CodeQuality(C&Cpp)_Nari_V5.0、 CodeQuality(C&Cpp)_Nari_V5.0 CodeQuality(C&Cpp)_Nari_V5.0
上传时间: 2016-08-17
标签: 荧光
上传时间: 2016-08-28
上传时间: 2016-09-05
上传时间: 2016-11-06
#include <stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #define stack_init_size 100 #define stackincrement 10 typedef struct sqstack { int *base; int *top; int stacksize; } sqstack; int StackInit(sqstack *s) { s->base=(int *)malloc(stack_init_size *sizeof(int)); if(!s->base) return 0; s->top=s->base; s->stacksize=stack_init_size; return 1; } int Push(sqstack *s,int e) { if(s->top-s->base>=s->stacksize) { s->base=(int *)realloc(s->base,(s->stacksize+stackincrement)*sizeof(int)); if(!s->base) return 0; s->top=s->base+s->stacksize; s->stacksize+=stackincrement; } *(s->top++)=e; return e; } int Pop(sqstack *s,int e) { if(s->top==s->base) return 0; e=*--s->top; return e; } int stackempty(sqstack *s) { if(s->top==s->base) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } int conversion(sqstack *s) { int n,e=0,flag=0; printf("输入要转化的十进制数:\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("要转化为多少进制:\n"); scanf("%d",&flag); printf("将十进制数%d 转化为%d 进制是:\n",n,flag); while(n) { Push(s,n%flag); n=n/flag; } while(!stackempty(s)) { e=Pop(s,e); switch(e) { case 10: printf("A"); break; case 11: printf("B"); break; case 12: printf("C"); break; case 13: printf("D"); break; case 14: printf("E"); break; case 15: printf("F"); break; default: printf("%d",e); } } printf("\n"); return 0; } int main() { sqstack s; StackInit(&s); conversion(&s); return 0; }
上传时间: 2016-12-08
标签: 数字
上传时间: 2016-12-13
void DFS(MGraph G, int i) { int j; visited[i] = TRUE; printf("%c ", G.vexs[i]); for (j=0; j<G.numVertexes; ++j) { if (G.arc[i][j]!=INFINITY && !visited[j]) DFS(G, j); } }
上传时间: 2016-12-28
#include <malloc.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define NULL 0 #define MaxSize 30 typedef struct athletestruct /*运动员*/ { char name[20]; int score; /*分数*/ int range; /**/ int item; /*项目*/ }ATH; typedef struct schoolstruct /*学校*/ { int count; /*编号*/ int serial; /**/ int menscore; /*男选手分数*/ int womenscore; /*女选手分数*/ int totalscore; /*总分*/ ATH athlete[MaxSize]; /**/ struct schoolstruct *next; }SCH; int nsc,msp,wsp; int ntsp; int i,j; int overgame; int serial,range; int n; SCH *head,*pfirst,*psecond; int *phead=NULL,*pafirst=NULL,*pasecond=NULL; void create(); void input () { char answer; head = (SCH *)malloc(sizeof(SCH)); /**/ head->next = NULL; pfirst = head; answer = 'y'; while ( answer == 'y' ) { Is_Game_DoMain: printf("\nGET Top 5 when odd\nGET Top 3 when even"); printf("\n输入运动项目序号 (x<=%d):",ntsp); scanf("%d",pafirst); overgame = *pafirst; if ( pafirst != phead ) { for ( pasecond = phead ; pasecond < pafirst ; pasecond ++ ) { if ( overgame == *pasecond ) { printf("\n这个项目已经存在请选择其他的数字\n"); goto Is_Game_DoMain; } } } pafirst = pafirst + 1; if ( overgame > ntsp ) { printf("\n项目不存在"); printf("\n请重新输入"); goto Is_Game_DoMain; } switch ( overgame%2 ) { case 0: n = 3;break; case 1: n = 5;break; } for ( i = 1 ; i <= n ; i++ ) { Is_Serial_DoMain: printf("\n输入序号 of the NO.%d (0<x<=%d): ",i,nsc); scanf("%d",&serial); if ( serial > nsc ) { printf("\n超过学校数目,请重新输入"); goto Is_Serial_DoMain; } if ( head->next == NULL ) { create(); } psecond = head->next ; while ( psecond != NULL ) { if ( psecond->serial == serial ) { pfirst = psecond; pfirst->count = pfirst->count + 1; goto Store_Data; } else { psecond = psecond->next; } } create(); Store_Data: pfirst->athlete[pfirst->count].item = overgame; pfirst->athlete[pfirst->count].range = i; pfirst->serial = serial; printf("Input name:) : "); scanf("%s",pfirst->athlete[pfirst->count].name); } printf("\n继续输入运动项目(y&n)?"); answer = getchar(); printf("\n"); } } void calculate() /**/ { pfirst = head->next; while ( pfirst->next != NULL ) { for (i=1;i<=pfirst->count;i++) { if ( pfirst->athlete[i].item % 2 == 0 ) { switch (pfirst->athlete[i].range) { case 1:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 5;break; case 2:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 3;break; case 3:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 2;break; } } else { switch (pfirst->athlete[i].range) { case 1:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 7;break; case 2:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 5;break; case 3:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 3;break; case 4:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 2;break; case 5:pfirst->athlete[i].score = 1;break; } } if ( pfirst->athlete[i].item <=msp ) { pfirst->menscore = pfirst->menscore + pfirst->athlete[i].score; } else { pfirst->womenscore = pfirst->womenscore + pfirst->athlete[i].score; } } pfirst->totalscore = pfirst->menscore + pfirst->womenscore; pfirst = pfirst->next; } } void output() { pfirst = head->next; psecond = head->next; while ( pfirst->next != NULL ) { // clrscr(); printf("\n第%d号学校的结果成绩:",pfirst->serial); printf("\n\n项目的数目\t学校的名字\t分数"); for (i=1;i<=ntsp;i++) { for (j=1;j<=pfirst->count;j++) { if ( pfirst->athlete[j].item == i ) { printf("\n %d\t\t\t\t\t\t%s\n %d",i,pfirst->athlete[j].name,pfirst->athlete[j].score);break; } } } printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t按任意建 进入下一页"); getchar(); pfirst = pfirst->next; } // clrscr(); printf("\n运动会结果:\n\n学校编号\t男运动员成绩\t女运动员成绩\t总分"); pfirst = head->next; while ( pfirst->next != NULL ) { printf("\n %d\t\t %d\t\t %d\t\t %d",pfirst->serial,pfirst->menscore,pfirst->womenscore,pfirst->totalscore); pfirst = pfirst->next; } printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t按任意建结束"); getchar(); } void create() { pfirst = (struct schoolstruct *)malloc(sizeof(struct schoolstruct)); pfirst->next = head->next ; head->next = pfirst ; pfirst->count = 1; pfirst->menscore = 0; pfirst->womenscore = 0; pfirst->totalscore = 0; } void Save() {FILE *fp; if((fp = fopen("school.dat","wb"))==NULL) {printf("can't open school.dat\n"); fclose(fp); return; } fwrite(pfirst,sizeof(SCH),10,fp); fclose(fp); printf("文件已经成功保存\n"); } void main() { system("cls"); printf("\n\t\t\t 运动会分数统计\n"); printf("输入学校数目 (x>= 5):"); scanf("%d",&nsc); printf("输入男选手的项目(x<=20):"); scanf("%d",&msp); printf("输入女选手项目(<=20):"); scanf("%d",&wsp); ntsp = msp + wsp; phead = (int *)calloc(ntsp,sizeof(int)); pafirst = phead; pasecond = phead; input(); calculate(); output(); Save(); }
标签: 源代码
上传时间: 2016-12-28
#include "string.h" #include "ctype.h" #include "stdio.h" search(char pd[]) {FILE *fp; int time=0,i=0,j=0,add[80],k=0,m; char *ch, str[900]; m=strlen(pd); if((fp=fopen("haha.txt","r"))==NULL) { printf("Cannot open this file\n"); exit(0); } for(;!feof(fp);i++) { str[i]=fgetc(fp); if(tolower(str[i])==tolower(pd[k])) {k++; if(k==m) if(!isalpha(i-m)&&!isalpha((str[i++]=fgetc(fp)))) { time++; add[j]=i-m+1; j++; k=0; } else k=0; } } if(time) { printf("The time is:%d\n",time); printf("The adders is:\n"); for(i=0;i
标签: 查询学会少年宫
上传时间: 2016-12-29
#include "string.h" #include "ctype.h" #include "stdio.h" search(char pd[]) {FILE *fp; int time=0,i=0,j=0,add[80],k=0,m; char *ch, str[900]; m=strlen(pd); if((fp=fopen("haha.txt","r"))==NULL) { printf("Cannot open this file\n"); exit(0); } for(;!feof(fp);i++) { str[i]=fgetc(fp); if(tolower(str[i])==tolower(pd[k])) {k++; if(k==m) if(!isalpha(i-m)&&!isalpha((str[i++]=fgetc(fp)))) { time++; add[j]=i-m+1; j++; k=0; } else k=0; } } if(time) { printf("The time is:%d\n",time); printf("The adders is:\n"); for(i=0;i<j;i++) printf("%5d",add[i]); if(i%5==0) printf("\n"); getch(); fclose(fp); } else printf("Sorry!Cannot find the word(^_^)"); } main() { char pd[10],choose='y'; int flag=1; while(flag) {printf("In put the word you want to seqarch:"); scanf("%s",pd); search(strlwr(pd)); printf("\nWould you want to continue?(Y/N):"); getchar(); scanf("%c",&choose); if((tolower(choose))=='n') flag=0; else flag=1; } printf("Thanks for your using!Bye-bye!\n"); getch(); }
标签: 学生专用
上传时间: 2016-12-29