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  • 24位ADC在心电图中的应用笔记

    Abstract: This application note describes the essential workings of an electrocardiogram (ECG). It discussesfactors that disrupt the ECG signals and make reliable, highly-accurate electrical characterization difficult. Theindustry-standard solution for ECG electrical characterization, which uses an analog Front-end and ADCcombination, is explained. The article then introduces the MAX11040 simultaneous-sampling, sigma-deltaADC as a compelling, highly integrated solution that eliminates the need for the AFE, and saves both spaceand cost for the application.

    标签: ADC 24位 心电图 中的应用

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • 基于C8051F020和Zigbee的汽车测试系统设计

    以C8051F020为核心处理器,设计无线传感器网络数据采集系统。系统采用SZ05-ADV型无线通讯模块组建Zigbee无线网络,结合嵌入式系统的软硬件技术,完成终端节点的8路传感器信号的数据采集。现场8路信号通过前端处理后,分别送入C8051F020的12位A/D转换器进行转换。经过精确处理、存储后的现场数据,通过Zigbee无线网络传送到上位机,系统可达到汽车试验中无线测试的目的。 Abstract:  This paper designs a wireless sensor network system for data acquisition with C8051F020 as core processors.The system used SZ05-ADV wireless communication module,set up a Zigbee wireless network, combined with hardware and software technologies of embedded systems,completed the end-node 8-locale sensor signal data acquisition.Eight locale signals were sent separately into the 12-bit ADC of C8051F020 for conversion through Front treatment.After accurate processing and storage,the locale data was transmitted to the host computer through Zigbee wireless.The system achieves the purpose of wireless testing in vehicle trial.

    标签: C8051F020 Zigbee 汽车测试 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 基于AVR的新型防汽车追尾安全装置设计

    针对目前汽车追尾事件频发问题,提出一种防汽车车前和车后追尾的安全装置设计。该设计以高性能、低功耗的8位AVR微处理器ATmega8L为核心,结合霍尔式车速传感器、激光雷达测距装置和MMA7260QT加速度传感器,能够兼顾车前和车后,摒弃以往设计中只考虑车前或车后单一性缺点,尤其适用于高速、夜晚或新手行车。 Abstract:  Aiming at the high frequency of vehicle rear-end collision,a safe device design of anti-vehicle rear-end collision is presented.In the design,the high-performance,low-power8-bit AVR microprocessor ATmega8L is utilized as a core combined with Hall-type speed sensor,laser-radar ranging devices and the acceleration sensor MMA7260QT.The design considers both the Front and back of a car,and overcomes the drawbacks of former designs in which only the Front or the back of the car is considered,so it is especially suitable for high-speed,night or the beginner’s driving.

    标签: AVR 汽车追尾 装置

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • AVR mega128学习板

    AVR mega128学习板 联系  杨迪 15336417867  0531-55508458 QQ:1347978253  http://www.easyele.cn AVR mega128学习板是AVRVI设计生产的AVR学习开发生产工具,以Atmega128为核心,采用底板,核心板的组织形式,子板和母板组合,也可以分开。集成AVR JTAG ICE仿真器和STK500 ISP编程器,用户只需要再拥有一台计算机即可进行系统的学习。为了更好的支持客户的学习和开发,AVR mega128学习板板通讯接口升级为USB接口,方便计算机没有串口的朋友。货号:EasyAVRM128SK-A  规格: 套  重量:300克 单价498/套。 AVR mega128学习板他还是一个强大的开发工具。通过它进行学习后,你会觉得毕业设计如此简单,轻松应对电子设计大赛,机器人大赛,对电子产品的设计有进一步的认知,建立起学习ARM,DSP,FPGA的良好基础。AVR mega128学习板这个性价比高的专业工具是你的不二选择。购买本产品赠送LCD1602液晶一块。AVR mega128学习板是仿真器,编程器,开发板,核心板四合一的集功能于一体的产品,并且可以分开独立使用。 AVR mega128学习板于2008年开发,基于AVR中较高档芯片ATmega128设计,采用子板和母版叠加的方式,集成仿真和下载功能,原串口版本得到广大用户的支持和认可,2009年底升级为USB版本,使用更方便,兼容开发型号:ATmega64,特别适合新手学习,工程师快速产品开发。 AVR mega128学习板的关键特点: 1.采用核心板和主板分离的形式,在系统的学习之后,可以把核心板直接用于产品中,快速搭建系统。 2.AVR mega128学习板上集成了AVR JTAG ICE仿真器和AVR ISP编程器。 您只需要再拥有一台计算机,而不需要购买仿真器和编程器就可以学习开发了。 3.信号调理电路,输入0~10V,轨至轨信号调理。 学习阶段:AVR mega128学习板让你熟悉AVR的各种资源的应用,板载的常用外设,可以让你方便的进行各种学习实验。板载编程器和仿真器,让你无需担心自己的接线是否正确,即插即用。开发阶段:AVR mega128学习板的核心板可以用于产品核心,板子虽小,五脏俱全,最小系统板的基本电路,让你得心应手,标准的插针,可以将核心板直接插在万用板上使用,扩展方便。仿真器功能,让你开发变得更加简单,轻松找到程序中的各种问题,予以解决,加快开发。AVR mega128学习板的ISP 功能可以让你禁用JTAG接口,节省IO,并且让AD转换更加准确。生产阶段:编程器提供官方推荐的ISP在线下载方式,速度快,编程完成后不占用CPU的任何资源。 AVR mega128学习板是进入嵌入式开发领域的专业入门学习和开发工具,是学生,初学者,工程师的必备良弓。我们还为客户提供可选配件18B20温度传感器 10元 1602液晶 20元 12864液晶 80元 7.5/12V电源 12元 mini128核心板 147元 mini64核心板 138元。欢迎有志之士咨询选购。 想找一份好工作吗? 你想成为一名电子设计工程师吗? 你对电子设计有浓厚兴趣,而没有工具吗? 看了很久的程序方面的书籍,却没有实践的机会吗? 需要开发产品,想快速入门? 想参加电子设计大赛,机器人大赛吗?     这个性价比高的专业工具是你的不二选择。

    标签: mega AVR 128

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • JTAG仿真器 mega16开发板恩易

    JTAG仿真器 mega16开发板 联系  杨迪 15336417867  0531-55508458 QQ:1347978253  http://www.easyele.cn 有了mega16开发板 JTAG仿真器就可以开始学习强大的AVR单片机,不用再单独买编程器,仿真器。本产品是AVRVI设计生产的AVR学习开发生产工具,以Atmega16为核心,集成AVR JTAG ICE仿真器和STK500 ISP编程器,用户只需要再拥有一台计算机即可进行系统的学习。同时mega16开发板器 JTAG仿真器还提供精致的说明书,让您事半功倍,深入了解单片机电路的设计,找到好工作没问题,详细介绍电路设计和如果学习开发等内容,即使不买板子也值得你收藏。mega16开发板 JTAG仿真器的货号:EasyAVR-M16  规格: 套  重量:400克。单价298/套 mega16开发板 JTAG仿真器开发板板载资源列表(部分): 1.1路有源蜂鸣器,也可接无源蜂鸣器 2.实时钟PCF8563 3.1IIC总线EEPROM AT24c01 4.1-wire单总线 5.晶振和复位电路 6.可选的有源晶振电路 7.AD电压调整电位器 8.电位器参考电压和待测电压调整 9.mega16开发板 JTAG仿真器拥有4个8位拨码开关 0.32Pin MCU外接端子 所有引脚标注 11.12864液晶接口 12.1602液晶接口 13.mega16开发板 JTAG仿真器有标准KF396尼龙接线端子 14.透明防滑硅胶脚垫 mega16开发板 JTAG仿真器的三个关键特点:开发板集成常用资源:LED、按键、七段数码管、RS232、LCD接口等;开发板上集成了AVR JTAG ICE仿真器和AVR ISP编程器;信号调理电路,输入0~10V,轨至轨信号调理。购买mega16开发板 JTAG仿真器是,我们会以优惠的价格提供给客户一些可选配件:18B20 10元;1602字符液晶  20元;12864 图形液晶带字库 80元;串口通讯线缆 5元;有源晶振   5元;杜邦头连线10条 5元,以上全配只需要加100元,如需要5V 小型步进电机另加20元。欢迎大家咨询选购。 开发板系列我公司还出售: mega128四合一开发板    498/套 ATMEL 原装 ATSTK500开发板   750/块 ATmega8 开发板 学习板 Mini Mega8 核心板    87/块 ATmega48 开发板 学习板 Mini Mega48 核心板  84/块 ATMega88 开发板 学习板 mini mega88 核心板  91/块 ATmega16 开发板 AVR学习板 Mega16 核心板    106/块 ATmega32 开发板 学习板 Mini M32 核心板     116/块 ATmega128 开发板 学习板 Mini M128 核心板   147/块 ATmega64 开发板 学习板 Mini M64 核心板    144/块

    标签: JTAG mega 16 仿真器

    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • 移动无线终端导航AFE和数据转换器

    Abstract: High-speed and low-speed data converters serve critical functions in modern broadband mobile radios. This application note outlines how todetermine high-speed data converter performance requirements in baseband sampling radio architectures. Also, system partition strategies andadvantages are outlined when considering a high-speed analog Front-end (AFE) solution.

    标签: AFE 移动 无线终端 导航

    上传时间: 2013-11-02


  • 基于ZigBee技术的无线智能家用燃气报警系统

    在研究传统家用燃气报警器的基础上,以ZigBee协议为平台,构建mesh网状网络实现网络化的智能语音报警系统。由于传感器本身的温度和实际环境温度的影响,传感器标定后采用软件补偿方法。为了减少系统费用,前端节点采用半功能节点设备,路由器和协调器采用全功能节点设备,构建mesh网络所形成的家庭内部报警系统,通过通用的电话接口连接到外部的公用电话网络,启动语音模块进行报警。实验结果表明,在2.4 GHz频率下传输,有墙等障碍物的情况下,节点的传输距离大约为35 m,能够满足家庭需要,且系统工作稳定,但在功耗方面仍需进一步改善。 Abstract:  On the basis of studying traditional household gas alarm system, this paper proposed the platform for the ZigBee protocol,and constructed mesh network to achieve network-based intelligent voice alarm system. Because of the sensor temperature and the actual environment temperature, this system design used software compensation after calibrating sensor. In order to reduce system cost, semi-functional node devices were used as Front-end node, however, full-function devices were used as routers and coordinator,constructed alarm system within the family by building mesh network,connected to the external public telephone network through the common telephone interface, started the voice alarm module. The results indicate that nodes transmit about 35m in the distance in case of walls and other obstacles by 2.4GHz frequency transmission, this is able to meet family needs and work steadily, but still needs further improvement in power consumption.

    标签: ZigBee 无线智能 报警系统

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • 赛灵思电机控制开发套件简介(英文版)

      The power of programmability gives industrial automation designers a highly efficient, cost-effective alternative to traditional motor control units (MCUs)。 The parallel-processing power, fast computational speeds, and connectivity versatility of Xilinx® FPGAs can accelerate the implementation of advanced motor control algorithms such as Field Oriented Control (FOC)。   Additionally, Xilinx devices lower costs with greater on-chip integration of system components and shorten latencies with high-performance digital signal processing (DSP) that can tackle compute-intensive functions such as PID Controller, Clark/Park transforms, and Space Vector PWM.   The Xilinx Spartan®-6 FPGA Motor Control Development Kit gives designers an ideal starting point for evaluating time-saving, proven, motor-control reference designs. The kit also shortens the process of developing custom control capabilities, with integrated peripheral functions (Ethernet, PowerLink, and PCI® Express), a motor-control FPGA mezzanine card (FMC) with built-in Texas Instruments motor drivers and high-precision Delta-Sigma modulators, and prototyping support for evaluating alternative Front-end circuitry.

    标签: 赛灵思 电机控制 开发套件 英文

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • RemoteWAP is a Remote Administration Tool for any Operating System that can support the Java Virtual

    RemoteWAP is a Remote Administration Tool for any Operating System that can support the Java Virtual Machine. It has been designed for anyone who wishes to have complete control of there OS anywhere by using a WAP enabled Mobile Phone. RemoteWAP is developed using Java and WML for the client mobile phone Front-end pages. RemoteWAP has a Java Swing-GUI to allow for easy control. Future releases will have a Command Line Interface for quick use

    标签: Administration RemoteWAP Operating Virtual

    上传时间: 2015-02-01


  • Copyright© 2004 Sergiu Dumitriu, Marta Gî rdea, Că tă lin Hriţ cu Permission is

    Copyright© 2004 Sergiu Dumitriu, Marta Gî rdea, Că tă lin Hriţ cu Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License" All brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.

    标签: Permission Copyright 259 Dumitriu

    上传时间: 2015-04-02
