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  • STM32F10xxx设备中如何得到高精度ADC

    The STM32F10xxx microcontroller family embeds up to three advanced 12-bit ADCs (depending on the device) with a conversion time down to 1 μs. A self-calibration feature is provided to enhance ADC accuracy versus environmental condition changes.

    标签: STM 32F F10 ADC

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • 全球著名半导体厂家介绍

    德州仪器(Texas Instruments),简称TI,是全球领先的半导体公司,为现实世界的信号处理提供创新的数字信号处理(DSP)及模拟器件技术。除半导体业务外,还提供包括传感与控制、教育产品和数字光源处理解决方案。TI总部位于美国得克萨斯州的达拉斯,并在25多个国家设有制造、设计或销售机构。

    标签: 半导体

    上传时间: 2014-05-26


  • ADC中精确度与分辨率认识


    标签: ADC 精确度 分辨率

    上传时间: 2013-11-06


  • 独特的IC BUFFER增强运算放大器设计

    This note describes some of the unique IC design techniques incorporated into a fast, monolithic power buffer, the LT1010. Also, some application ideas are described such as capacitive load driving, boosting fast op amp output current and power supply circuits.

    标签: BUFFER 运算 放大器设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • 2SJ系列场效应管参数大全


    标签: 2SJ 场效应管 参数大全

    上传时间: 2013-11-24


  • LTC1099基于PC的数据采集板实现

    A complete design for a data acquisition card for the IBM PC is detailed in this application note. Additionally, C language code is provided to allow sampling of data at speed of more than 20kHz. The speed limitation is strictly based on the execution speed of the "C" data acquisition loop. A "Turbo" XT can acquire data at speeds greater than 20kHz. Machines with 80286 and 80386 processors can go faster than 20kHz. The computer that was used as a test bed in this application was an XT running at 4.77MHz and therefore all system timing and acquisition time measurements are based on a 4.77MHz clock speed.

    标签: 1099 LTC 数据 采集板

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • 逐次逼近式AD转换器研究

    A tutorial on SAR type A/D converters, this note contains detailed information on several 12-bit circuits. Comparator, clocking, and preamplifier designs are discussed. A final circuit gives a 12-bit conversion in 1.8µs. Appended sections explain the basic SAR technique and explore D/A considerations.

    标签: 逐次逼近 AD转换器

    上传时间: 2014-01-21


  • LTC1099半闪速8位AD转换数字光电二极管阵列

    This application note describes a Linear Technology "Half-Flash" A/D converter, the LTC1099, being connected to a 256 element line scan photodiode array. This technology adapts itself to handheld (i.e., low power) bar code readers, as well as high resolution automated machine inspection applications..  

    标签: 1099 LTC 8位 AD转换

    上传时间: 2013-11-21


  • LTC1062的低通滤波器应用

    Highlights the LTC1062 as a lowpass filter in a phase lock loop. Describes how the loop's bandwidth can be increased and the VCO output jitter reduced when the LTC1062 is the loop filter. Compares it with a passive RC loop filter. Also discussed is the use of LTC1062 as simple bandpass and bandstop filter.

    标签: 1062 LTC 低通滤波器

    上传时间: 2013-10-24


  • 新型精密运算放大器应用

    Application considerations and circuits for the LT1001 and LT1002 single and dual precision amplifiers are illustrated in a number of circuits, including strain gauge signal conditioners, linearized platinum RTD circuits, an ultra precision dead zone circuit for motor servos and other examples.

    标签: 精密 运算放大器

    上传时间: 2013-10-18
