: more functionality manageability performance
上传时间: 2013-12-13
The purpose of this code is to demonstrate how to get started using the GPIFTool utility in EZUSB FX2 GPIF applications
标签: demonstrate GPIFTool purpose started
上传时间: 2016-10-10