上传时间: 2014-01-01
上传时间: 2015-08-26
This project attempts to implement a Database using B+Tree. The project has developed a DATABASE SYSTEM with lesser memory consumption. Its API includes simple SQL Statements and the output is displayed on the screen. Certain applications for which several features of existing databases like concurrency control, transaction management, security features are not enabled. B+Trees can be used as an index for factor access to the data. Help facility is provided to know the syntax of SQL Statements.
标签: project implement developed Database
上传时间: 2013-12-25
高斯亚当消去法 GAUSSJ(A[],N,B[])用这个子过程实现高斯亚当消去法
上传时间: 2015-08-29
上传时间: 2014-11-22
Implemented BFS, DFS and A* To compile this project, use the following command: g++ -o search main.cpp Then you can run it: ./search The input is loaded from a input file in.txt Here is the format of the input file: The first line of the input file shoud contain two chars indicate the source and destination city for breadth first and depth first algorithm. The second line of input file shoud be an integer m indicate the number of connections for the map. Following m lines describe the map, each line represents to one connection in this form: dist city1 city2, which means there is a connection between city1 and city2 with the distance dist. The following input are for A* The following line contains two chars indicate the source and destination city for A* algorithm. Then there is an integer h indicate the number of heuristic. The following h lines is in the form: city dist which means the straight-line distance from the city to B is dist.
标签: Implemented following compile command
上传时间: 2014-01-01
上传时间: 2014-11-28
上传时间: 2015-09-11
Ma tla b 是当今使用最为广泛的数学软件,它具有相当强大的数值计算、数据处理、系统 分析、图形显示、甚至符号运算功能,是一个完整的数学平台,但是它不能实现端口操作和 实时控制Borland C + +Builder是一种新颖的可视化编程语言,可方便实现交互界面、数据 采集和端口操作等,但是它在数值处理分析和算法工具等方面,效率远远低于Matlab语言
上传时间: 2014-01-24
Bing is a point-to-point bandwidth measurement tool (hence the b ), based on ping. Bing determines the real (raw, as opposed to available or average) throughput on a link by measuring ICMP echo requests roundtrip times for different packet sizes for each end of the link
标签: Bing point-to-point measurement determines
上传时间: 2015-09-15