一个游戏 the hardware for the game includes a number of displays, each with a button and -- a light, that each represent a bin that can store marbles (beans). -- -- The display indicates the number of marbles in each bin at any given time. -- The light indecates that the present bin is not empty and that pushing the -- button is a valid move in the game. -- -- The button for each display indicates that a player takes the marbles from -- the selected bin, and takes them in his hand. The hand is represented by a -- diplay itself (no button). -- -- Each player has a home bin, located on opposite sides of the game.
标签: the hardware displays includes
上传时间: 2015-06-10
G.729 coder and decoder, ANSI C, for windows, unix, DSP, etc.
标签: decoder windows coder ANSI
上传时间: 2014-09-11
Due to an increase in demand for and questions about direct disk access for Micrososft platforms, and due to the fact that Microsoft has no API for direct disk access, I am releasing this library much earlier than I intended at that start. I am still working on this code.
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A New Architecture for fast Arithmetic Coding in H.264 Advanced Video Coder.pdf 很不错的一个优化算法
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with vxworks we can develope a group of control software for industry.
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上传时间: 2015-06-12
Embedded magazine soure code for the year 1991
标签: Embedded magazine soure 1991
上传时间: 2014-01-24
embedded magazine source code for the year 1992
标签: embedded magazine source code
上传时间: 2013-12-25
embedded magazine source code for the year 1993
标签: embedded magazine source code
上传时间: 2015-06-13
Compex BIOS for SAMSUNG S3C4510B v1.20-lt
标签: S3C4510B SAMSUNG Compex BIOS
上传时间: 2015-06-13
rlt8139网卡驱动for vxworks tornado2.0!
上传时间: 2015-06-13