While Faster processors, larger memory, and powerful graphics are fundamental requirements for workstations, users are also demanding a low-cost, solution-based approach wrapped around a standards-based technology. The Sun UltraTM 20 Workstation, which leverages the AMD OpteronTM processor with Direct Connect Architecture based on AMD64 technology, provides multiple operating system choices and leading nVidia graphics, delivers a platform that offers flexibility and performance in a cost-effective package with solutions to benefit customers across the board.
标签: requirements fundamental processors graphics
上传时间: 2017-08-17
Faster tcp companents delphi
标签: companents Faster delphi tcp
上传时间: 2014-01-01
Most circuit designers are familiar with diode dynamiccharacteristics such as charge storage, voltage dependentcapacitance and reverse recovery time. Less commonlyacknowledged and manufacturer specifi ed is diode forwardturn-on time. This parameter describes the timerequired for a diode to turn on and clamp at its forwardvoltage drop. Historically, this extremely short time, unitsof nanoseconds, has been so small that user and vendoralike have essentially ignored it. It is rarely discussed andalmost never specifi ed. Recently, switching regulator clockrate and transition time have become Faster, making diodeturn-on time a critical issue. Increased clock rates aremandated to achieve smaller magnetics size; decreasedtransition times somewhat aid overall effi ciency but areprincipally needed to minimize IC heat rise. At clock speedsbeyond about 1MHz, transition time losses are the primarysource of die heating.
上传时间: 2013-10-10
A complete design for a data acquisition card for the IBM PC is detailed in this application note. Additionally, C language code is provided to allow sampling of data at speed of more than 20kHz. The speed limitation is strictly based on the execution speed of the "C" data acquisition loop. A "Turbo" XT can acquire data at speeds greater than 20kHz. Machines with 80286 and 80386 processors can go Faster than 20kHz. The computer that was used as a test bed in this application was an XT running at 4.77MHz and therefore all system timing and acquisition time measurements are based on a 4.77MHz clock speed.
上传时间: 2013-10-29
Linear Technology’s high performance battery management ICsenable long battery life and run time, while providing precision charging control, constantstatus monitoring and stringent battery protection. Our proprietary design techniques seamlesslymanage multiple input sources while providing small solution footprints, Faster charging and100% standalone operation. Battery and circuit protection features enable improved thermalperformance and high reliability operation.
上传时间: 2013-10-13
文章提出了一种精简指令集8 位单片机中, 算术逻辑单元的工作原理。在此基础上, 对比传统PIC 方案、以及在ALU 内部再次采用流水线作业的332 方案、44 方案, 并用Synopsys 综合工具实现了它们。综合及仿真结果表明, 根据该单片机系统要求, 44 方案速度最高, 比332 方案可提高43.9%, 而面积仅比最小的332 方案增加1.6%。在分析性能差异的根本原因之后, 阐明了该方案的优越性。关键词: 单片机, 精简指令集, 算术逻辑单元, 流水线 Abstract: Work principle for ALU in an 8_bit RISC Singlechip microcomputer is described. The traditional PIC scheme, 332 Pipeline scheme and 44 Pipeline scheme are compared on the base of the principle, which are implemented using Synopsys design tools. Results from synthesis and simulation shows that 44 scheme operates the fast, which is 43.9% Faster and only 1.6% larger than 332 scheme. The essential reason why the performance is so different is analyzed.Then the advantage of 44 scheme is clarified.Key words: Singlechip, Microcomputer, RISC, ALU, Pipeline
上传时间: 2013-10-18
We all know the benefits of using FieldProgrammable Gate Arrays (FPGAs): no NRE, nominimum order quantities, and Faster time-tomarket.In an ideal world, designs would never needto be changed because of design errors, but we allknow that sometimes this is necessary.
上传时间: 2013-11-04
A CCITT-16 CRC calculator. The source contains both the calculated (smaller but slower) version, and the table driven (Faster but larger) version.
标签: calculator calculated contains smaller
上传时间: 2015-01-13
8051上的CRC8校验 A CCITT-8 CRC calculator. The source contains both the calculated (smaller but slower) version, and the table driven (Faster but larger) version.
标签: calculator calculated contains smaller
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Altera recommends the following system configuration: * Pentium II 400 with 512-MB system memory (Faster systems give better software performance) * SVGA monitor * CD-ROM drive * One or more of the following I/O ports: - USB port (if using Windows XP or Windows 2000) for USB-Blaster(TM) or MasterBlaster(TM) communications cables, or APU programming unit - Parallel port for ByteBlasterMV(TM) or ByteBlaster(TM) II download cables - Serial port for MasterBlaster communications cable * TCP/IP networking protocol installed * Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or later, or Windows XP * Internet Explorer 5.0 or later Memory & Disk Space Requirements USB开发
标签: system configuration recommends following
上传时间: 2015-03-27