SuperLU 2.2版本。对大型、稀疏、非对称的线性系统的直接求解,用 GAUSS 消去法做 LU 分解。用 C 开发。
上传时间: 2013-12-08
上传时间: 2013-12-08
无线通信的各种运动模型。适用于移动通信、无线传感器网络等领域。 包括:Random walk、random waypoint、random direction、boundless simulation area、 GAUSS-markov等运动模型 - probabilistic random walk
标签: random simulation direction boundless
上传时间: 2014-11-12
This GUI can be used by entering nu at the MATLAB command prompt. The user can either select a function (f(x)) of their choice or a statistical distribution probability distribution function to plot over a user defined range. The function s integral can be evaluated over a user defined range by using: The composite trapezium, simpsons and GAUSS-legendre rules. This is useful for calculating accurate probabilities that one might see in statistical tables.
标签: can entering command MATLAB
上传时间: 2016-11-07
Will perform 3D GAUSSian quadrature over a user-defined volume. The volume is defined by the user with function definitions entered in the appropriate spaces provided on the GUI. The user can change the number of GAUSS points to use. Function inputs need not accept vector args.
标签: volume user-defined quadrature GAUSSian
上传时间: 2013-12-13
数值计算算法,包括: (1)Lagrange插值 (2)Newton 插值 (3)求f(x0):秦九韶法 (4)求实系数多项式f(z0)。z0为复数(5)二分法求f(x)=0的根 (6)弦截法求f (x)=0的根 (7)求实系数多项式 方程的实根、复根 (8)解线性方程组:GAUSS列主元素消去法( 9 )快速弗利叶变换(FFT)
上传时间: 2016-11-15
This function calculates Akaike s final prediction error % estimate of the average generalization error. % % [FPE,deff,varest,H] = fpe(NetDef,W1,W2,PHI,Y,trparms) produces the % final prediction error estimate (fpe), the effective number of % weights in the network if the network has been trained with % weight decay, an estimate of the noise variance, and the GAUSS-Newton % Hessian. %
标签: generalization calculates prediction function
上传时间: 2014-12-03
This function calculates Akaike s final prediction error % estimate of the average generalization error for network % models generated by NNARX, NNOE, NNARMAX1+2, or their recursive % counterparts. % % [FPE,deff,varest,H] = nnfpe(method,NetDef,W1,W2,U,Y,NN,trparms,skip,Chat) % produces the final prediction error estimate (fpe), the effective number % of weights in the network if it has been trained with weight decay, % an estimate of the noise variance, and the GAUSS-Newton Hessian. %
标签: generalization calculates prediction function
上传时间: 2016-12-27
上传时间: 2017-01-25
上传时间: 2014-12-06